Other side othe coin
I once had a 'full size' laptop years ago but not for long because it was annoying to use as it was too heavy, difficult to carry around, viewing angle of the LCD screen was like 90% of the cheap end of the scale laptops - bloody atrocious because unless you get the screen dead square on, you're looking at a dark image where the contrast has gone skewif and the colours have gone psychadelic, and even when you're square on you get noticable shading where the top of the screen is darker than the bottom.
Sure the expensive 'full size' laptops have the nice viewing angle LCD screens but they cost a fortune so you wouldn't want to be lugging it around too much in case you break it, defeating the point of a portable computer.
But for me, netbooks (or legtops as they can appropriately be called) are what I've wanted for years because they're very lightweight meaning I can easily hold it in one hand and type on it with the other, carry it around without feeling like I'm in the lead transport business, very rugged because of the SSD (although some arsewit netbook manufacturers are dumping that for HDDs, idiots) so I don't need to treat the unit with any special care when lugging it around and carrying it in my bike panniers (a HDD would probably have died months and months ago) and best of all you can afford to buy a new one each year when the features increase but the size/weight doesn't because they're so damn cheap for what they offer!