"protecting the users"
is practically a blanket explanation as to why eBay make so many restrictive new rules.
I started using eBay in 2000 when you could have your email address as your username. I liked that, things were open and simple.
Then I was forced to change to pick a new username or they'd pick one for me, and from then on things have been steadily going downhill in terms of protecting yourself from rogue traders on eBay and faith in the system.
They removed the ability to find out what people were actively bidding on - a very easy way of finding out shill bidders.
Then they made it so you can only contact other eBay members through their own monitored message system, I've had several messages not reach the recipient because eBay thought I was wanting to buy something direct and so they wouldn't get their cut, despite in the messages asking when they'll be listing/relisting the item(s) etc.
Now they've made ALL bidders anonymous so you still can't find out who won the auction if you're not the seller, let alone find out what they've won in the past.
I tell you, eBay's becomming like a fricken freemasons event, you don't know who the hell you're dealing with until you win the auction. All this forced privacy to "protect the users" isn't helping with people's trust in the site.
I haven't sold anything on eBay since they introduced the fucking stupid rule of sellers not being able to give negative feedback to buyers.
As much as Google creeps me out, part of me wants them to make their own auctions site, they're probably the only force on the internet big enough to bitch slap eBay in the auctions dept.