Missed a trick???
I'm sure Facesuck could have charged £1 or so for this, they might actually have made some money for a change. Not that I would have paid (dont use it anyway) but im sure lots of morons, I mean users would.
117 publicly visible posts • joined 7 May 2008
Jacqui Smith said: "These new proposals will ensure that the all inocent people are on it, and never considering where people should come off. We will ensure that the most inocent of people and childeren are added to the database no matter when or where they were convicted."
"@ Steven : So what? If you're happy with what you're paying fine. For a company looking to cut costs - well, when the axe falls the power bill won't be the first thing they think is putting them over the limit, will it? It's the IT people - and rightly so, if adam's attitude is typical. (Which it is, from what I've seen.)"
The axe has already fallen, funnilly enough IT were the only department not affected... strange that. Oh yeah that's right they need IT to set up all that important stuff that runs during the night...
"The equipment can monitor everything in each data packet passing its location in the network, allowing both "the lawful acquisition of communications data" and the "the lawful interception of communications"."
Legal?!?!? Erm Europe don't think so...
Are you getting the same mystery legal advice as BT?
Now I have a PS3 and a 50" HD I want to buy everything on BluRay. Problem is, you just can't seem to get anything but Batman Begins. The Bluray section in my local Asda is smaller than a hobbit with growth deficiancy. yet the DVD section covers three massive walls (not counting the display stands).
Sounds like more money grabbing to me. Our business (which has no tellys) has to pay for 3 colour TV licenses; one per office (nearly £400 a year), just incase any staff watch a live stream on a laptop (not that anyone ever does). Frankly it's ridiculas. The beeb shouldn't get any kind of fee and should just have adverts like everyone else (i fast forward them on my sky+ anyway).
Sky complaining about unfair competition???? You've got to be kidding considering their blatant domination of the TV market, sports, movies etc. Didn't they even take a load of channels from Virgin (Sky 1 etc) at one point? Where was the competition commission then. Put your dummy back in Sky and go lay your own fibre network.
By far the most frustrating was when connectivity on one of our remote sites went down completely. After spending hours on the phone to a less then tech savy individual we eventually got to the route of the problem. She had unplugged the servers router to plug in a desk fan because she was hot...
Hmm let me see, stick to IE7 or Firefox (etc), or switch to the all new IE8 and break the internet...
Decisions, decisions...
Isn't new software meant to be better than the old version or am I missing something? Microshaft seem to be stuck in reverse. Hopefully soon they'll revert to amebas and stop making software for good, one can oly hope.
Office 2007 compatability pack anyone???
Step 1: Download from Microshaft website.
Step 2: Add to Group Policy install.
Step 3: Cup of tea.
Where exactly is their problem? Why are Microsoft working with them for a fix when there's been one around since just after Office 07 was released? Am I missing something???
3GB per day is more than enough for joe public, I rarely ever go over that. The only people IMO who would break 3GB per day are people downloading loads of films (undoubtedly pirated). So I'm frankly glad they throttle you, so I can keep a decent speed. Also my VM connection averages 19.something meg as I test it reguarly on speedtest.net. On my previous BT 8meg I only ever got 3meg at the best of times, usually between 1 and 2. As long as VM never implement Phorm there by far the best ISP IMHO.
I use live mail at home but cant at work so check my email through the web interface which I normally have open only on a small portion of the screen. The new 'framed' look messes this up as I cant scroll down to see my actual emails without making the window bigger, rater frustrating. You also cant just empty your junk email with one click like you used to you now actaully have to go into it to delete it (great security guys)!
"What is so bonkers with UK customers! Contact phones cost more than PAYG, unless you need to sit on the back seat of the bus & keep chatting."
WTF??? How did you work that blinder out? I pay 35quid a month on contract with a free phone. Previously I had a pay as you go which I spend about a 100 a month in credit on plus 150 for the phone in the first place??? Someone needs to think before they speak me thinks.
Well I guess that 'upgrade' to Vista ultimate last year was a waste of money, thought what the hell it will be round a while and get better in time. Well thanks Microshaft thats the last time I sh!t over 150quid down the toilet on your crap.
It's a shame more software/games don't support Linux. Had a brief run in with Ubuntu and loved it, only I couldn't do anything I use my computer for! (i.e. gaming and web design).
Ha your mate was lucky they didn't come, a friend of mine caught some guy breaking into his car and kept him in his house until police turned up. They knicked him for false imprisonment or something stupid and he ended up having to pay the criminal £2500 in compo lol.
This government seems to want to rubberstamp every little frickin thing we do before we are allowed to to it. Soon we'll have to fill in a 10 page health and safety risk assessment before even pressing the power button on our computers.
The internet is the last bastion of free speech in this world, luckily it was originally developed to survive a nuclear bomb so hopefully it should survive nu labours bum fuckery of our remaining civil liberties </rant>
If anyone uses BT Broadband you may get an email asking you to join BT Web Wise.
Please make sure you DON’T do this. The system is being fronted as a security tool, but in actuality monitors ALL of your internet usage and uses it to target you with advertising. This includes but is not limited to all websites you view, any details you enter into websites (including passwords, bank details etc) messages sent via instant messaging clients such as MSN and your personal emails.
The system is currently under investigation by the European courts and the Information Commissioners Office for breaches of the data protection act and wiretapping laws.
Please forward this email on to anyone you know who uses BT Broadband and feel free to sign the downing street petition against Phorm (the company behind Web Wise) here: