* Posts by fords

18 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2008

Official: Sky to buy O2 and BE's home broadband product in £200m deal


Sky routers

You can use your own router if you're a Sky customer, but they won't give you the ADSL login details and if you need tech support they won't support any router but their own. Happily a quick search will give you the instructions on how to pull the details from your router. When we discovered how crap our Sagem router was we switched to our own equipment with no hassle.

Google slaps malware warning on Radio 3 website


Must be a Firefox thing...

...cos it works fine in Opera.

ID cards poster girl laments her £30



After a quick swatch on Facebook, I couldn't find her group. I really wanted to join it so I could point and laugh :(

Ofcom smites silent callers

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Recording calls

As long as you're telling the spammer you're recording the call, it's legit.

BBC to cull radio stations, halve websites in painful biz review


6 Music has to stay

I recently went back to listening to 6 Music during the day now that Lamb has bogged off (epic fail BBC for thinking us ladies would swoon over the badger haired twonk). My favourite show is still Craig Charle's show and there really isn't anything out there that matches it. I read recently that 6 Music only costs £7 m a year to run - a pittance really.

Get rid of Switch, 1Xtra and Two Pints instead please!

Peppa Pig told to belt up


It's not rocket science

My daughter adores Peppa Pig but even at the age of (almost) three she knows it's not real. On the two occasions she did try to wriggle out of her car seat though, we just stoppd the car and told her we're going nowhere. Worked a treat.

Ladies put off tech careers by sci-fi posters, Coke cans

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What a load of old shit

Maybe women preferred the other room because it was tidier? I'm a woman in IT but I can't stand working in a messy workplace. I'm also not a big sci-fi fan either - oh noes, I'm not normal! Bring on the soft pastels!

'Alienated' gamer sues WoW for ruining life


What a numpty

I actually want this to go to court, so I can (hopefully) laugh at the verdict of EPIC FAIL.

Apparently his lawsuit against Sony chucking him off their forums was because they were violating his First Amendment rights, to which Sony replied "we're not part of the government". I have no sympathy for the guy. Nobody forced him to play WoW and although the game is very addictive, Blizzard do remind us to take a break every so often and visit our friends outside of Azeroth every now and again on the loading screen. If you choose to ignore that advice then that's your problem.

Gov advisers slate Home Office over innocents' DNA retention


'UK' database?

This doesn't happen in Scotland. If you're not charged your DNA isn't kept on file.

115,000 nabbed for in-car calling



So you're saying that even though you're moving slowly, it's still ok to use your phone while driving? What if the driver in front of you brakes suddenly and you crash into them, because you were too busy yabbering away not to notice? The law is the law for all speeds for a reason; you can still cause a fair bit of damage to a car even at 10 mph.

If I'm in the car with my husband, he'll answer the phone for me and I'll do the same for him, but if I'm on my own I plug my handset in. It really ain't rocket science to use the handset you get with your phone and Bluetooth sets are mega cheap these days.

I'm currently training to be a driving instructor. I gave the guy at the interview a good laugh when I said one of the reasons I want to do it is because I'm fed up with the amount of numpty drivers on the roads. I don't claim to be the best driver in the world but as soon as I see some eejit with their phone glued to their ear and doing 40 on the motorway it does make me want to shout at them.

Scottish gov to curb personal data collection

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Quite right

What makes you think us Scots want Brown back? :P

But well done the SNP, once again showing those clowns in Westminster how to do it.

Mobiles finally admitted to English hospitals


Old news for some of us

I spend a lot of time in hospital (I volunteer for hospital radio in Scotland and despise Patientline) and to be honest with you patients are generally quite considerate with their mobile phone use. In the hospital I visit patients are even allowed to charge their phones. We also take advantage of mobiles being allowed by letting people text in their competition answers so everyone wins!

I once had a good chat with a nurse one night who informed me that mobiles are now allowed in all high dependency units because the risk of interference with equipment is minimal, and only then it's only if the equipment is really old as new equipment isn't affected in the slightest. So there ya go - straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak ;-)

BT's third Phorm trial starts tomorrow

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Vote with your wallet folks

We did - we joined o2 who don't throttle and want nothing to do with Phorm.

Artemis Fowl scribe to pen sixth Hitchhiker's novel


If they insist on doing this...

...I second Terry Pratchett. Nobody else comes close to DNA's style.

However. Do I think that the idea is bad? Yes!

Will I buy the book anyway? Probably :-/

Thales wins first UK ID card contract

Dead Vulture

Choices choices..

I don't want or need an ID card - I have a passport and a driver's licence and don't have to prove who I am to anyone, thank you very much. However, if I get carted off to jail for my principles they'll take my fingerprints and a DNA swab....still trying to figure out which of them I will mind the least!

Rebellious BT computers refuse to take orders

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Stuck with the buggers

At least some of you have the option of Virgin!

Heaviest Virgin Media downloaders face new daytime go-slow

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Virgin - bunch of eejits

We are ADSL customers with Virgin. We usually get speeds of 7 meg as we live fairly close to the exchange. We're now moving to O2 because Virgin decided that my playing WoW and using Ventrilo at the same time makes me a bad person. They then throttled us down to 70k - yes, 70k - but didn't bother to tell us by email or letter. Cue me going nuts at them, throwing in the facts that their T&Cs don't go into any specifics about throttling and anyway, when I signed up I was told that gaming was fine. I also mentioned the Trade Descriptions Act and that other one about making contracts/T&Cs difficult to understand or misleading. They also felt obliged to drop the £50 cancellation fee too. . O2 goes live on Tuesday and I cannot wait. *evil grin*

The economy: A big Arab did it and ran away, claims PM


Scotland disowns Brown

I can understand why you want him to bugger off back to Scotland, but the trouble is we don't want him!