Forget driverless cars
I want to ride one of those to work each day!
62 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Quote anon coward: "For the first time, I recently downloaded a movie using TPB. I liked it so much that I promptly bought a copy. It cost £5 including postage from an big online supplier. Maybe the distributors need to look at their pricing rather than criminalising their customers."
And next time I go to the Cinema, I will tell the Manager that I want to see the film free first to decide if I want to pay to see it. There is NO reason or justification for piracy. When will freeturds see how unreasonable their behaviour is. The producer of the film decides the price he wants people to pay to watch it. If you don't want to pay that then don't watch it. END OF!!!!
And let's face it, they did laugh in the face of copyright owners sending them letters asking for copyright material to be taken down, laughed and made fun of letters from lawyers threatening them with court action and thought themselves above the law. Glad he has been arrested and think the jail term should now include extra time for being a dickhead!
I know this will get downvoted because most readers of this forum are freeturd supporters anyway!
@Franklin "If the goal is to protect children or the elderly from those statistically likely to harm them, the first thing to do is keep their family members, close relatives, and other trusted folks far, far away, right?"
Keep my kids and family as far away as possible please! I might get some bloody peace then.
All the freetards here posting how they would happily pay each month for their downloads are talking utter crap. The moment P2P became legal they would swap to another one where they didn't have to pay and forget all about their posts here. Freetards are scum! Always will be!
The priority here is common sense and what is Just and Right!
Taping something you have bought on vinyl, transferring something from CD you purchased to MP3 player use should be perfectly legal. You have paid for a right to use that music for your personal use. However, DOWNLOADING something from a torrent site and which you haven't paid for should be clearly illegal! Uploading something to a Torrent site for others to share is clearly in breach of the licensing agreement and should be illegal.
There, law written. If everyone just abided by that principle, the music industry would be happy, genuine music lovers who purchase their music would be happy. FREETARDS wouldn't but then it is them the law is aimed at! Let them all rot in hell!
Why have you all got such a negative attitude to something that has been introduced to safeguard you when you travel. It is only the media whipping up their usual privacy/paedo/naked bodies oo'err missus.
Maybe you prefer that they say"It is unlawful to discriminate against a terrorist so pass through, you won't be scanned.."
Get a brain!
What the f**ck is the matter with everyone in these posts. This is a security device that is there to stop you being blown up/shot/stabbed etc in an aircraft. If the public get any reason to force rejection of these machines, it will be a bad move. BAA were right to try and counter the worry! Whio gives a toss if they can print images or not. If any of you think a ghostly picture is somehow erotic, then join the "I'm gonna shoot a paedeatrician" brigade cause it must be bad. For once, I am on the side of the BAA and Government.
If you want to run Micorosoft Flight sim X with all of the expansions, hardware and add-ons and settings to max, you need high end graphics cards. So just because you play kids games on a console rather than serious simulations...
You Reg readers make me laugh with your bigotted statements.
That's like saying Open Office should be sued by Microsoft because it is being given away free and basically does the same thing as their product!
What the F*ck is the world coming to? No-one is forcing you to use the software thats installed when there are many other pieces of software to use instead. Just because it is being given away free with Windows, that is not a crime? AVG bundle the Yahoo search toolbar into their product, but I don't want it. Google should sue them. Only the lawyers will win as usual.
The govenment have never had a problem getting our personal data out into the public domain, it's keeping it private and confidential that has been the BIG problem. Why hire a "big name" if not just for a publicity stunt. Another of Brown's attempts to keep his discredited government in power.
Most freeturds use the excuse that they only want to listen to the music before they buy and that is why they don't see anything wrong in downloading. They all come up with the crap that they will go out and buy the song / album if they like it. With Spotify, you can listen free to the whole song/album, almost any song you want as the library grows, legally and decide if you like it.
Pirate Bay is no longer needed as it is a business model that doesn't return anything to the copyright holder/music artist. Spotify does.
Why you are so in favour of the "ILLEGAL" activities of Pirate bay and their type amazes me. But then you really do want something for nothing. F***IN FREETURDS!
Its the same principle of Freeturds who won't pay for music thinking it is their right to download it free. Most of them argue that they want to listen to the music first before buying. Fine, well now you have Spotify where you can listen to free music all day long, whatever song you want, on demand, so Pirate Bay is no longer be needed to provide the "ILLEGAL" copies. No more excuses.
The Licence fee is for using the equipment and the airways, same as the car tax is required for using a car. It is NOT just to be allowed to watch the BBC. The fee pays for regulation of the braodcast industry and maintaining standards, allocating broadcast frequencies, monitoring and policing abuse of the airways to ensure correct seperation of channels, emergency frequencies etc etc etc. And most importantly, providing a high standard of programme making as a benchmark.
@RotaCyclic "I haven't read 1984, but I have been strongly recommended it. I thought that such a book written so long ago would have little relevance to today, but I am told it really is relevant and a worthwhile read."
No point in reading it now, its all come true, so just watch it in real life.
Interesting point you made that one day, kids may have to learn English AND Textspeak at school! That would then turn them against using text. Great idea. They might actually take up some other interest instead of continually texting each other and even develop real social skills such as talking rather than grunting, or am I being too optimistic?
Same old boring reg put down of second life. Getting tedious guys and showing a complete lack of originality in your articles.
@Don, professional quality like warcraft? Whether you like second life or not, the technological achievement linden labs has made is nothing short of incredible and puts it way ahead of WOW in professionalism. WOW is a computer game, SL is created by users in world.
If you don't understand it, don't comment.
He was found in posession of a knife and traces of residue on his body that suggested he was involved in the manufacturer of weapons. Sounds familiar with today's gang culture society? Oh, maybe not, todays gang members don't have the brains to manufacture as they dropped out of the education system.
Paris, cause she knows all about mens bodies.
Nice to see the truth amonst the usual rants from the freetards. Hope the ISPs close all their accounts then the internet might speed up to decent rates. And while the ISPs are at it, also close the accounts of the damn Bots that churn out the spam. If you can't keep your computer secure, you shouldn't be allowed access to the internet. Time we had an exam to pass before people could connect.
All this talk about the music industry making profit, if you don't like it, don't listen to the music. Breaching copyright by filesharing affects small software developers too, so lets forget talk of some moral crusade against fatcats. And don't spew the crap about "I want to try it before i buy". My software, my rules. If you don't like my rules, don't try the software. Your loss.
So Big_boomer... respect. Nice post.
"Bluntly put I do not believe that exceeding the speed limit is by itself dangerous driving, "
I had a child run across a road in front of me from between parked cars. I was luckily doing exactly 30 being very aware of the speed limit having been clocked by a mobile unit a few weeks before (37 in a 30 zone section where everyone was doing that speed ahead of me). I stopped an inch away from the scared and shocked kid. A mile or 2 faster and i would have hit her.
That incident focussed the reality of why the limit exists. I now stick to the limit and say to drive over the limit IS dangerous driving.
A life is worth more than getting your adrenaline rush!!!!
Normally this govenment just taxes everything. Nice to see them doing something different for a change. Totally wrong and misguided, but at least they are consistent in their stupidity.
Roll on the Election so we can get the buggers out!!!!!
Or should that be - Roll on the erection so we can bugger them?
I am 100% in favour of stopping ticket touts and block booking, as people who don't have big money to spend are deprived of attending the events. We are a sick society where only the rich can do these things.
Make it so that tickets can be sold on ebay or anywhere but legally cannot be sold for more than face value.
Mines the coat I bought at a charity shop. Hope theres some tickets in the pocket.
At the distance from landing that the Pilot would be distracted by a flickering light or sudden flash or reflection, the pilot is a) transitioning from instrument to visual and b) monitoring for any light coming on to indicate possible problem.
It does not have to be powerful enough to blind or do anything, merley distracting the pilot at that crucial time is enough to cause a major incident.
ATC had reported several aborted landings because of this distraction.
What part of the danger or believability of this article do you not undrestand.
Why do most people need to have these even ordinatry power laser pointers for anyway. Pick up the kid in the street with one and I don't think he will be about to give a lecture at the local university. They are mainly used by mindless morons to dazzle oncoming traffic anyway.