* Posts by anotheranon

1 publicly visible post • joined 2 May 2008

YouTube rolls out Scientology double standard


Thank you

It is about time that the media is picking up on the preferential treatment afforded to the Church of Scientology. I disagree with the comment above re: Bunker and his quest for attention. For years he has fought an uphill battle against the Church of Scientology, pretty much in obscurity, and never once did he complain he wasn't getting interviewed by say, Larry King or Oprah. (and for the record, he has won an Emmy award for producing, so it isn't like he's some random guy messing around on Youtube)

He complained when hours before he was set to air a damming interview with Jason Beghe, his account was terminated. This is not unlike a court case taking place in the US right now where the CoS is going after a protester for "criminal harassment" and decided to file the claim on the -last- day of his probation for something utterly unrelated to protesting or the CoS.

They continue to play dirty, continue to get preferential treatment, and it continues to go underreported.

So props to the Register for actually reporting on things that many of us have been aware of for weeks.