Re: AAArgh!
I once bought an old toy RC tank and it had batteries inlcuded...
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
I once bought an old toy RC tank and it had batteries inlcuded...
Microvision's next gen laser pico projector will be 720p with (apparently) passive 3D capability & touch interactivity like Minority Report, the 720p laser 'engine' was demonstrated at the beginning of this year at the CES but has not turned up in a commercial unit yet :(
If you had bothered to search for more information you would have found that the 'simulated picture' is actually a still from a video demonstrating & talking about the dangers of lasers pointed at aircraft:
I only recently joined 'the app revolution' getting an Android tablet a few weeks back (wanted a new toy) but I have noticed there's an extraordinary amount of crap apps out there - most you can avoid simply by looking at the pics/detail text/reviews but ultimately you can't help avoiding crap apps 100% of the time and deleting apps seconds after they're downloaded & tested is not uncommon I have discovered.
In my case it enables you to take control of the device instead of being an extension to the store, cutting ties & automatic updates etc, allowing you to have USB host capabilities to connect a USB keyboard or memory stick etc.
The B&N app store isn't that big and doesn't hold all the apps the Google Play store does, so a rooted device allows you to get all those apps B&N don't want you to have. And if for some reason an app is pulled from a store and you can find the .apk to download you can still install it (but like computing in general: beware of rogue programs)
The Nook Tablet allows you to boot from the micro SD card enabling you to boot CyanogenMod7 without needing to root the device so you can try another OS and see if you want to root the NT and install that OS on its internal storage. I wonder if the new Nook HD will allow you to do this or if they've locked the devices down even more than the Tablet.
Having such capable tablets being locked into the parent companies own app store means you can't use the vast Google Play store without rooting the device, which is like buying a Ferrari that has been speed limited to 40mph with a satnav which doesn't have the motorways in its database - a sad trend indeed.
sent from my rooted Nook Tablet
Unfortunately under that rule they would both walk out free.
It's the same rule that stopped Homer joining the No Homers Club.
I wonder why he threw some at these players
"But if your CPU has not been manufacturer-tested at the speed you are clocking it., all bets are off. Which matters most - getting the right results, or getting wrong results faster?"
I say this in greatest respect: You're talking bollocks.
I am running a Core 2 Duo 2.66ghz system at 3.2ghz. I had to upgrade the cooling to cope but no wrong results at all. The popular system stress test program Prime95 is very handy for checking to see wether any faults happen after overclocking.
There's nothing wrong with overclocking, heck even my graphics card has a couple of overclocking settings built into the standard software.
There was a tv show 5 years ago called "Masters of Science Fiction" with 6 stories introduced by Stephen Hawking, story 6 "Watchbird" was perhaps the best of the bunch and somewhat forboding as it told the story of autonomous flying drones that were developed to support the troops during battles as they were programmed to sense & shoot people about to commit crimes before they acted them out. Based on their performance in the field the government decided to use them (much to the protest of their creator) to monitor their own population as a police aid, then they activated the watchbirds weaponry...
Before the days of smartphones, with most mobile phones you may see only a few different revisions/versions created (if that, there are so many 1-off's) before the manufacturer decides to bring out a new phone with a completely new design, yet the iPhone is on it's 6th incarnation of a small oblong block with a touchscreen.
How long will the iPhone as we know it last for?
Until someone creates a smartphone that makes it look like a toy? or when mobile phones as we know them evolve into something beyond an oblong block with a touchscreen, like Project Glass from Google or built into your clothing for example?
"We used to be capable of designing things of beauty, or at least relatively attractive objects, such as post boxes."
Those days are sadly long gone, for example several years ago there was a comission for a very important piece of artwork that would be plastered all over the country on merchandise and shown all over the world on television yet the final choice looked terrible and everyone ridiculed it.
What am I talking about? The 2012 Olympics logo...
Ultrabook... new name for UMPCs?
I remember seeing the 5" screen Fujitsu LifeBook FMV-U8240 and wanting one, but the price tag put me right off. When the Eee 701 came along I pre-ordered one almost instantly, I still have it and still works great, only superseeded by my Eee 900's because I wanted a screen a bit bigger/higher res.
I'm with you on the 9" device idea, the tech certainly exists - eg you can buy a LVDS 8.9inch 1280x768 TFT screen with a HDMI / DVI / VGA input control board for $150 shipped so imagine what it costs in bulk without the standalone control board, it shouldn't be difficult for a manufacturer to create a "next gen" Eee equivilant with mostly off-the-shelf tech, keeping the costs down.
Ultrabooks are just too expensive to justify getting one, especially in ths time of austerity.
I still use my Eee 900's an a daily basis for video playback and web browsing because they're still great little machines to use, small, lightweight, low power consumption, proper keyboard (I actually like the small size of them).
I got a 7" Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet last week, which was the first time I've used a tablet device. Native Nook's are locked to B&N's own store so I rooted it to install apps from the Android Marketplace. After coming from a Windows environment I have to say the whole tablet experience feels somewhat restricted, like trying to compute whilst wearing boxing gloves, even with a rooted device.
Quick examples; web browsing, I'm used to having multiple tabs open on many websites I read/interact with and the tablet version of FireFox makes this a chore trying to quickly dart from one site to another. And another example is Android WinAmp, it's a joke compared to the original PC version.
It is a nice toy I'll give it that, things feel quite fluid, the screen is especially nice, the number of easily installable games are a nice distraction, but I certainly won't be ditching my Eee's in favour of it anytime soon.
An idea taken from a (sadly short lived) tv show called The Middlemen, there was an energy dink simply called !!! (just three exclamation marks) and to pronounce it you stamp one foot on the floor and at the same time put your hands palm outwards as if you were saying "ta-da!"
Er, no. They're full-grown adults, but they do behave like children when they're playing the game, especially as pushing is allowed in certain cirumstances to beat the opponents to the chairs.
It's a bit like Wipeout - you've seen one show you've seen them all, really there are only minor differences between one show and the others; different contestants (though that's not saying much, they all behave the same in the end) and slightly different obstacles for the contestants to climb over/under/round.
I got given a Samsung NC10 which has a 10" matt screen and uses 1.6 GHz Intel Atom N270 and a 2.5" SATA inside, nice little machine but the trackpad is quite annoying to use, it's smaller than an Asus 900's and they made it so flush into the plastic I keep 'missing it' by sliding my finger too far because I can't tell where the edge is, it should've been recessed like most laptops.
I still really like my Asus EEE 900's though due to their smaller size, despite their slow 900mhz CPUs. I have a Barnes & Noble Nook arriving soon, size & price was nice and I thought it's time I looked into the tablet/Android world everyone keeps raving about, and you can't complaing about battery runtimes of up to 11 hours :)
I think cloud storage is a really nice idea but like most have posted the reality is still too far from the idea to make it a worthwhile alternative to home/office based storage.
I have 30gb of online storage which was thrown in free with another online service I pay for, but I've barely used it and the only files I've stored there have no importance because there are too many things that all have to work to enable access to it. And on top of that my broadband is only 5mb down 1mb up so storing large files on there takes an age.
I can't believe nobody has posted about this yet, watch this:
Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Teevee, your chirpy entertainment companion. Talkie's the name, teevee's the game. Anyone wanna watch any Dave?
Look, I don't want any Dave, and he doesn't want any Dave. In fact, no one around here wants any Dave. Not now, not ever. No Dave.
How 'bout a BBC?
Or BBCs. We don't like BBCs around here. We want no BBCs, no ITVs, no Channel 4s, no Channel 5s, 5Stars, E4s or Film 4s, no CBBCs, no CBeeBees, no SyFys, no News and no MTVs and definitely no smegging Sky Ones.
Aah, so you're a Babestation man.