* Posts by Tech Girl

1 publicly visible post • joined 14 May 2008

PC World, Currys staff to be dumped in DSGi rescue plan?

Tech Girl

My friends and colleagues

This is the first time I have ever posted a message on any forum, the reason I am doing so is because I am so angry at people who think it is funny that my friends and colleagues could be losing their jobs tomorrow.

It must be lovely to be so smug and safe in the fact that they are perfect at their jobs and never make mistakes.

I know pc world is not perfect and i dont care that the cables are over priced, i dont care that you object to us selling tvs (its called making money and growing your market share so you can stay in business) we know things are wrong and we are trying to fix them from the ground up.

I hope you never have to face redundancy and your pensions stay in tact.

By the way if you truly want to experience over pricing and poor service I suggest you buy your contact lenses from optical express.