* Posts by ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

26 publicly visible posts • joined 9 May 2008

David Attenborough warns that humans have stopped evolving

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

You're all getting carried away.

God will decide when our time is up. Not us. Or David Attenborough.

Don't forget.

Files aren’t property, says US government

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

they really appear to have shot themselves in the foot here...

...in fact, not only themselves, but they could potentially have wiped out an entire IP/copyright protection industry.

of lawyers and associated litigants/parasites.

one can but dream <sigh>

Assange fights extradition in court

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again


...more assange....

Documents in Assange rape probe leak onto the net

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

for clarity

1) lots of people think assange is a glory huntin diddy.

2) lots of people think assange should be elevated to superhero status

3) he clearly lacks social skills, in the sense that he mis-understands the "no condom, no sex" rule seemingly provided by both these women

4) he may have low hygiene standards

5) i understand the case had been dealt with (I could be wrong, don't care) prior to that naughty scamp assange's release of diplomatic files

6) the furore arising from the documentary evidence that a certain super power's diplomats actually lacked diplomacy skills, along with a similar state of affairs with some of its lapdog states, and high profile "public figures", caused, well a furore.

7) after much head scratching, said super power got cheesed off that they couldn't prosecute the scamp themselves, and invited some swedes to re-open/re-examine the facts surrounding the sexual assault charges, thus permitting them to request extradition.

8) these charges have absolutely nothing to do with wikileaks, nor any of the generally perceived (on here i think) good stuff arising from it.

9) both sides gain from this - assange gets increased profile, albeit as an entry on a register, and possible incarceration - though he'll be warmly received on release (ironically, as he wasn't when said incidents happened - allegedly). The yanks are seen to be doing something, when really they can't do anything at all.

10) Everyone's a winner. Except for us having to listen to this crap over and over again.

In summary - wikileaks - good.

assange - bit of a twat really (allegedly)

swedish prosecutors - "how high obama?"

yanks - emotionally damaged third party, but putting on a brave face - bless.

Tumblr and 4chan knock each other out

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again


...what will countless angst ridden emos/twilight drones/annoying self important teenagers do with themselves now?

Spandau Ballet get the Tourette's karaoke treatment

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

so, like...

you guys and popbitch gonna merge at somepoint in the future? "Reg-bitch" anyone?

Joy Division designer tackles England footie strip

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
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this has to be a first...

...on el reg forum anyway...two oblique musical references beuatifully merged....fantastic....

Once-in-a-lifetime gag tops Fringe quip list

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again


I have to agree with the Runcible Spoon, and the following AC - i thought that Emo Phillips one was best...

as for the wooden spoon joke, i think it refers to the wooden spoon-like flags some "order food at the bar", wotherspoons type "restaurants" have, to signify a food order has been placed...but i don't really know, and certainly won't lose sleep over it...

"alleged" joke alert

Women, gorillas likelier to have sex with men wearing red

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
IT Angle

does this explain...

...the predominance of red in El Reg's layout?

Dell outsourcer lifts US woman's saucy pix from PC

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

or how about....

...."you did whaaaat??"

Britons: iPhone eighth most important invention — ever

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

without wanting to get too deep into it....

...who "invented" hot water?

Apple bins iPhone covers

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
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Ian Dury reference....like it.

Apple squashes wobbly jub app

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
Big Brother


...most, if not all, iphone holders are w@nkers anyway so they wouldn't need any i-pron assistance?

apologies if repeating anything above, but well, we can't all be wrong eh?

Directgov kids' site apes explosive gay porn brand

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

...or possibly...

...as if someone's "burst" his bubble....

Microsoft 'offered sex and drugs to distributors'

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

well, look at the MS board...

...do you seriously think any of them took time out in the late 70's to investigate the music scene of landaaan taaaan?

i'm sure there was something funnier to be written here, but on having to re-log in to the site, it appears to have gone askew...ah well...

South African Police reveal Apple tablet photos

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

it's only a matter of time, so...

...i'd have to say i'd prefer "dem apples" to anything Jobs is likely to chuck at his admiring hordes...

well, it's true....

Critics aim to sink Titanic ice cubes

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

wasn't there a...

space shuttle challenger jigsaw on the market for a bit before it was somewhat hastily withdrawn 'lest anyone got offended?

the miracle there is the fact i remember which one the challenger was...so it can't all be bad surely?

Coldplay flog kit on eBay

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

world's greatest tat bazaar

....nuff said i think...

grenade coz it's what i'd like to send them at their next recording session. (this won't get me into trouble from the thought police will it???)

Serial slurry fetish man jailed again

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

do you think...

...that if he does the "good behaviour" thing in prison, they'll let him slop out?

Why teachers fear Callum, Chelsea, Connor and Crystal

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

@ SarahBee and any other "amusing kid's names commenters"

we were strolling casually round our local ned heaven / shopping "mall" some time ago, surveying the plebs from our morally/socially high brow platform of aloofness, when we spied the best there can possibly be.

An obviously new born wee unfortunate (for reasons soon to become clear), smothered in pink frills, and pink frilly cushions in her shiny new silver cross baby bucket/pram, being paraded round her soon to be playground by the obviously proud parents, attired solely in "sports" gear, with said trackies tucked into their sparkling white socks, just below the knee. Oh, let's not forget the burberry hats at a jaunty angle either. Or the cheap-looking gold hanging off the pair of them.

We chanced to spy that one of the cushions had the wee girl's name stitched into it, along with her dob (primitive form of ID card I guess) , and this is where it gets groovy.

What does the research suggest about this wee one's life/school performance? <wait for it>

She appeared to be named "Chantelle Latrine".

erm...getting me coat before it gets rifled....

British troops to wear smart earplugs in Afghan combat

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again


...hearing bullets and other such noises would be a plus in terms of ducking and other hi-tech approaches to not getting killed?

but then, i s'pose once you've signed that contract for queenie, it's all a bit moot...

Aliens - coz they might show us a sensible way...

Father of Playmobil dies at 79

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
IT Angle


were playmobil figures "playpeople" or "busybodies" ?

El Reg seeks top net neologism

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again
Gates Halo


...was one i first came across on el reg methinks...perhaps not it's original source, but as web related as most...

big bad bill in what looks like a pith helmet in those small pics....

Russell Crowe to play Bill Hicks?

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again


...i imagine that mistah hicks'd be mighty excited...the great russell crowe eh?

Alien coz i hope he's helping them devise a plan to get us off this f'ing planet

Angry? Try the Tw*t-O-Tron

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

somewhat obviously...

this post will probably be deleted. . the bbc pretends its not true but New Labour is taking over the government because they want to destroy us from within!. We must make sure everyone knows.

NZ bank robber stashes loot where the sun don't shine

ahahaha you won't catch me that easy again

wonder if...

...the $2k was in loose "bowels"??

mine's the first one that comes