* Posts by J

1 publicly visible post • joined 2 May 2008

YouTube rolls out Scientology double standard


Don't let YouTube off the hook!

Thanks to Register for this article - we should not let YouTube off the hook on this one - anonymous, a complaints campaign is in order, is it not?

Write editor AT youtube DOT com, and report the new Scientology account for a TOS violation, and/or ask them whether they have a double standard, when it comes to implementing their rules.

As to some of the comments here asking why Scientology is any worse than any other faith - just look into it, and you'd have to be blind not to see the answer.

As for Scientology not targeting children - that's untrue; the children of scientologists are often inducted into the Sea Org, condemning them essentially to a life of slavery, where escape is made very difficult in practice. Further, the CoS donates "educational material" to schools, which is essentially preparatory material to make them more open to Scientology; it is donated dishonestly, without revealing the connection of the material to CoS.

So yes, Scientology does target children, though they aren't open about it.

Further, to say that it's only idiots and overtly gullible people that get into Scientology is to simplify the issue into something that's more comfortable to think about - however, that is not true.

This is because people are lured into Scientology by first introducing them to practices and techniques lifted from older philosophies, only re-named in Scientology terms. These techniques can really make you feel better, and may be useful - that is the bait. When the victim then has tried it, and found it good, uplifting, wonderful, and when they then look at the claims of Scientology for being a force for good, for the betterment of the world, they are more inclined to buy the first courses, and get into it.

Various psychological traps and tricks are then employed to gradually lure people deeper, and here's where the mind control begins - repetitive exercises, lasting for hours, involving giving and receiving simple commands, condition the persons mind. These are sold to the victims on the premise that they are necessary for advancement into higher levels, where they are promised even more profound "wins" than they got early on - the early experiences that really were positive, and the memory of which sustains the victim to go further and further in the hopes of the promised revelations.

At the same time, the victim goes through "sec checks", which are essentially interrogations, where their inner most secrets, everything about them, is probed and recorded - these records they promise to keep confidential, but will use against the victim should they leave and start to criticize the cult.

These sec checks reveal things about their private lives and the people they are attached to, and if any person in the circle of the victim starts to question their involvement in Scientology, then that person is considered "suppressive". The victim is then labled "PTS" or potential trouble source, and cannot continue in Scientology until they've "handled" the suppressive person in their lives. If they cannot silence that person, they must disconnect from them - essentially cut all contact. This, in practice, breaks up families, and friendships.

All the while the victim is bleed dry - the "Church" takes a great interest in their assets, and "donations" are, if not practically coerced, then at least strongly encouraged.

And this is just really scratching the surface - the system is devious, and includes many subtle mind-traps to make leaving the cult, or disagreeing with them seem impossible to the victim.

There are many, many layers of attrocities, human rights violations, and outright thuggery in the organization, and if there is a more dangerous cult on Earth, I've not encountered it.