Posts by Haku
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Hardware hacker knocks up own Google AR glasses
Apple flooded with iPad 3 wireless connection complaints

My iPad 3 can't connect to anywhere
I got a re-branded iPad from a bloke down the pub who assured me it had 4G connectivity, only the drawing app seems to be working but the battery life is amazing, I haven't had to charge it up yet, it's one of those rare foreign red ones called a "hcteks-a-hcte" with a silver screen and two control knobs at the top...
iPhone fanbois enraged by Instagram's Android triumph
Google shows off Project Glass augmented reality specs
Busted in the US? 'Drop your trousers, sir'
Tweet dreams: Goldilocks, porridge AND the money dance
Re: El Reg Usually has Sundays Off
The most recent 5 Reg articles were posted at Saturday 06:00, Saturday 10:00, Sunday 05:00, Sunday 09:00, Sunday 10:00, which says to me they were pre-written and automatically posted at those specific times, I don't think anyone went into the office over the whole weekend.
Apple drops 'thermonuclear' patent bombshell
You should've gone with this:
"From April, DHS vets all passengers from UK heading to East Canada, Cuba, the Carribbean & Mexico" even though the planes don't enter US airspace.
Took me a little searching to discover it wasn't an April fool's joke by The Independent (the article date could have been faked), those Americans are taking the piss and the UK government should grow a backbone and tell the US to fuck off.
Sugar content now to be measured in Cadbury Creme Eggs
ALL Visa cards blab punters' names - not just Barclaycards
Re: Yes
"The myth of someone sitting at the entrance to a shopping centre and harvesting everyone's details, is just that: A myth."
I think the same things were said about RFID in passports etc., then people started seeing how far away they could actually read them, some guy managed to read them at over 200 feet with $2,500 of hardware.
Cameron's attempt to cram a robot arm wearing a Rolex into his pristine bottom
OAP sues Apple for $1m after walking into store's glass door
Americans resort to padlocking their dumb meters
Facebook: Your boss asks for your password, we'll sue him! Maybe
El Reg Forums FAQ
Re: Bug? Log-in tick box not remembering
I get asked for the password all the time on several XP machines running FF, doesn't really bother me as I've set FF to remember that password.
Also it doesn't help that you need to separately login to each sub-site of El Reg, the channel & hardware sites spring to mind.
New Forum Wishlist - but read roadmap first
No to avatars.
No to karma stuff.
No to sorting comments by popularity (people will start trying to game the system at the detriment to the quality of the posts).
IMHO this kind of stuff will just detract from people engaging in putting forward serious comments and engaging in interesting discussions. I really like the fact that certain forums I visit do not have avatars and very few people have bothered to make sigs (of which the ones that do usually put useful info/links in).
Nesting - you shouldn't have brought in the silly curved arrow to indicate someone's post is a reply to someone elses, with the vertical grey bar it was instantly obvious it was a reply, and if you bring it back you can make it so two vertical grey bars mean a reply to a reply, and perhaps stretch it to 3 for a reply to a reply to a reply.
El Reg user forum opens to public, HTML for all (mostly)
Osborne names UK cities to land £100m broadband bonanza
Braben sticks knife into secondhand games market
Cry me a river.
If the prices of new games weren't so extortionatly high the 2nd hand games market wouldn't be so strong.
If they want a cut of the 2nd hand market, they should run their own games stores.
Just because person A saw an opportunity person B didn't see it doesn't mean person B should automatically get a cut of that revenue stream.
Pair of double-As give you cheap, quick charge
Re: Pah!
I highly recommend the switch mode DC-DC converters from, yes they're a little expensive but very easy to use as you don't need any external components like smoothing capacitors etc.

"Getting female USB sockets is hard"
Not really, you probably have one kicking around already, some keyboards come with USB-to-PS/2 adaptors, and you can always buy the cheapest Chinese USB hubs you can find for the individual sockets or rewire it with whatever power source you wish to use so you can charge things from all ports of the hub (though you may need a 2A 5V power supply to cope with four things charging at the same time).
However going down the DIY route of making your own USB charger it should be noted that some phones requrire a small amount of voltage on the data pins before they'll charge, notably Apple's products because some can take up to 2A from the USB port on wall adaptors for example but limits itself to only 500mA from a normal computer USB port. This can be set with the right combination of resistors.
Russell Brand 'threw small voice-enabled iPad through window'
Gamers pledge almost a million dollars for Wasteland sequel
Re: Good to hear
Especially after EA went and pissed all over Syndicate by turning it into a FPS.
With a Wasteland sequel and a new point'n'click adventure game by Double Fine both being funded by kickstarters it's a welcome return to the game style I grew up playing & loving (argh, that's making me feel old).
Caleb, did you completely miss the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter?
It broke new records by reaching over $3.3 million in pledges.
I backed it and am quite looking forward to watching the ongoing making-of documentary and the eventual game. Especially because the guys behind it are the guys behind Day Of The Tentacle, Grim Fandango and The Secret Of Monkey Island. And you can only take so many FPS and driving games til you need a decent puzzle to get lost in.
Lawyers of Mordor menace Hobbit boozer
Why don't SZC offer to buy the pub instead?
Everyone's just getting bad publicity out of this fiasco, the pub is infringing on the copyrighted images from the LoTR films (just see their website) and SZC is getting flak for apparently 'coming down on the little people'.
If they were to come to some amicable arrangement, through some sort of licensing or part/full ownership in the pub then it would be win-win all round.
Just a thought.
Super-boffin Stephen Hawking to star in Big Bang Theory
Tesco blunder prices 64GB 4G iPad at 50 quid
Re: Law on their side?
Anyone remember the £100 3.1 megapixel Kodak digital camera fiasco back in 2002?
They gave in and let people buy them at the advertised price instead of the full price of £329,
I was one of those that managed to get one, it was an 'ok' camera, didn't think much of the picture quality though and eventually sold it on eBay for £100 a year or two later, however I do remember at least one person had bought 10 or more then used the profits from their eBay sales to buy a decent DSLR.
Walmart offers $2 digital copies of your DVDs
Re: Goddamnit. I was trying to work out the downside to this scheme
DRM validation by online services is wrong for this kind of consumable, as has been shown in the past if the company hosting the validation service shuts down then you no longer have access to the media you paid for.
And who once had to bow to public pressure to keep DRM validation servers active so people could listen to the DRM'd music they'd bought?
Oh yes, it was Walmart...
Paper pictures failed hostage rescue with Call of Duty shot
Game players have, ever since they were invented, wanted to play realistic games that depict real world places and events, so why are they so pissed when people take imagery from those games and use them to illustrate real world places and events?
I mean, who hasn't wanted to play GTA in a perfect re-creation of the area you live in?
West Yorkshire Gay Police Association in email list leak FAIL

The police force could learn a thing or two from their Amsterdam counterparts, crime rates would go down and rates of sex would go up...
Legendary artist Moebius dies

Re: A propose a toast!
I'll join you in that toast, it is sad that the world has lost another influential artist but good to see he left some very big footprints on this world.
I only saw The TIme Masters (trailer) for the first time about 4 years ago, instantly loved it because it's along the same lines as Gandahar (full film) and Fantastic Planet (full film), weird trippy cartoon films far removed from the generic world of Disney you've just got to see at least once.
That steady diet of EastEnders is turning her into a shrew
What is sadder, watching a soap to see how the characters you've 'known' for years are doing, to chill out after a crap day at work - or moaning about it on the interwebs?
Neither, it's moaning about the moaners that's the saddest.
When expressing your thoughts/ideas/views online about something, you're physically compsing a (hopefully) a meaningful set of words to express what was previously just internal dialogue, whereas watching a soap you're just consuming the mindless pap they serve you.
Which is worse?

Re: It's on TV - it must be true
"The worst part though, is when audiences fail to distinguish between a character they see on telly and the real-life person who plays that role."
That unfortunately happens too often, the studios which produce this stuff will often receive things like baby clothes in the post whenever a character has a baby etc. - a perfect time to use the fail icon.
Re: "Study shows soap operas trigger aggression in women"
I'm with you 100%, I can't stand soap operas, especially UK ones where virtually all the characters are back-stabbing lying deceitful cheating sub-intelligent people who are only ever looking out for no.1 and all the 'plotlines' revolve around the nasty spiteful things the characters do.
It's all just depressing shite that should be banned.
iPad 3 'first tablet' with Bluetooth 4.0
Microsoft 'yanked optical drive from Xbox 720'
For Amiga owners there was
Stunt Car Racer (yootoob vid)
The best part of that game was the two player link up mode. I almost managed to get it to link up recently using two PCs running WinUAE and a null-modem cable, but it wouldn't complete the linking process.
Virtual Australia & New Zealand Initiative launches
"Haines says that if a homeowner cannot see over their fence to a neighbour's backyard in the real world, that same impairment should remain in the virtual version of Australia and New Zealand."
So how does Google get around this with their streetview & overhead satellite/aerial photography of most of the earth?
New forum Wishlist
Re: Forum Wishlist
5) Huge obnoxious avatar images, often animated gifs that have been scaled by the browser because they're actually 640x480 resolution and 5mb in size.
6) Sigs, with pictures, lots of pictures, along with text saying how awesome the person posting is, usually the pictures are flashing enough to produce epileptic fits or so big they fill half the screen of a 1080p display.
Sorry, couldn't resist it, won't do it again (probably)
My local bowling alley played this version last time I was there: Rick Astley vs Nirvana, and weirdly it works!
Have to agree on the hide/expand comment thing too, it isn't needed.
You just need to know the secret link.
the real link to ask for an upgrade
Hiding links in posts, this could get fun :D
Re: A curved arrow indicating replied post?
It's not that it's pointing in the wrong direction, it's that it exists at all, with the grey bar it was very easy to see that it was a reply to a post and not a 'starting' post.
When a 'starting' post has many replies it was very easy to scroll up and find the starting post that generated all the replies, now with the arrow it's not so obvious.
Bring back the grey bar, it was indictive of emails and usenet that adds a > to the beginning of each line of the quoted post.
Indiana Jones flicks out on Blu-ray this Fall
Tomorrow's smartphone tech today
Re: Scanning stuff in shops
New consumer weapon on the horizon: Google Goggles
So long as the camera is of high enough resolution to scan the barcode you'll just have to point your face at the item in question. Instant info about the product & prices without being seen writing anything down or taking pictures with a phone.