Just a correction.
"And remember, we loaned y'all a lot of firearms back in the early 40's, just in case Hitler decided to cross the Channel, because, surprise, surprise, nobody being allowed to own guns= unarmed citizenry in time of need. Too bad you didn't learn your lesson, and worse yet, YOU DIDN'T SEND THE DAMNED THINGS BACK!"
These sorts of "what about when we saved your butt in the war" posts always bemuse me, partially because they are usually illogically and incorrectly presented, partially because they are irrelevant to anything, and partially because they are a little economical with the truth.
Britain was given huge helping hand with Lend-lease, but it was a loan. It provided a life-line when British industry was stretched. But a stretch it also is to say that Hitler planned to invade the UK because nobody had a gun at home. I'd be keen on seeing some evidence for such a claim, otherwise we'll just accept it for the nonsense it is.
And we'll also note that in rural England guns were, and are, not uncommon, and that secondly the primary weapons of the British soldier in WW2 were the Lee Enfield, the Sten gun and the Bren Gun....all British.