Seat but not floor?
Nice gimmick making the seat shake, but shaking the seat alone is not enough, the floor under your feet need to shake also to convey the immersiveness the shaking is supposed to give.
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Damn them!
Syndicate, the original, was, sorry, is ace, there wasn't another game like it, part point'n'click strategy and part shoot-em-up, and completely great, I can't believe they wrote off the original gameplay to jump on the FPS bandwagon.
Not every film lends itself to the medium, and then there's the problem of 'psuedo-3D' films polluting the 3D films list, they were shot in 2D and then altered to look 3D.
If you're going to watch a film in 3D at the cinema, make sure you know what you're getting, Real or Fake 3D.com has an extensive evolving list of 3D films in two categories: Real 3D & Fake 3D
I think the 3D modified Star Wars films will be interesting, but I don't know if I can put myself through watching the abomination called Phantom Menace ever again, and then there's the problem of A New Hope being bastardised by having crucial pieces altered (Han shot first, and there was no Hayden Christensen as a ghost in the Star Wars I know)
I like my screens to be dumb input devices, but even that seems to be asking too much, some tv's nowadays which aren't 'smart' will often have some retarded menu selection method of choosing which input to view content from if you wish to use an external video source. Do the people who make these things actually use them at home, or even for more than 5 minutes?
My mum got one of those freeview satellite DVRs for christmas (finally ditched the VCR) and she does like it, but I was surprised to see an actual physical on/off switch on the back, it wasn't until the box crashed whilst my mum was trying to use the programme guide one time that I realised why - it was the only way to reboot the thing! It makes you wonder how many times people will be reaching for the physical on/off switch because their 'smart' tv crashed...
Whilst people are on a Philip K Dick wavelength, at the beginning of the sci-fi film Terminus (1987) a chauffer driven car has the registration plate "PK DICK".
Due to the nature of the story, see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092070/plotsummary I can only guess that the film has some sort of connection to Philip K Dick, either the writer was influenced by Dick or used a part/idea of one of his stories.
I've not found anything during websearches because the film is quite obscure and only available on VHS (apart from the dubbed Germany DVD), does anyone know if there's an actual connection between Terminus and Philip K Dick?
From what I gather, the Sale Of Goods Act (SOGA) says we have 2 years warranty on goods because we're part of the EU and consumers rights last for 6 years (but doesn't automatically mean a replacement or repair or refund), which means the companies selling 2 year extended warranties are actually conning the uninformed.
And I totally agree with you on the use of the word extended, if I bought a 2 year exdended warranty it should mean the item is covered for 4 years.
In the film The Fifth Element, Chris Tucker wears some very flamboyant outfits, in order to get him to wear those outfits, Jean-Paul Gaultier first showed him some that were even more flamboyant to which his response was along the line of "hell no", then when the less flamboyant outfits (the ones used in the film) were shown he agreed to wear them.
My worry is that with the SOPA crushed, the lobbyists will come up with something that's not as bad as the SOPA (on the surface) but will still have a far reaching negative impact to the online world, and because it isn't as bad as the SOPA it will pass.
I've lost two 16GB flash drives over the past few years which has left me a little cheesed off (nothing of importance on them) but they only cost me around £16 each, if I'd spent 10x that on one of those USB 3.0 drives I'd certainly be be 10x as cheesed off if it went missing.
I got a replacement for the two lost drives recently, a Play.com 32GB stick for £16.01 on a 1-day sale, it's always nice to see the price of perfectly adequate quality flash drives from reputable sources dropping year by year.
I still own one of those, tucked away in a drawer somewhere, it ran off 3.5" floppy discs instead of the previously staple 5.25" discs and had to buy an expensive 5.25" disc drive to accomodate those.
One day I'll dig it out of storage, wipe the dust off it and see if it can be brought back to life - I had many many hours of enjoyment programming & playing on BBC Micros as a kid in the 80s, so much so that I'd get stick from other fellow computeers because I would stay after school in the computer room filled with BBC Micros for too long and after school computing would be banned for a week. That happened several times.
Considering Sony's previous venture into high resolution head mounted video displays some 13+ years ago (the Glasstron PLM-S700 being their best with true 832x624 resolution, which I own a set of) cost over £2000 when new, £800 in comparison isn't that bad, especially as they're 3D capable and OLED not LCD.
I'd very much like to own a set but don't have £800 kicking around, I can imagine the next generation of consoles will have some strong 3D display support and these sorts of glasses would be ideal for that. Just a shame they didn't bother sticking any sort of headtracking means into the gizmo for more immersive gaming capabilities.
I would suggest El Reg organise a pub meeting near christmas for forum posters so we could argue the finer points about life the universe and everything face-to-face, with everyone wearing name tags showing their forum name.
But I suspect too many people would turn up wearing V for Vendetta masks and name tags saying "Anonymous Coward"...
I upgraded FF on this machine to 4.x and then had to spend time tweaking the settings and installing plugins just to 'undo' certain changes from 3.x that they implimented because they mistakenly believed we'd like it. So god knows what they've ruined in the interim stages between 4.x and 8.x. My other machines are still running 3.x and will likely to contine to do so for a long time.
With the advent of social media crap being embedded within the browser and the inability to install plugins they've turned something which was great into a true rival (in terms of suckyness) of IE.
So thanks but no thanks, Mozilla, I'm sticking with my older versions which allow me to have plugins installed that give me some control over how my web pages are presented to me and what cookies/tracking I will allow..
When I can no longer view major websites properly with what I have I'll undoubtedly move onto a new browser, but it looks unlikely to be one from Mozilla.
He was at heart an opportunitist, seeing potential in previouly existing products and copying the design but crucially engineering it to be an Apple 'idiot proof' product, where previosly you had to know some of the ins and outs of using a traditional computer (such as the early days when a computer meant ZX Spectrum, BBC Mircro, Commodore 64, Amiga, XT PC etc.), he gave the average consumer the ability to use high end hardware/software without the need to know how to use a computer, just how to move a mouse, or as is the case nowadays, touch a screen.
I bet he's kicking himself he didn't think of doing that first, although, judging by the sheer size of the building he now owns just down the road from me in an industrial estate he could go one better; have a person inside a horse which is inside an elephant which is inside a whale... Russian doll tauntaun scene!
A quick look on Ebuyer shows that a 2TB SATA drive can still be had for less than a 120GB SSD SATA drive, a 1TB SATA is at the £100 mark and a 600GB PCI-E SSD is over £2,400!
I would love to be able to buy SSD drives for as little as SATA drives, even at todays prices.