"ABC company predicts XY in Z years"
I love a nice science fiction news story :D
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Just listen to them scream!
Louis CK on Conan O'Brien's show - watch and enjoy, or listen to a longer (uncut sweary) version.
I got them from a Chinese eBay seller for a little over £10 each strip, cheaper than sellers in your own country but takes a while to arrive, try this search term:
5050 5m (cool,warm) -(150,60,"0.5m",3528)
5050 is the type of LEDs used (3 diodes in a single chip), you probably don't want the smaller 3528 LED type, and you'll want to go for the 300 LEDs per 5m strip not 150, the 60 is in there because some sellers will sell you single 1m/60LED strips which work out more than buying a 5m and cutting it up to suit your needs (they can be cut every 3 LEDs). Cool & warm are there to specifically weed out just 'white' because if they don't say what type then it's usually cool white.
I then used a beefy 5A 12v power supply fed into a custom circuity with a microcontroller and MOSFET to dim the LEDs, I intend to upgrade the circuit sometime to be able to individually control the two types of LEDs to change the overall output colour.
LED lighting isn't the cheapest but if you want something different, something custom that traditional bulbs can't do then it can be a nice solution, especially in this case if you point the LEDs to the wall/ceiling and hang on some aluminium strip 1-2 feet away to diffuse the light and not get dazzled by the LEDs.
"harsh blue-white lights"
If you mean the flood of 'cool white' LED lighting that has been dumped on the market I agree with you. The 'warm white' LEDs out there on the other hand seem to be just a bit too yellow, but if you combine the two types in equal amounts you get a really nice resulting colour.
This room is lit with 5 meter 5050 type LED strips of each white colour, running at 50% brightness through PWM control to keep them cool and prolong their life as running at 100% brightness produces a lot of heat which kills them quicker over time.
Also it's neat being able to easily control the brightness (right up to 100% when needed) with a remote :)
Pictures here: http://ixbtlabs.com/articles/digestmobile2k1jan/index.html
Yep, Apple is definitely a cult.
Closed off products, white steel & glass 'churches' in cities and towns across the globe, millions of followers who say their lives would be meaningless without their products and will empty their wallets for those products at the drop of a hat (or opening of an envelope), and the leader was renound for wearing a black turtle neck sweater and going onto a big stage every so often to show his latest tablescraps for his minions to worship.
And just look at the cult compound / walled garden / office they plan to actually build: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/22/apple_cupertino_campus_plans/
I'm reminded of a comment to some video I read recently:
"When I was in high school a friend's mother told me that one day we would all have bar codes tattooed on our foreheads (mark of the beast) and that is how we would pay for everything. She got mad when i asked her if she thought it would hurt to slide your head over the bar code scanner."
This tune might help you remember his name - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGF5ROpjRAU
Er, yes they do!
I would not say that, especially if you look into the upcoming Universal Credit system the government are going to force on anyone who receives any sort of benefits (disability, looking for work, pensions etc.) as they will want people to apply online and manage their claim through an online account.
I get the feeling that teaming up would be a massive compromise.
From reading the Kickstarter page it appears David Braben has been working on this for many years, even if some of the time it was just thinking about how his new multiverse game would pan out. Teaming up with someone else who has already running software would mean compromises and re-working the game, that would possibly mean altering it in ways you didn't want to do.
-- Cartman in "Make Love, Not Warcraft" (full episode)
The Nook HD 7" has a higher resolution than the Nexus 7, plus a memory card slot. But I guess it's not being mentioned in comparison to Apple's newest "oooh shiny!" product because it's not on shelves yet (but is available for pre-order with early Nov release)?
As a replacement to mouse & keyboard? No way, touch screen keyboards are horrible to use, and the five flesh pointers stuck on the end of your arm are not as precise on a touchscreen as a mouse pointer in a traditional GUI.
As an addition to mouse & keyboard? Yes I can see that being an advantage.
Hey Reg you missed the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOoKDOv8sd4
After watchng that I can only say in my bestest Dragons Den impression... I'm out.
Why do the disc authorers so often have to put original artwork, stills & photographs in fake frames with borders round the edge - do they really think we don't want to see the detail in the pictures by shrinking them smaller to cater for the crappy 'artistic' border?
I think the guy on the keyboard(?) borrowed your silver space trousers... Skrillex vs Andromeda from Buck Rogers