* Posts by jason bennett

10 publicly visible posts • joined 16 May 2008

Windfarm Britain means (very) expensive electricity

jason bennett

@jimmy Posted Wednesday 22nd July 2009 16:49 GMT

I think you will find the answer is 60,000 wind turbines.

From your figures: largest wind turbine is 5MW operating at 20% efficiency giving 1MW per turbine

Meaning 60,000 turbines required to generate 60,000 MW


jason bennett

@Flocke Kroes

I think you will find that sustainable biofuels (i.e derived from waste materials such as ligno-cellulose) could go some way to ensuring future supply of liquid transportation fuels. All other transportation options seem to rely on electricity which we simply don't have the capacity to generate!

jason bennett


The electric car is perhaps the biggest environmental red herring in existence..........


It shouldn't happen to a vetting database

jason bennett

@Anonymous Coward 20th July 2009 16:02 GMT

I may be wrong but from speaking to my employer (University HR office) a company has to be "licensed" to carry out enhanced checks, as all Universities are. Only companies whose job roles fall outwith the remit of the Rehabilitation of offenders Act can gain such a license - hence it is IMPOSSIBLE for companies who shouldn't be carrying out enhanced checks to do so as the CRB/Disclosure Scotland will know that they are not licensed to do so. The nurse you mention is a completely different situation - she would have had to undergo an enhanced check as nursing is an exempted proffession.

jason bennett

@ AC 12:04

As far as I am aware not all employers are allowed to requst the highest levels of CRB check, that's certainly true in Scotland not so sure about England. Up here there are three levels of criminal record check - Basic (lists only convictions unspent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders act), Standard (lists both spent AND unspent convictions) and Enhanced (lists spent AND unspent convictions AND any presence on barred lists AND so called "soft info" -allegations etc). For an employer to request either a Standard or Enhanced disclosure their particular proffesion has to be deemed as Exempt from the Rehabilitation of offenders act i.e Teachers, Care home workers etc. As such employers not working solely with children or vulnerable adults CANNOT request the higher level of disclosure.

National Safety Council seeks total* cell-phone driving ban

jason bennett
Thumb Down

How long until the UK government goes the same way?

Not that it bothers me. I flout the mobile phone driving ban daily and with the amount of police on our roads I would say the chances of being caught are close to nil!

Europe's Tesla will be first with full performance

jason bennett

@Paul Barnfather

It is a totally ficticious piece of nonsense that the plantet does not possess enough land to grow enough biomass for ethanol powered engines. How up to date are you with biofuel research? The technology is at a stage where almost every agricultural plot in the western world could be put to dual use i.e. food and fuel. Take for example a field of barley, all we use for consumption is the tiny grain from the tip of the entire plant. It is perfectly possible to bio-convert the rest of the plant into bioethanol. This represents just one of the MANY waste products which could be used as a substrate.

Now Hollywood is chasing UK downloaders

jason bennett

How safe is Giganews?

I rarely download from bitorrent - it's just asking for trouble if you ask me. I download everything from Giganews. I'm assuming that because you dowload from the server and do not distribute the material to anyone else then any court action would see substantially lower damages awarded than if you were using bitorrent?

Carbon Trust: Rooftop windmills are eco own-goal

jason bennett


"We have maybe 100 years of nuke fuel left at current consumption rates."

This argument put forward, mostly by the "green brigade" really gets my goat. Yes if you are referring to known Uranium deposits they may only last for 100 years. What this fail to take into account however is a number a rather large points. Firstly more reserves are being found, improvement in extraction techniques can make existing reserves far more viable. Secondly, why do people (mostly ignorant of how nuclear power is generated) believe Uranium is the only element that can be used in fission stations? Ever heard of Thorium?

Activist coders aim to deafen Phorm with white noise

jason bennett

Who know anything about contract law?

I'm in the process of trying to leave BT however I have been arguing with them for months about my existing contract - im only in month 6 of and 18 month contract. I have told BT I do not agree with the terms and conditions they will have to put in place to cover Phorm and have told them I want my MAC code. They are refusing to give this to me as they are claiming the changes made to the T's and C's are not "material" and as such they wont release me from the contract unless I pay a penalty. Anybody know where I stand? Surely if they change the T's and C's from the ones upon which I originally agreed they have to release me without penalty?