Quick action!
Looks like he was saved by beating about the bush.
The taxi has been called, and I'll just get my coat.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Using MacOSaiX, here's Dubya constructed using Google Images and Flickr... and "Republicans hammer Brit artist's Bush" terms
I'm only slightly worried at the Tony Blair pimple on his forehead.
Its art Daaaaaaahling!
I think its disgusting that people who intentionally speed are let off so lightly. For every 5mph over the speed limit you should be fined one month's salary. If your skidding distance is in excess of the distance to the next corner then your car should be crushed. If you crash into anyone then you should be automatically guilty, and have to prove your innocence, first penalty being car crushing followed by months of salary payments. Before the charge of attempted murder.
The people that say they are good drivers are usually the ones with points on their licence in my experience - mostly for "victimless" speeding offences. Pathetic.
Why are all cars not fitted with a small black box to record the last 30 minutes of instrumentation? This can be downloaded ready for court. Might make people think, before charging off down the foggy dual carriageway at 90+ mph!
I've been using the Intelliplug(tm) for some time, it senses when your PC shuts down and disconnects power to the other connected items. When you switch your computer back on again, all your other devices follow suit.
It costs about 15quid, remember that a 10W device uses about 10quid of 'lecky every year. This should pay for itself in a couple of months.
tread lightly
Photos taken by my mate Phil Hart, whilst he was in the UK.
Aberdeen (and in fact any place along 57N) is actually at a sweet spot for NLC's and the Aberdeen Astronomical Society www.aberdeenastro.org.uk is currently observing to assist ongoing research. Any visitor to Aberdeen will soon become familiar with why it is such a hotbed of cloud research.
Clear Dark and Steady Skies