* Posts by Haku

1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007

Techies with Asperger's? Yes, we are a little different...


Re: Don't forget us poor bastards with LLI

We should feel sorry for the 'poor bastards' on those 'talent' shows???

UK plant bakes its millionth Raspberry Pi


Re: Great idea....

I think the fact that so many hardware hackers have embraced the Pi is actually a good thing for its image, if kids learn to use them at school they'll likely discover a whole world of non-school people using for a vast array of uses. Never had that with the BBC Micro when I was young as they were mostly confined to schools, although I still have my BBC Master Compact in a drawer somewhere.

GTA V Online hits speed bumps: Short wait before you can rough up that hooker


Re: The character Trevor was its only saving grace, but that just wasn't enough.

I played GTA V on the day it was released round at my brother's, next day I went out and bought an XBox which came with a free copy of GTA V and have been having quite a bit of fun hopping between playing the storyline and free-roaming.

But now I completed the main storyline missions it does seem samey samey, I found a PC program called XBox Horizon which is designed to modify game saves for a variety of games (including GTA V) so gave each character 2 billion dollars and full ability stats but even with that it seems somewhat lacking.

The only way I can describe it is Avatar - I really did enjoy the experience of the film in the cinema but looking back and re-watching it at home the plot was lacking and it feels empty. But at least with GTA V I can start at the beginning again and play things out slightly differently during the storymode, not something that you can do with a film.

And yes at first Trevor just came across as a horrible oaf but thought about it and came to the conclusion that he is the most interesting character in the game, half the time I can't figure out if his (often very funny) one-liners are serious or sarcastic or both, but I do know they add much needed richness to the game. Without Trevor the storyline would suck.

I haven't played it online as I haven't yet activated XBox Live, I don't know if I want to pay to be humiliated online (I can already do that here for free!) by children not old enough to legally buy the game.

'Bet Lynch' types BANNED from zoo for upsetting not-so-wildlife


The only place leapard print should ever exist

is on a real leapard.

Used anywhere else it looks distateful and tacky and should be banned.

Google tentacle slips over YouTube comments: Now YOUR MUM is at the top



Are they actually trying to help YouTube video uploaders manage comments or is this just another way of foisting Google+ onto everyone?

Sofas with a roof and Star Trek seating: The future of office furniture?


Change the colour to black or very dark grey and add lots of blue electroluminescent strips into them and et voila, Tron furniture!

ISPs set to install network-level smut filters despite Lib Dem opposition


Re: White List

So that would be Disney and Toys'R'Us then.

No, wait, people die in Disney films, and Toys'R'Us sell toy guns.



Malicious blocking of 3rd party sites?

So does this mean that if you can post pornography (either fullsize, thumbnail or browser-resized to a single pixel so site visitors don't actually see it) to a 3rd party website/forum you can get that site added to the filter list which will apparently be quite difficult to be removed from?

Some people are going to have a field day with that...

Shop-a-suspect web security system: 'We've helped cops nab 100 suspects'

Big Brother

Red Dwarf

Sebastian Doyle: [reading] "Vote Fascist for a Third Glorious Decade of Total Law Enforcement"?

Jake Bullet: [reading] "Be a Government Informer. Betray Your Family & Friends. Fabulous Prizes to be Won"?

Ofcom launches idiot's guide to traffic-shaping









*does not include free car

LOHAN slowly strips lens caps off hi-def imaging arsenal


Re: £45 full 1080p HD sports/dash cam the size of a tic-tac box

The Mobius doesn't have external mic capability, but the sound quality is the best I've heard from any cheap Chinese camera, and there's nothing stopping you from unsoldering the internal mic and putting it on a long wire :)


Re: 640x480? In 2013? Really?

I learnt a long time ago that anything which professes itself to be "Hi-Resolution" only does so in comparison to the graphical resolution of a ZX81.


£45 full 1080p HD sports/dash cam the size of a tic-tac box

The Mobius, from the manufacturer that created version #16 of the 808 carfob 'spy' cameras. By far the best full 1080p HD miniature camera for its price, can work as a sports cam or a dash cam (continual loop recording of short files).

Full review on Techmoan's site, with sample clips to download and link to the eBay seller who's the manufacturer's shop front. If you order one, look at the sellers other items for mounts, long USB cable etc.

I got one, only took 6 days to arrive from China, and am about to get another to install permanently in my mum's car it's that good.

Brit music body BPI lobbies hard for 'UK file-sharers database'


"reduce online copyright theft"

Wait a mo, you can actually steal the copyright of a song online? I thought you could only infringe on copyrights.

Quick, someone steal the copyright of Justin Beibers 'music' and hide it so they can't (legally) make any more copies.

Google cripples Chromecast third party replay


Hang on

Surely these things are being sold not rented?

How can they do that?



Oh yeah, Sony pulled the same stunt with the PS3.


Welcome to the future, you don't own anything anymore, it's all just services.


UK mulls ban on tiny mobiles to block prison smugglers



is a feature posted on the first eBay listing I clicked on, I wonder why they mention that... ;)

I sorta want one now I know they exist.

'BLING BLING, BLING BLING' 'Hello, yes, my iPhone is made of GOLD'


Re: More lipstick on a pig.

*grabs the popcorn*

I love watching arguments on El Reg forums.

*munch* *munch* *munch*

Carry on.

*munch* *munch* *munch*

ZTE's $80 Firefox OS mobe sells out on eBay


Re: 256 MB RAM? Luxury!

I actually like a grey task bar, simple, functional, and you know where the corners of buttons are, unlike the Fisher-Price inspired GUI that M$ spat onto default XP and Win7 installs. I have yet to use Win8, don't see the need to 'upgrade' until I'm forced to.

Fear the JOBZILLA! 150ft STATUE of Steve planned 'lest fanbois forget'


Re: Ego from beyond the grave...

Just look at any outdoor cafe and you'l see lots of statues commemorating Steve Ballmer's career death - throwable chairs...

'But we like 1 Direction!' Rock gods The Who fend off teen Twitter hate mob


1 Direction? I'd rather listen to 2 Unlimited

You know, back when pop music was good.

OWN GOAL! 100s of websites blocked after UK Premier League drops ball


"VPNs, VPNs, get yer luvverly VPNs here, five for a pound"

The more cockups like this the more people are just simply going to resort to Tor, VPNs etc. to step over the ridiculous dumb internet roadblocks the authorities keep putting up.

Foxconn mulls solar panels, sticking Apple where sun doesn't shine


Re: Panel lifespan

"Do that's perhaps a few hours a day for a few weeks in a year in the UK?"

Yes, isn't the UK wonderful :D


Re: Panel lifespan

I have a little Kyocera solar panel made in 1983, rated at 30 watts it can still output an actual measured 24 watts in full summer sunlight.

Philips' smart lights left in the dark by dumb security


"even your fridge will have its own IP address..."

I recall more than one tech news article in the past proclaiming just that.

Well if the manufacturers of these new fangled networked appliances can't even secure a simple lightbulb properly then we're all screwed, I don't want to come home and find my frigde got hacked and ordered 1000 gallons of milk from a home delivery supermarket.

BRUCE WILLIS (ad) DIES HARD (in Sky broadband telly fib ban)


They switched the actor instead of getting him to shoot a new ad?

What a Cop-Out...

Mobe-slurping Wi-Fi SPY BINS banned from London's streets


Re: As always

Unfortunately it's far easier to say sorry afterwards than to ask permission before.

Doom guy teleports into VR startup Oculus Rift


Horizon even did a show about it in 1991 called "Colonziing Cyberspace", the Virtuality system is featured in it:


Worth a look just to see the real early days of realtime 3D graphics compared to what a pocket phone of today can accomplish with ease.

Tough luck, bumpkins! Blighty broadband speed gap misery worsens


I used to get 5mbit and be a smidge jealous of those who got 16mbit+ also on BE

Now I'm on BT Infinity 2 I get just under 80mbit, and I'm practically in the countryside (I look out my windows and see fields and hills & homes, not a cold concrete cityscape)

You just gotta be in the right part of the countryside to get the best of both worlds.

Apple will swap fanbois' killer phoney phone chargers for legit adapters


Won't this just encourage people to buy an ultra cheap knock-off charger just so they can trade it in for a heavy discount on a genuine Apple charger?

Oi, trolls, BEHAVE! Twitter tweaks rules to tackle abusive twits


Re: Can't we just get rid?

The problem with removing a service that allows numpties to post unregulated nonsense online is that they would find new places to post their drivel.

I kinda think it helps to have one major site to contain all the drivel, makes it easier to avoid.


Report button on iPhone before Andoid & web interface?

I think I know why judging by the number of downvotes I and others receive on commenting here about Apple and their users - they're all very insecure! :P

New nested comment indentation layout - really?


New nested comment indentation layout - really?

Dear El Reg,

Why do you keep changing the forum layout for the worse? It's all looking uglier and uglier.

Recently the flat-look colourless design, with the need to click a tab to select the forum icon which has now been shifted over to the right hand side.

And now replies to existing comments are 'nested' by shifting the left hand edge of the text area more to the right, causing them to be squashed up into a smaller space, meaning long comment replies get even taller on screen.

Can you put it all back please, we don't like it :(

No more top three comments below story? :(


Re: I'm not sure I like it.

YesI miss the top 3 comments too, even the out of context ones were interesting because they made me click the comments section to see what it was all about.

Big blue Avatar movie spawns THREE SEQUELS


Re: After watching the start ....

Hey! Howard The Duck was a cinematic masterpiece, it proved George Lucas could make a film better than the Phantom Menace (although only marginally)

PEAK APPLE: iPad market share hits the skids


Does this mean Apple are scrambling to "invent" the next big thing (that nobody needs but suddenly everyone wants) to sell to the gullible masses?

My money's on an iPet, just because the Sony Aibo and the Ugobe Pleo weren't instant overnight successes it doesn't mean that robot pets can't be sold to everyone and their granny with the right company & marketing scheme!

IT Crowd thesp eyes giant hot-air-filled FLYING SCROTUM


What's newsworthy about this?

Everyone knows people only talk bollocks on YouTube.

Man who pulled gun during chess game surrenders to robot cop


Did they program the robot cop to say

"Your move, creep"?

Fanbois smash iPhone 5s much sooner than iPhone 3s ... but WHY?


Increased TTD theory

Most iphone owners will have marvelled at their shiny new toy when they get their first one and really try to take care of it, but when they've had 3 or 4 of them over the years they're not shiny or special anymore so don't take such good care of them.

Royston cops' ANPR 'ring of steel' BREAKS LAW, snarls watchdog


Troll them

Make a couple of fake cardboard registration plates and slap them on a bicycle.

What should the plate number be?

P155 0FF

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters


They couldn't even block The Pirate Bay, 1 single site

Let me get this straight, when they tried to block TPB a whole bunch of proxies suddenly sprung up seemingly out of nowhere by a bunch of random people doing it for absolutely free.

But now they want to block en-mass a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR industry!?

It's going to be insane, the porn producers will not take this lying down (ahem), they'll fight back and they have an enourmous amount of money to do so.

If dozens of free TPB proxies spring up overnight because a country put blocks to A SINGLE SITE, how many proxies and innocuous links/sites will spring up for the 4.2 MILLION porn sites out there?

Actually 4.2 million might be a little conservative as these statistics are for 2006 - http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html


Re: Next move . . .

Will they also censor links to the titmouse and boobys?

Also, does it mean the end of booby prizes?


Bill Hicks on porn


For a guy who's been dead for nearly 20 years he manages to talk more sense than any politician currently fucking up our country.

Burger-rage horse dumps on McDonald's: Rider saddled with fat fine


Yep, he certainly did, along with some other crazy antics, very funny to watch:



"unable to serve pedestrians, bicycle riders or customers on horseback"

It's almost like they only want the lazy patrons...

I can't suggest cyclists organise a mass descent on drive-thru's to try and get them to change their mind because if it worked then the remaining few healthy people we still have in this country would be encouraged to eat that slop - just imagine the advertising campaigns.

Paypal makes man 1000x as rich as the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE

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If it were Baldrick

He'd probably buy a turnip the size of a planet.

Gadgets are NOT the perfect gift for REAL men


How To Please A Woman Every Time:

Caress, praise, pamper, relish, savor, massage, make plans, fix, empathize, serenade, compliment, support, feed, tantalize, bathe, humor, placate, stimulate, jiffylube, stroke, console, purr, hug, coddle, excite, pacify, protect, phone, correspond, anticipate, nuzzle, smooch, toast, minister to, forgive, sacrifice, ply, accessorize, leave, return, beseech, sublimate, entertain, charm, lug, drag, crawl, show equality for, spackle, oblige, fascinate, attend, implore, bawl, shower, shave, trust, grovel, ignore, defend, coax, clothe, brag about, acquiesce, aromate, fuse, fizz, rationalize, detoxify, sanctify, help, acknowledge, polish, upgrade, spoil, embrace, accept, butter-up, hear, understand, jitterbug, locomote, beg, plead, borrow, steal, climb, swim, nurse, resuscitate, repair, patch, crazy-glue, respect, entertain, calm, allay, kill for, die for, dream of, promise, deliver, tease, flirt, commit, enlist, pine, cajole, angelicize, murmur, snuggle, snoozle, snurfle, elevate, enervate, alleviate, spotweld, serve, rub, rib, salve, bite, taste, nibble, gratify, take her places, scuttle like a crab on the ocean floor of her existence, diddle, doodle, hokey-pokey, hanky-panky, crystal blue persuade, flip, flop, fly, don't care if I die, swing, slip, slide, slather, mollycoddle, squeeze, moisturize, humidify, lather, tingle, slam-dunk, keep on rockin' in the free world, wet, slicken, undulate, gelatinize, brush, tingle, dribble, drip, dry, knead, fluff, fold, blue-coral wax, ingratiate, indulge, wow, dazzle, amaze, flabbergast, enchant, idolize, worship ....

How To Please A Man Every Time:

Show up naked with beer.

Apple files patent for refrigerator-magnet iPads


Re: Attaching something to a metal surface with magnets?

"Now how do we make it look like an Apple product?"

The same thing they do with everything they steal innovate; round the corners off and paint it white.


Attaching something to a metal surface with magnets?

Fucking genius! Someone deserves a nobel prize for this!

BT earmarks super-speedy 300Mbit/s broadband for 50 exchanges


300mbit! Holy crap!

I have an 80mbit BT Infinity 2 connection (speedtested at just over 79mbit) and I struggle to max that out for more than a minute or two at a time, what could possibly need 300mbit?

Ciseco Pi-Lite: Make a Raspberry Pi trip light fantastic with 126 LEDs

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RF modules

Whilst you're on Ciseco's site, check out their RF modules based on TI hardware, they're literally plug'n'play wireless serial comms. With the 1st revision of their XRF boards I achieved up to 3.4km communication without upgrading the whip antennas to parabolics!