Re: Yep, it'll work.
Actually I think people now buy either an android or an iPhone in a form of psychological lock-in. I was an early adopter of android and at the time the iPhone was more polished than my HTC Desire. Now I have an LG G2 and I find the iPhone dinky and a bit crap looking, particularly the lack of widgets and animations.
The biggest thing though is I find the iPhone cack to use. I miss the back button and the menu button massively. On screen widgets with my next appointments and shortcuts on my lock screen are also missing. So I find the usage of the iPhone unpleasant.
But the flipside is I have stopped trying to show iPhone users the different options when their contracts come up for renewal. Pretty much I say get another iPhone. They find android hard to navigate. Things are in the wrong place. I'm sure there are other things they miss that I don't even know it does.
Apple will continue to sell iPhones to existing iPhone users. The battle will be won or lost in the new users entering the market. Did you start iPhone or android. That is where you will be in the future.