Is this for real?
This is a crazy story. Is this a hoax? I'm unclear as to whether charges were filed against the hapless deliveryman or not. Or where the camera came from. Wow, just wow!
3 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2008
I'm sorry, but what knucklehead of a public figure would have such an obvious email account as You would have THOUGHT that someone on the McCain campaign would have made sure this was secured (or eliminated) was she was chosen as McCain's running mate? Duh! Apparently Sen. Obama's comment about Sen. McCain not being able to use a computer applies to his staff also.
I feel for this poor guy - I'm sure he felt he was trying to do the right thing. I've been there, done that - spent 3 years in litigation over the same issue. Thing about PCI is that the auditors can only check what they know about. If the company doesn't fully disclose all of the information about their environment then the PCI DSS is pretty much useless. To get an idea of what it takes for an IT professional to successfully blow the whistle check