Blimey, was it really over 3 years ago I wrote this?
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
"I'd much rather chance being zapped with a laser once on my way home than face the dozens of morons with their faulty headlights I pass every evening."
I'm with you on the hatred for the ever-increasing brightness of vehicle headlights, but I don't think you comprehend the permanent damage a Spyder III laser can easily do to your retinas.
Well unfortunately it does sometimes, when nobody cares enough to create a backup or archive of it somehow and the website owner loses interest in the site so stops paying for hosting.
Two sites that I may want to gain information from in the future but have disappeared 'into the ether' and don't appear to have copies on are the forums on which dealt with iRiver products in their heyday (I still regularly use my H140 with 80gb HD) and which used to contain an absolute goldmine of information for the Asus Eee devices.
Yup, I can't agree more on having that option.
One time we came home to discover our drystone wall that's adjacent to the road had been almost completely knocked down, a neighbour told us that a 5-axle lorry had caused it and didn't even stop.
Over the years numerous chunks of stone have been chipped away from that wall by large lorries squeezing past because they blindly followed their satnav to get to a destination that 's more accessable if they got to our road from the other end.
Move the wall you say? Not possible, part of it is attached to our and our neighbours house. And unfortunately it's never going to stop because that section is perhaps the narrowest along the road.
I'm also reminded of a joke I once read that went along the lines of:
Kid in back of car with mum driving: "Mummy, why don't you see any fucking bastards and bloody whores on the roads like daddy does?"
Two weeks? Count yourself very lucky, some years ago it took 5 months of pestering to get my Barclaycard cancelled and my money returned when fraudulent charges started appearing. This was back when they had Stephen Fry (I think) doing their adverts saying it was ok to use online.
Then the very week I managed to finally cancel the card, the other two household members received Barclaycard pens in the post along with offers to join...
Ben Heck's DIY Cell Phone Part 1 (YouTube)
Mobile phone technology is so prevailant that you can now buy modules to roll your own.Though getting it to do more than initiate/receive phone calls needs a whole new level of tech know-how.
The battery in one of them actually lasted 5 years, even more amazing was that the strap lasted that long too!
Now with screens everywhere telling me what time it is, along with a water powered desk clock, I don't wear a wristwatch anymore, but that hasn't stopped me collecting them, over 40 of the game types from the 80s/early 90s such as Donkey Kong, several Mario Bros, Pac-Man, Batman, Q*Bert etc. including ones that look like Game Boys and some really rare ones that look like Sega Game Gears.
Surveillance paranoia levels will undoubtedly increase when they're indistinguishable from ordinary specs, especially as the news media will relish writing numerous "is that person sitting opposite you on the tube / in the resturant / in the high street recording you without you realising?" stories.
At least this guy's not shy about his video recording activities:
Some of the big YouTube gamers have literally millions of subscribers and can generate enough money to live from, those are the ones that often attract many realtime viewers on Twitch.
But I'm with you on why would anyone want to watch the actual person playing the game rather than the game itself, especially as the YT gamers are known more for their voice (game commentary) than what they look like.
I do enjoy the ramblings of Nerd³ on YouTube, he's even got his dad into playing games and uploading game-play vids! As well as many colaboration vids where they fight each other to the death, with plenty of laughter.
He's probably already made his own railgun or two in his time. However he now has a new 20,000 Watt Power Supply...
Do they even have the right to destroy your hardware, wether you know the device you have contains a fake chip or not?
I thought FTDI were a reputable company that produced reliable hardware & software solutions, especially their USB-TTL/RS232 chips, but this is such a dick move, people who have heard of or experienced first hand what they did won't want to trust them again.
If you're in the market for a device that uses hardware of a type that FTDI manufacture, how can you be 100% sure it doesn't contain a fake FTDI chip before you hand over your money?
There's some weird psychology involved whereby if you tell people your goal you're less likely to go ahead and do it. Probably why so many governments are so poor at keeping up their promises to do things that benefit the public...
TED Talk - Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself (YouTube 3m45s)
"You can't employ somone who doesn't apply for a position and to employ someone *just* because they are female and not the best qualified/able will not improve male attutudes to women in IT."
The BBC are doing that with their comedy shows QI, Have I Got News For You & Mock The Week. Each time I a solitary token woman on those shows I wonder if they actually had a choice of female comedians to choose from or wether they just had to pick the only one available...
Choose both, get a Knife Gun!
Ok so that may be some what an extreme way to describe the new doctor, but that's sort of what he feels like now to me. Even when the past doctors didn't know what was going on or what to do next they still had strong conviction in their thoughts and actions, but this new one just seems to be 'floating about the place'.
I'll carry on watching because it's so different and far away from the usual sci-fi flung at us from across the pond, but I'll be hoping the next doctor has more 'substance'.
(yeah I'll probably get some flak from long time fans, but hey, isn't the show meant for everyone?)
But as soon as work on such a trilogy is announced then those cheap knock-off studios (like The Asylum) will bring out their own trilogy of the films called "Noughts and Crosses!". And when they've run out of ideas the next logical film to make would be "Connect 4"...
Jackass 3 Poo Cocktail Supreme (YouTube) (Warning: Disgusting)