Can you stick pins in it?
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
I'll keep my traditional design electric bike thanks, with that I can get on to cycle paths through those narrow entrances/exits designed to slow bicyclists down so they don't run straight into the road, this offering from Clive would never be able to get onto cycle paths, which incedentally are inherintly safer for cyclists than sharing roadspace with heavy vehicles that have blind spots and drivers that see cyclists as nothing more than annoyance in their way and on 'their' road.
Surely if the train company actually wanted more people to use their service they'd give out the timetable information for free?
Making people jump through hoops to get information is a deterrant to using the service the information is in regards to.
Now, where's the Captain Obvious icon gone...
In a BBC article Mr Crossley said to them "The business has and remains intact and is continuing to trade"
It strikes me that a company that deals with alleged internet copyright infringement should have a working website...
The articlealso says the ICO can't put them out of business (boo!) but may fine them £500,000 which is a real reputation damager. I think the leaked emailes provided the coffin and the fine may just be enough for the nails in the lid.
It amazes me just how scared people can be of spiders, even big grown men who could adequately defend themselves in a bar brawl.
Which is why I like to dig up at every opportunity this pic I snapped of one that once walked across my keyboard:
The idea popped into my head thinking it might solve some of the problems of police officers doing bad things, ie when they screw up their pay packet gets docked, but just realised it would actively encourage them to hide any and all screwups so their pay packet remains nice 'n fat.
It's almost like we need a police force to police the police force we're stuck with because it's quite horrible & depressing how our civil liberties are constantly being eroded away by the people who should be protecting us not opressing us..
that's all there is to this, no matter how much someone protests against this fact.
ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE who has ever used a radio with an external antenna of which you can physically touch the metal knows that touching the antenna alters the reception (or transmission in the case of radio controlled toys etc.), to the point where sometimes it can render the reception or transmission useless, or very occasionally improve it.
The only time I know of that virtually always goes the opposite way is with those RF car lock/unlock keyfobs and garage door opener keyfobs, if you go out just out of range so the keyfob doesn't work, holding the keyfob to your chin helps amplify the signal so it works at longer distances...!
This whole "iPad is better than a netbook" situation reminds me of the beginning of Tokyo Drift where the rich kid with the shiny high performance 'off-the-shelf' car starts reeling off the specs of the engine etc. and the kid with the home-built muscle car replies:
"Wow, you can read the brochure.", then beats him in a race with his home-built car.
Too many fanbois reading brochures out there...
Didn't Apple have the slogan "Think different."? whatever happened to that?
So mounting drives to heavy immovable structures increases their read-write speeds, so what about all those drive mounting kits that reduce noise vibration through rubber mounts, are those useless?
The 3 drives in one of my PCs are mounted with Zalman heatpipe coolers, they work well at reducing the drive's heat but do the rubber mounts make the read-write speeds worse? is it bad for the drive?
They both get on my tits, Apple for being so closed and "you can only use the software we authorise" which severely limits innovation, and don't get me started on Quicktime for Windows - piece of shit kludgy software with non-standard Windows interface, it's like they're trying to bring a piece of Apple to PCs, and it's rotten.
As for Adobe, Flash just sits there doing feck-all on webpages chewing up CPU like there's no tomorrow, embedded video from sites such as YouTube & Vimeo etc. are the number one cause of my browser going sluggish, I say roll-on the embedded video solutions that don't use Flash.
And as for their PDF reader - slow, awful piece of shit, had to install FoxIt on my mother's PC because she got sent an A3 PDF and Adobe's pathetic offering wouldn't scale it down to A4 when printing.
I would hope that retro mobile uses all the available space by putting a MASSIVE battery in, my crummy little Motorola gets a week standby time and 3 hours talk on a (only holds half capacity now) 920mAH battery, just imagine using 4x 3000mAh cells to have standby times of 8 months and talk times of 4 days!
"Hahaha! Your phone is massive!" - "Yeah but I only need to charge it twice a year..."
"When non-cyclists start producing routes for cyclists they show they haven't a bloody clue about getting about in a bike."
Too bloody right, it's this same group of idiots who 'design' most of the structures for us to lock our bikes to when in town/supermarkets - they haven't got a fricking clue about making it easier for us to lock our bikes to them because they don't even own a bike, the ones in my local town were designed to be asthetically pleasing rather than functional (a lamppost is easier to lock my bike to!).
There's a rather neat product out there called Plastidip, it's like liquid rubber, you can spray or paint it onto almost any object (or dip the object if you have a large enough tin) to create a rubber-like surface (more than one coat helps), great for helping to protect/waterproof things and ideal for adding extra grip to tools/gadgets etc.
And if you find you don't like the end result you can simply peel it off.
This whole ID thing is bloody stuipd and a pain in the arse, recently wanted a 2nd person to have access to my bank account so they went off with the forms I signed to give them access but the bank wouldn't without ID from the 2nd person.
Nothing wrong with that you may think and you'd be right, except for what ID they would accept:
Driving licence; it had the address on but no photo, so that wasn't accepted.
Passport; it had a photo but no address, that was accepted.