Is it just me or ...
.... is this possibly the most fundamentally flawed idea in the history of anything? Nonsense ...
8 publicly visible posts • joined 9 May 2008
The Tesla is clearly a great bit of engineering but in the long-term electric cars are not at all practical. The Honda featured at the end of the show looks a much better prospect. However - I would still rather have a Caterham R500 (Top Gear Car of the year 2008) as it looked like brilliant fun going round the track in that!
The only problem I had with my iPhone 3G was the lag when opening contacts. 2.1 update has fixed that so now I will continue to be a happy customer. O2 Signal at my place in West Sussex is much better than my previous N95 8GB on Vodafone which only worked in one place in my whole house.
I have a shiny iPhone which was delivered to me while I was at work. Just got home and plugged it in and at the moment it is sitting around sulking like its owner ... I understand it is a massive worldwide launch but maybe they could have sacrificed a little bit of their control over what sim you put in the handset in exchange for the people who have purchased them actually being able to use the thing? Surely if they knew how many phones they had made they could therefore calculate what system resources would be required to register and activate all of them? Whoever did the calculations to estimate how many people would try and do it at the same time really messed up ...
The below comes from my own experience of the "three" option of USB modem and that of my colleague.
I have had no problems at all, not once have I plugged it in and found that it didn't work. I have had decent speeds and always found it simple to use, both with mac and pc laptops and even on my pc desktop when my "proper" broadband was down.
However, my colleague has had some real problems with his very similar but not identical modem. We went for a pitch meeting in Central London and found that the unit would connect fine but were sorely disappointed by the speed. So much so that we ended up using our emergency CAT5 cable and stealing internet from the client. Very embaressing.
For those interested we still won the pitch, perhaps more by luck than judgement! The only other thing I would say is that even though 'three' are one of the cheapest, I really wouldn't advise going with them purely for their customer service which is at best poor and worst non-existent. Although my experience is good from what I have read since my early-adoption of the technology it seems to be the case that the service is patchy at best and although it will generally always be better than a 56k modem. Perhaps it might be worth holding on and seeing if the service settles down and one provider emerges with a reputation for a reliable service.
Hope this helps!