* Posts by 4.1.3_U1

128 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007

C and Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie reported dead




Of course he was a great guy but it's not really in the same league.



man man

recurse ad infinitum.

I hope this helps.



Much as I hate typos I struggle myself to type coherently using this ridiculous touchscreen on my phone.

Dennis Ritchie: The C man who booted Unix



This is a great loss. In many ways this touches me more than the death of Steve Jobs last week.

Must find K&R books on shelf. Must not give up. Repeat.

Samsung NS310 netbook


Are there any?

I've been looking around, and haven't seen a netbook (i.e. 10" screen or less) that aren't atom powered. Anyone got a good example of one?

My Tracks travel tracker


Make maps public

This box is ticked by default, which I personally think it shouldn't be.

The effect of this is that "Uploaded maps will be visible to anyone on maps.google.com"

Just untick the box if you're concerned about privacy.

I use Endomondo (at the same time as My Maps) too - the autopause feature is useful.

Forget Flash – content is king


I'm not with you

Being a sysadmin, when my wife's car needed fixing last month (power steering and brakes causing trouble in this case), I called my local wreckers / car repairers and booked the car in, then dropped it off with them later in the week. Next day they called me and said they'd found the parts needed in another wreckers on the other side of the country (not Canada, but quite large anyway) using some no doubt similar website to the one you found after about a week's worth of digging. They told me how much it was going to cost, got the parts and fixed the car.

End result, I did a week's worth of sysadmin tasks and don't even know the name of the website, or whether it uses flash.

Mastercard downed by Anon-Assange-fans


Paying for it

At least you can use paypal/visa/mc to rent your botnet nowadays.

How do you copy 60m files?



Did you try rsync?

I haven't tried copying umpteen million files on windows with it, but it's part of the default cygwin installation on windows.

If you must use windows, and you're not using cygwin, you're missing something.

Canonical reveals next Ubuntu's touchy side



"much to their credit, it's being proposed as a part of X.org upstream,"

Ah, so I might find this filtering into Fedora later ...

UK hot-swaps leaders - Brown out, Cameron in

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New ElReg name for the coalition, suggestion #1

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New ElReg name for the coalition, suggestion #2

Mark E Smith pens World Cup ditty


Glitter Freeze

Have a listen to 'Glitter Freeze' on Gorillaz' Plastic Beach album if you like Mark E Smith - my favourite track.

Acer extends laptop warranty for overseas travel


Happening already

I bought an Acer netbook from the UK and had it shipped to Australia in June last year. I contacted both the vendor and Acer Australia when the hdd died recently, and Acer agreed to repair it - even paying for shipping. They claimed to be unable to reinstall the original linux os install; I should get the machine back next week.

So, it seems that the new policy may already have been unofficially implemented already - I had been fearing that I might need to pay for return shipping to the UK.

Huawei E5 Wi-Fi/3G modem



How does this compare to tethering your wifi (or bluetooth) enabled device to a suitable 3G phone?

Surely everything the mifi offers can equally well be achieved though tethering (assuming the 3G phone is unlocked). Such a 3G phone offers the added advantage of being able to make and receive phonecalls.

Samsung Galaxy i7500


Is this the first Android phone supporting WCDMA 850?

I've noticed that these reviews never include the supported WCDMA frequencies - OK all phones are now quad-band GSM - but if one is interested in using a phone on a particular network (Telstra NextG / WCDMA 850 in Australia in my case) it is useful to know which frequencies are supported.

In this case, a bit of looking around suggests that this one is WCDMA: 850/900/2100 (Tri-Band) - does this make it the first Android handset supporting 850 WCDMA?

Please add supported frequencies in reviews in future.

Jamaica cracks down on 'daggering' after broken todger upswing

Dead Vulture

6+ month old story

The date of the Jamaica Star story is 9 October 2008 - why are we getting such old news?

PC firms slammed in latest Greenpeace eco report

Paris Hilton

It's all very well ...

... but there aren't really any credible incentives to be green - like who gives a shit?

Orange to bundle free Eee with HSDPA modem, airtime


Which OS

Is this linux or MS?

Dell to launch 'Eee PC beater' today


Acer Aspire One

For all those who have moaned previously about el Reg not having reviewed the Acer Aspire One, here's the link:


Personally I'm quite please with the eee PC 4G I picked up from eBay for around GBP120 last week.

Let's see what Dell offers.

Swedish men left frustrated by state sex aid policy

Paris Hilton

The link

Of course is apoteket.se

If your Swedish isn't so good, try the link there entitled "Gör det sköna skönare!"

Asus launches second-gen Eee PC


@12GB for XP, 20GB for Linux?

Maybe the XP Licence costs the same as the difference in cost between a 20Gb and 12Gb SSD.

SanDisk warns that unsecured flash drives are coming to get you


Looking at the data

is probably the only way that you can try to return the flash drive to it's rightful owner.

Liverpudlians decapitate Ringo Starr


How sad

to even think of making a topiary in the first place.

Oh well, I guess they can just wait for it to grow up a bit then trim it into shape - or maybe attempt to graft a bit on.

Flames, because this would have been worse.

DroboShare network storage 'robot'

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I looked at (home) NAS boxes recently ...

... and came to the conclusion that it's cheaper / better to build a PC based on a mobo with 4 sata ports, particularly if, like me, you have old PC cases with power supplies hanging around.

Mine came in at under 100 quid (excluding disks) with a low-end Core 2 processor and 2Gb Ram.

UK postal vote system 'not fit for purpose'



Can anyone enlighten me as to who or what RON is in the context of elections?

Mega-mortuary creaks open its doors in Westminster



Does seem a bit of a bargain in terms of govt. spending - 102 slots for under a mill. Or is it missing a couple of zeroes?

Mine's the blood spattered one with the scalpel in the pocket.

BT business customer contracts to change Thursday

Paris Hilton

Last year

... they "upgraded" residential lines to 12 month minimum contracts (from 3). I got caught out by this but luckily managed to persuade them to let me off.

Paris, because she has no minimum contract.

Nokia E51 executive phone

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Dual band HSDPA

The E51 does both 850Mhz and 2100MHz HSDPA, which was the seller for me - this is the first phone I've come across which does both. This means it'll work on the NextG network in Australia and most European / Asian HSDPA networks.

'Beer Hunter' lifts 40,000 pints of Guinness

Paris Hilton

@£2.90 a pint?!

"a bottle (355 ml) of Guinness costs the equivalet of £1,45? that makes a pint less than £2!"

I think you'll find that a pint is around 565ml, and 1.45*565/355 = £2.31

Apple Macs


Mac Mini

"Customers do have to buy a display, mouse and keyboard if they don’t have spare ones already though” says the article.

I interpret this with the following caveat: "However, if they do NOT have a display, mouse OR keyboard (AND they can prove it (terms and conditions apply)) they are exempted from this compulsion to purchase.

Google preps magic GDrive



Your Files Are Belong To Us

Microsoft vows cluster OS upgrade will include Linux nod


@Ashlee's book

What we really want to know is whether it's available as a DRM infested download from anywhere to purchase.

Otherwise ...

Holy pancake appears on eBay



I never thought Jesus was supposed to have been cremated. If my son gets a pancake with anywhere near that much black on it he won't touch it.

Macs seized by porn Trojan


@Boot Cap

Maybe you could use the spare 'r' out of crontrab then it'd become Boot Crap.

Google jumps ahead of ITV1 on Q3 ad revenue



I realise that these are just UK ad figures, but how do the figures stack up as a whole (ITV vs Google)?

Also, how much more growth is available to Google - i.e. if one assumes that the (global) budget available to be spent on advertising is a slowly growing amount, how much longer can the revenue growth previously seen by Google continue?

BT aims to make UK a Wi-Fi kibbutz


@Neil Hoskins

I've been looking at Fon on and off for ages too; what makes this different and maybe worthwhile is the access to BT OpenZone.

However I'd expect most of the useful BT OpenZone hotspots to be 'premium hotspots' and hence excluded.

The Find Hotspots link on btfon.com didn't work for me (due to it being beta.bt.com / firewall / noscript / who knows) - has anyone checked and managed to find one in an airport / railway station etc?

EnGenius SI-680H Wi-Fi VoIP phone



For what it offers, this seems to cost too much: you can buy a SIP ata around GBP 20, a DECT phone for about the same, a mobile with 802.11 / SIP for slightly more than this unit.

So, what's the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum?


What about ...


We need proper units for describing how hot things are. My suggestion for the base unit is

Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey (bM).

Bath temperature (bT) = 3.14159 bM

Piping Hot (pH) = 5.43656 bM

Now we can start to cook something:

Deposit 1.414 Bulgarian airbags of water in a saucepan and heat to 1.7 pH (9.24 brass monkeys). Add a chicken egg (0.35gf) and wait until it's cooked - 1 sbut if you want to dip soldiers, up to half a wtita if hard boiled is more to your liking.

Mmmm ... time for breakfast

Wii wins console war, market watcher claims


re: next gen

Matt - I think "putting an orange with two lemons" says it all.

I don't own a console at all; thought of getting a Wii, but decided against it as I've got too much unused tech shit lying around.

'Microsoft' to compensate 419 victims


@Darwin Winklesworth

Your funds are now in a safekeeping account as requested. There is, however, an administrative fee needed to ensure you will be able to access this. Details will be available shortly.

... and

@Christopher Emerson

Of course I expect M$ employees to use hotmail addresses when they are perpetrating 419 scams - why not?

Obviously they don't fake the 'From:' header because they want to receive the reply - Doh!



Well, I was thinking of upgrading from 4.1.3_U1 to help out as none of these people have come forward, but I can only find the 4.1.4 disks: anyone got a spare set of 4.1.9?


@Glad to see El Reg being quoted

Yeah, this means some 419ers read this site: any of you out there reading now, please submit your comments (or are they already, and these all moderated away?).


Hotmail addy

As any fool knows, hotmail has been part of Microsoft for a good few years, so that's why it's such a great choice in this case.

Sony unveils PlayTV telly tuner for PS3



"The price of $135-$200 is actually for the PSP satellite navigation add-on 'Go Explore'."

But in the article it says:

"David Reeves, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, claimed PlayTV would extend the "broad entertainment credentials of PS3". He said the accessory would be priced between $135 and $200."

Who is right?

Incidentally, why should the "President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe" be quoting a price in $ at all?

Yahoo! Buys! German! Mobile! Ad! Company!


Imagine ...

"Imagine having the opportunity to automatically place rich-media mobile commercials into any mobile content which your target audience uses."

Pass the sick bag, I can imagine this well enough.

Monster.com torpedoes rogue server as malware scam rolls on


Personal details

To me, posting personal details on a site like monster.com is just a bad idea; surely it's better to send of a CV (resume) in response to a specific role?

Tycoon abandons £80k Maserati in London car pound


@Vicious AND spineless

Are they as bad as the Yorkshire asbo clamper?


Round here they're quite friendly - I left my car obstructing the driveway to the local court house and returned to find a note written on a piece of paper saying they'd made a note of my registration and asking me not to park here again!

Google will carpet YouTube with 'overlay' ads


re. Do you Google?

No, I use scroogle and am not subjected to the google adds.


@5 times more likely?

I can believe that I'll be five to ten times more likely to click on the overlay ad compared to a banner ad.

After all, what is five times nothing?