Wait for it...
This has to be the most boring thing I have ever heard of.
I'll get my coat.
75 publicly visible posts • joined 7 May 2008
But Steve Buscemi summed it up nicely in Armageddon:
"You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? "
Ok, apart from the nuclear weapon bit. That we're aware of.
....to just spend a couple of grand on an old V8, some sheets of corrugated iron, some castoff hockey armour with spikes bolted on, and a modified blunderbuss. As a semi-feral roadpunk, you're bound to survive the apocalypse by sheer force of narrative causality. Just stay away from any lone drifters.
Something tells me that Little Miss Shocked-And-Indignant will become substantially less shocked and indignant when it comes to the inevitably substantial settlement cheque.
And that lawyer should be shot for trying to insinuate paedophilia into his argument. She was 21, FFS! Closer to the age of a child, my arse.
Paris, because it's all about the money, beeyatch.
That is all.
Hmmm, should I be surprised that the identikit version looks a bit like Mahmoud Amadinejhad??? Are the 'merkans becoming so hysterical that all their "enemies" are starting to blur in their collective consciusness into one all-consuming, non-white, non-christian boogeyman?
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
If the studio gets their claws into it, expect:
Lady Jessica - Sandra Bullock
Leto Atreides I - Vince Vaughn
Chani - Kristina Kreuk
Paul Atreides - Zac Efron
Duncan Idaho - Will Ferrell
Also expect reimagining as "sci-fi action comedy" - except all the interviews will have the cast banging on about how "it's about the people so it's not really sci-fi".
Woot! Anyone got worse suggestions than that?
And of course the laws are always followed in real life aren't they? Just because a law exists, doesn't mean it gets followed. Abu Graib? Guantanamo? That's why cretins like this irritate me. Typical hand-wringing liberal attitude. It's the individuals involved that choose whether to follow the law or not, and govern their actions accordingly.
However, it might actually be interesting to build a war game where these laws do have an effect. Plenty of RPGs have a moral mechanism built in which affects gameplay. I think it's actually got potential. Fight clean and be lauded as a hero, or go rogue, get the job done and then escape into the jungles of Cambodia to run as soldier-for-hire? Games with a moral choice and ambiguity I find very interesting.
There was a theory around a while ago that the LHC might be sabotaging itself from the future by the simple expedient of ensuring that the quantum waveform of the universe always collapsed in such a way that the experiments failed. Think it was on New Scientist.
I speculated in a comment at the time that if this were true, then the faults and accidents would become increasingly outlandish and far-fetched as efforts to get it working ramped up.
And now a passing bird drops some bread right onto critical equipment and nobbled it again. And that was only the SECOND fault.
Can't wait for the next one. Hope it involves blancmange. Or rodeo midgets.
This is one step away from saying "Industry observers fear that a more severe outbreak of H1N1 could severely impact the coffee bar industry as people will be unable to leave the house for their usual decaff half-frapp skinny mocha chocca latte".
When we did we become such pansies that in the face of an admittedly so far overblown global pandemic, we fret about whether we'll still be able to post Twitter updates (@loser: help, apclypse is here! Loadza z0m813s at my door!!! LOLZ!)
Head for the mountains! Begin stockpiling ammo! Weld scaffolding and corrugated iron to your car!
"powerful tool for identifying suspects"
Not "tracking known suspects". He said, "identifying suspects". As in, if you're not already a suspect, you will be soon.
I'm starting a company specialising in sound-proofed Transit vans, black cloth sacks (head-sized), and bitumen-packed lengths of rubber hose.
Mine's the one with the Guy Fawkes mask and two bayonets in the pocket.
...using bloody gull-wing doors to show just how futuristic your concept car is?
It looks bloody ridiculous. No, actually, it looks like "Supervan" from that bloody awful 70's movie called er, Supervan.
And, I'm sure your kids in the back will be dead-chuffed that you have to expose everyone inside to the pissing rain just to jump out for a pint of milk.