Re: Not the revolution you were looking for
Just click the Google translate button if you're using Chrome and most of the code converts to English.
25 publicly visible posts • joined 20 May 2008
My complaint is that a company is gaining advantage by abusing the varying VAT rates in the EU. Whether that rate is reasonable is an entirely different, but valid, argument. Basically it's down to the governments to sort out the very broken tax system that companies are running rings around. The only upside is that at least Amazon is passing on the saving rather than keeping it for themselves. I suspect that won't last once they've nailed down their monopoly.
I have applied the hack to open up the PRS-T1 android OS and I can run the Kindle software just fine. Only slight annoyance is that the fonts won't go as small as I would like. You have to sure to tap to move pages not swipe on the app otherwise it causes loads of e-ink flicker as it tries to animate the page turn.
Greg - £15! You've been had mate. £9.99 for unlimited 2 disks at home + streaming. I bet someone has better than that too! No duff disks so far. You sure your DVD isn't on its way out?
fwibbler - definitely better on mine but then I've 50Mbps. I've had one case where it seemed to think I was on a slow connection and then, yes, it was pretty unwatchable. Lowish bitrate freeview is the quality for me. Fine for most of the limited selection of B-movies available.
As noted in other el-reg stories, the PRS-T1 runs android and its possible to get to it.
ok most android stuff is pretty unusable with e-ink display but there is potential there. The "upgrade" even survived the last Sony update. The kindle app works - I've bought a (DRM'd) book - but suffers from excessive flicker because it animates the page turns. I've not found any way of disabling that otherwise it'd an excellent reader even more flexible.
If they didn't place a laptop with wifi turned off next to the control then this experiment is a load of guff. I can't read the full paper (payware) so I don't know whether they controlled both samples for temperature and so it could simply be heating. If so, then the wifi aspect is pure "give me more money for research" bull emissions.
DLNA is a good option if you don't mind losing live tv.
I use a Sony BDP-S470 but by default the mime types are broken in the mythtv DLNA server. This is apparently fixed in 0.25 but until that is released I use twonky and to workaround the problem. Mythlink runs every 30 mins are so and twonky picks up the new file structure. It then streams fine. My setup is still just SD but there's no reason HD shouldn't be ok too (ymmv).
Another foible is that you have to use a browser to schedule and clean up old recordings. I've an android phone so it's actually quite convenient to update schedules while still watching telly.
I picked up the sony for under £100 ex-demo. It's slim with a decent WAF - i.e. a normal remote.
Avoid the S380 which doesn't have DLNA. The S370 does I believe.
Oh yeah, it plays blurays and supports LoveFilm streaming.
Electric cars tend to have a relatively low top speed for their power as they're normally single geared. The motors can rev up to 16k rpm but the torque drops off after 7k.
So they have awesome acceleration but the top end drops off. For real road use it's a non-issue.
It sad because many of these big companies think too short term. Apple spent years building the software base for their tablets and iphones. Then comes along HP, buys Palm and expect software as good as Apple in 12 months or they give up. They need to give the WebOS division their head to make the best possible software over several iterations. Not give up after 12 months. Pathetic.
This is an excellent idea. Define standards (communications/data formats etc) and let companies complete to produce solutions that are sold to the individual trusts. The hopeless stuff will soon be weeded out and instead of a one-off monolith doomed to be out of date before deployed, then we could have a dynamic market. Government should pay for a reference solution for the actual formats and let the companies sort out the features to provide.
It just hurts that the Tories have come up with this!