hackaday.com pulled this stunt recently
It was like someone at that place redesigned the website to look good just for them on their favourite web browsing device, so so many people had issues with the completely absurd changes to the layout which made no sense at all, but they changed very little in response to the (quite often vitriol levels of) feedback given.
I loved that site.
I really did.
I visited it multiple times daily.
Yet since they made it a complete pain in the arse to navigate and read I visit perhaps once a week. I'm dead serious about that, despite loving the content it contains.
El Reg has been one of a few other favourite websites I've been regularly visiting (often multiple times a day) for almost a decade, I registered on these forums over 7.5 years ago, look at my user number, it's only 2016 and now there are over 73 thousand registered forum users.
IMHO this is a smack in the face to the regular, devoted visitors who never requested these sort of changes to the layout, the previous one worked fine.
Almost everyone was comfortable with how things were, but now almost everyone is spitting blood at the monumentally absurd redesign of the layout.
Can we please have the previous design layout back.