* Posts by Ben

19 publicly visible posts • joined 12 May 2008

Germany not a hard-line censor after all


The Law

Nothing, as far as I'm aware of, that the Nazi's did was against the law.

That isn't German bashing, it's more appropriate for the UK at the moment in fact.

The point is that when Criminals are making the Laws the Laws become Criminal.

Law != Justice

Report: Legalising drugs would save UK plc huge packet


Well it's worth a try...

Nobody's working anyway.

Last call for UK liberties


Re: Re: How about if I just cut it to...

Sorry Sarah, the original title was "1948". It was science fiction used in its usual manner, to criticise the present. The censors didn't let the original title pass, so he reversed the digits.

Then again, he wasn't very bloody far off about the use of war with the manipulation of language for social control by one's own corrupt govenors, was he?

Sub-prang panic: Calm down, it happens all the time


Nuclear Accidents

So, all those underwater nuclear accidents have had no impact? Which studies would you be referring to? Oh, you aren't. You're just saying whatever you like.

The impact of Nuclear is institutionally downplayed. Perhaps it would do a great deal of good to remind yourself what *really* happened at Chernobyl. It is, of course, far simpler to ignore accidents that happen underwater.


Of course, over the last few thousand years we have driven a huge number of species (of comparable size and sophistication) into extinction for a wide variety of reasons. Lets not add another cause, which takes over 250,000 years before it begins to go away.. eh?

The pan-European Office for the Ecodesign of everything

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Tired of hearing such black/white commentary

The same argument is continually put forward wherever there are "safety" issues... whether it was the first proposals (for hideously expensive) car safety testing, pharmacutical testing, and the list can just go on and on.

This is a mechanism that goverments use to *open up* new markets, by forcing their industrial base to be the first/among the first to enter it. It's also a handy way of locking out nations that are slower on the uptake.

Yes, it's expensive to get started... but to say that it limits innovation to large companies is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. This is a tech. magasine. Ever heard of Venture Capital?!?

We live in a Capitalist society, and these massive regulatory shifts provide precisely the opportunity for technological innovators to enter the market (backed by sufficient capital) because they can overcome the smothering market presence of the larger players.

21 million German bank accounts - yours for only €12m


We're talking about Germany, not Britain

Oh, they've got money to loose alright.

They've been investing in their infrastructure, saving their money, and developing new industries based around environmentalism, rather than war. I wish we could say the same for Britain, otherwise we'd be in a position just as strong as the Germans.

Apple opens Macbook front in iPhone jailbreak war

Jobs Horns

No publicity ...

...is bad publicity...

This is turning out to be the perfect way to keep Apple *constantly* exposed in the tech press whilst outsourcing security testing to unpaid volunteers. Good work Jobs.

The DNA database and you


I didn't realise it was so many

I'm on their black list - as are many hundreds of thousands of other people - without having committed a crime, or being cautioned/charge or anything else.

It makes me angry everytime I think about it, and was one of the reasons I left the country.

Living the UK had begun to feel oppressive, I hated being treated like a criminal, watched everywhere by CCTV, knowing that all my innocent conversations were nevertheless being monitored up at Blubberfields for the Americans, watching the way the police can get away with impunity with any behaviour they like.

The upshot of all this survellance and police power is not a more peaceful and law abiding country, far from it. It is causing an escalation and confrontation with the state, whilst at the same time alienating people who believe in law for the sake of justice.

Being constantly treated with suspicion and distrust by your own government is a disgusting way to have to live.

Koreans create dancing droid


RARE Video

Wow, that was hard to find.



Compressed-air car to go commercial next year?

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Perfect for cities

...no really. Fast enough, goes far enough, non-polluting enough, safer for pedestrians and cyclists, really nice to get into and out of, cheap enough... just wanted to get that in there before all the w*****s start complaining it's not a flyingcar/300mph supercar.

Scotland Mountain Rescue turns on Ofcom



Wouldn't an obvious way to make government behave responsibly and support these Charities (which if they didn't exist the government would have to pay for directly) is for mountain rescue and the lifeboat service to publicly state that unless they *are* supported or *given* spectrum, they will suspend their activities and strike?

ePassport tests put biometrics through their paces


For crying out loud

Governments (not the people we elect as "representatives" but the institutions that govern us) operate over decades.

It's not about "technical feasibility", it's about "do we want it" / "can we allow it to happen?".

The technological problems are far from insurmountable - even if it takes decades - the question is, do we want to go down that road?

Wall Street shudders under Lehman collapse


Capitalism, or just a "brokers pyramid scheme"?

Hoards of NINJAs (NoInvestmentsNoJoborAssets) who haven't got a hope in hell of being able to repay massive mortgages, being conned into thinking they can, produces an (initially profitable and *potentially* huge) stream of income on which huge profits can be made.

These contracts are then consolodated and resold to institutions around the world, making the handful of people who promoted and backed them (i.e. dishonestly rated them as AAA+ and bought them on behalf of the institutional investors for commission) *stupendously* rich.

The collapse of the pyramid (as the poor saps at the bottom aren't coming in fast enough to keep the whole game moving) pulls down the insitutions around it and bankrupts the people who fell for the impossible dream while the winners walk away scot free.

It looks entirely criminal from where I'm sitting, and it's hardly a shock given how many commentators have been warning about *exactly* this inevitable consequence over the last ten years. Heads should roll, and in the past (South Sea Bubble etc.) they did.

This is a kind of "grand theft" which really makes a mockery of the law and its inability to act against globalised commercial entities.

Taiwanese firm to sue over armed raid at IFA


Its the law

The reason Germany works is that they have rules and stick to them. The Nazi's didn't show us that the law itself is evil, they just made evil laws.

In this case, I far prefer it that patent laws are being enforced properly - because it exposes those laws for exactly what they are. Think of how many tyranical laws there are now in the UK. They are lurking just below the surface, away from the public conciousness, because (as yet) they are only being used to target relatively unpopular and little known figures/groups.

With any luck, the result of this will not only be a political backlash, but for the firms involved, some hefty payouts.

Chrome-fed Googasm bares tech pundit futility

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It's not even new

Isn't it just basically WebKit with a tabs in processes? aka Safari aka Konqueror.

It's nice and fast 'n' all. But what's the fuss?

DARPA funds radical disco-copter concept


Black Helicopter Variant


Concrete-jet 'printers' to build houses, Moonbases in hours

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@AC more through explanation

Have a look at the link http://www.contourcrafting.org/ Mr Glubb provided. It seems that the gantry is intended to pick up boards (lightweight, aluminimum probably) which look like they're to be layed on the freshly minted walls. From there it's pretty obvious that you just pour concrete over them to produce a floor. If that's done in layers, it become progressively self supporting so you really probably only need a tiny amount of supporting board. For curved shapes I imagine the idea is just to cut off any excess around the building exterior after it's dried?!?

Really is one of those "Doh! That's so obvious, why didn't I think of it" ideas, isn't it! :)

Shine on Silverlight and Windows with XAML

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There are better alternatives

Try taking a look at OpenLaszlo.org . Even if it's been referred to as "going out on a twig" within the hallowed pages of the Reg, you'll find it's a real pleasure to program in - and capable of generating either DHTML/Flash from the same source code. (i.e. for ALL of the web). Basically, it's just better thought out without jumping through unnecessary architectural hoops to impress the management and justify a massive rise. Good stuff.

Back to the future: the Java client’s second go-round

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Hmmm, wonder where they got that idea from?

...perhaps from their code inspection of OpenLaszlo when they were "thinking" of buying...

...I've heard that Adobe did the same and then produced Flex. It's a tough old world.