* Posts by Mike Green

3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 May 2008

Top Tory resigns on principle over 42 days bill

Mike Green
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Good on him...

It's a fairly safe seat, but it's pushed the issue into the open, and we'll have to see how the public sides.... I for one fully support him.

Top cop brands CCTV a 'fiasco'

Mike Green
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Response times.

I was awoken one night by shouting out in the street. I thought it was just some drunks, but about 5 minutes later I heard 'Do him' and laughing and what sounded like a brick being thrown. I dutifully called the cops and within minutes a cop car passed. I assume no one was caught, as I didn't hear from them, but they certainly turned up quick enough.

Sun's JavaFX to hoover-up user data

Mike Green
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Another Phorm of data harvesting?

Will companies stop trying to spy on us? Even the 'legitimate' ones seem to think it's a good idea...