* Posts by Haku

1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007

Is cloud the answer to all your storage problems?


One big problem with online storage is when you become too reliant on them and they shut down.

Such as Megaupload etc., with Rapidshare being the most recent to throw the towel in real soon now.


Sony's super-frumpy SmartEyeglass goggles are $840 Google Glasses


Futuristic retro?

They look like the bastard love child of 1950's cat eye glasses and some swimming goggles.

Samsung's spying smart TVs don't encrypt voice recordings sent over the internet – new claim


Thanks Samsung.

I now have a headache from an appropriate force facepalm after reading this article.

Apple LIGHTSABERS to feature in The Force Awakens


Re: Warranty void if seal is broken

They'll probably have a standby mode, and an irreplacable fuel source that needs recharging every 24 hours.


Rule 2. The Future is Old.


But Apple products are designed to be shiny and new...

Apple 'hires' the 'A-Team' from car titans, they DO SAY: Let's modify the 'van'!


It's probably an electric car with non-replaceable batteries.

Kyocera: Torque among yourselves on our unbreakable ruggedmobe


Re: Kyocera

Indeed, I have a small Kyocera solar panel that's over 30 years old which is still sucking up rays with only minimal drop in output power, its condition and build quality make it look like it was only manufactured last year.

The Interview? Kim Jong-Un, you really shouldn’t have bothered

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Re: Sigh...

By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!

Swap your keyless key for keyless key-less key. You'll need: a Tesla S and Apple Watch


Re: Crazy and worrying

Well, you could always upgrade the lock system...

LICKED: Behold my TOAD-PROOF ERECTION, boasts Aussie boffin

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Re: Cane Toads: An Unnatural History - Compulsory viewing

The full 46 minute documentary:


And yes it is worth a watch.

CHAINSAW HORROR advert earns GiffGaff a slap from regulator


"Ooooh! Have we got a video??"

VYVYAN: Michael and I are going to indulge in an all night orgy of sex and violence!

RICK: What, in the drawing room?

VYVYAN: Yeah. First we're going to have sex with the Headless Corpse and the Virgin Astronaut.

RICK: Ugh!. Won't the carpet get awfully sticky?

VYVYAN: It's a video nasty!!!


Hey if you want to watch fluffy / interesting stuff without worrying it'll warp someone's fragile little mind, www.wimp.com is the place for you, except you might want an adblocker to be completely sure everything's good. It is SFW but you might spend too long watching stuff there.

The Pirate Bay clambers back online after cop raid sunk site for 7 weeks


Re: Obligatory Oatmeal

I must spend more time viewing Oatmeal's witty scrawls, for the few I've seen are great, I've spent a good time viewing XKCD's and I like plenty of those.

Oh and that 2nd link reminds me, I must check out this "Game of Thrones" thing everyone on the internet seems to praise...or take the piss out of.


Re: And so

Yes, and especially since in Norway the amount of under 30's pirating music has dropped from 70% in 2009 to 4% now.

I mean it has to be true, nobody lies in surveys do they?

Bloke claims someone paid him 85,000 for a web glitter bomb factory


Re: As one of my fellow commentards noted a while back,

Mythbusters successfully polished a turd...

Is it humanly possible to watch Gigli and Battlefield Earth back-to-back?


Re: The Crow.

I'll see your "The Crow" and raise you "The Crow: Stairway to Heaven" the tv series...


Re: Bad movies? I LOVE BAD MOVIES!

Already have it on DVD :)

Along with other such gems as: Waxwork, Waxwork 2, Troll, Troll 2, The Wraith, The Gate, The Stuff, The Wizard, Crash & Burn, Robot Jox, both Ewoks movies, Tomboy, School Spirit, Back to the Beach and a shedload more.

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Bad movies? I LOVE BAD MOVIES!

Especially old ones, and old sci-fi. I still have an extensive VHS collection and some laserdiscs of films that never made it to DVD, such as:

Slipstream (1989,Japanese widescreen laserdisc)

Deep Red (1994,laserdisc)

Out on a Limb (1992,laserdisc)

Hamburger: The Motion Picture (1986,laserdisc)

Dream Machine (1991,laserdisc)

Off and Running (1991,VHS)

Crazy Legs aka Off The Mark (1987,VHS)

Savior of the Earth (1983,VHS) - Tron ripoff cartoon you just gotta see, even if you only watch the first few minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OePa32O9l0

The Dirt Bike Kid (1985,laserdisc)

SCREW you, GLASSHOLES! Microsoft unveils HoloLens


Re: I want these.

After 20+ years, someone actually found a real use for the Power Glove!

The glove needed a bit of hacking at first though, he now uses it to remotely control through bluetooth the camera shutter/playback during animating Robot Chicken skits:


Will fondleslab's fickle finger of fate help Windows 10?


I think I'm getting old :(

I was, well, not 'happy' but 'comfortable enough' and familiar with XP having used it for so many many years, hated Vista whenever I had to use it on other people's machines, I'm still getting to grips with all the nuances of 7, barely had the opportunity to use 8, and now 10 is on the horizon after they scrapped 9!

Where did all that time (and M$ R&D budget) go?

P.S. I remember when all this was just fields, now get off my lawn!

Boffins: It's EASY to make you GRASS YOURSELF UP for crimes you never did


Don't Talk to Police (YouTube)

Sure the talk is from a criminal defense attorney and cop in America which mostly relates to US laws, but it's still really really worth a listen because some points raised are universal when dealing with any police force in any country.

Citrix goes into the mouse business


B-b-but laptops aren't trendy anymore...

PROOF the undead STALK Verizon users: Admen caught using 'perma-cookie'


Re: How about a new UIDH

Or a service that strips the unique identifier and replaces it with



Re: I know the article specifically stated Verizon Mobile

Take your pick from the many many sites that offer this service:


It's 4K-ing big right now, but it's NOT going to save TV


Bring on the plethora of 4k & 8k TVs!

So I can get a decent, very fast pixel refresh rate 1080p screen for peanuts, because sadly with my eyesight, 4k & 8k screens would be wasted on me :(

Broadband isn't broadband unless it's 25Mbps, mulls FCC boss


Re: I can't wait for...

And when your provider throttles your connection because you ate too much internet:


Double-digit tablet growth spurt is OVER, say pundits


Re: People who wanted tablets, bought them..

Exactly, I have two 7" Android tablets and an Android phone, I do not want or need another battery powered mouth to feed.

Want to shoot FIREBALLS from your wrists, SPIDER-MAN style?


Hidden camera show

This seems like the sort of gadget a hidden camera show would use to wow or freak people out with, especially if you could conceal it in your hands in such a way to pretend to sneeze fireballs after eating one of those ridiculously high scoville peppers.

Apple's 16GB iPhones are a big fat lie, claims iOS 8 storage hog lawsuit


CRT screen sizes and viewing area

Who else remembers back when CRT's ruled the world and you got a big 21 inch TV only to discover the viewing area was actually 20 inches?

Advertisers were forced to disclose the actual viewing area so they got away with this by selling you a TV with the tube size described in inches in big bold letters whilst disclosing the actual viewing area in cm, which because of the numerical relationship between inch & cm it appeared to be a big number, when in reality when converted to inches was smaller than the tube size.

I think this page is a bit outdated now: http://www.metric.org.uk/screen-sizes

They're all despicable because they'll try any tactic available to make you think you're getting something better than what you actually get, for example I bought some rechargable AA's recently that are called the 2400 series, ther're really good and I am pleased with them but the actual capacity is 2300mAh.

Zuckerberg asks the public to tell him where to go in 2015


Polite? Okay then.

He should go make love to himself.

Here's Johnny! Top Ten fantasy Blu-ray boxsets and special editions


Re: Good grief!

Number of episodes in a show could be a factor.

It's not uncommon for a well funded UK show to have only 6 (or 8 if you're lucky) epsiodes per series, whereas in the US it's not uncommon to have 13 or 26 episodes per series.



CBS went all-out on the remastering of this show in high-def; the original visual effects were only created in standard-def yet everything else was shot on 35mm, so they went and re-created all the visual effects in high-def CGI to match the scanned in 35mm footage.

Dotcom 'saved' Xmas for Xbox – but no one can save Sony's titsup PlayStation Network


Snow in GTA Online

During Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Rockstar turned on the snow in GTA Online, I had a good few hours of play under my belt on Christmas Eve and was with friends most of the next day, the Liberator monster truck & Sandking XL were my favourite 'snowmobiles'.

Quite a few gamers are quite understandably pissed off at the network attacks because it prevented them from enjoying the (very) short duration of snow.

IMHO 2 days of snow was not enough, especially as most people would've had obligations to be with friends/family. A week would've sufficed, enough to really enjoy it and start wishing things got back to normal.

Q*bert: The Escher-inspired platform puzzler from 1982

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Mobile version? Yes, I have a very mobile version:


El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.


Re: Some thoughts

"Well - we are looking to do something about pics."

Here's a couple of suggestions I think a lot of regular visitors can get behind:




You're splashing stock pictures around like clueless people used to do with excess amounts of clip art in the early days of desktop publishing. It's not wanted, we're already here to read the articles, you don't need to try and lure us in with stupid, irrelevant pictures that hog most of the screen.


Re: Whats the problem?

If you're referring to the beta layout of Slashdot, that really is fucking hideous, it has almost none of the long standing graphic idioms of the original layout.

Thankfully you can (for now) avoid the beta version and go back to the original, but if/when they ever force everyone to use the beta layout then I'm done with that site.

There's a worrying trend that the owners/maintainers of tech based websites just don't understand their userbase, that they like the stability and familiarity of the UI staying the same for years and that's one of the major factors of them keeping on coming back time and time again.

Completely changing the layout of a website 'to keep up with the UI trends on the web' is MONUMENTALLY DUMB, if they're doing it because they want to attract a new range of visitors then that just shows disdain for their original visitors that got them to their popularity in the first place.

If El Reg decided to go back to their previous layout then it would show they're willing to listen, and I don't doubt that commentators would be the first to congratulate El Reg for doing the right thing.

P.S. How many of you are old enough to remember New Coke?


Re: Return of the 'I have read this article' Indication

Using varying shades of grey as an indication of something is IMHO a poor UI practice, namely because you can't be sure wether the end user has their screen's brightness/contrast set up properly, and when you factor in LCD viewing angles and daylight etc. it just makes it worse.

I hate the fact that the WIFI icons on Android devices I've used use two differing shades of grey on the icon to indicate signal strength, when two different colours are much much easier for your eyes/brain to spot than two differing shdes of grey.


hackaday.com pulled this stunt recently

It was like someone at that place redesigned the website to look good just for them on their favourite web browsing device, so so many people had issues with the completely absurd changes to the layout which made no sense at all, but they changed very little in response to the (quite often vitriol levels of) feedback given.

I loved that site.

I really did.

I visited it multiple times daily.

Yet since they made it a complete pain in the arse to navigate and read I visit perhaps once a week. I'm dead serious about that, despite loving the content it contains.

El Reg has been one of a few other favourite websites I've been regularly visiting (often multiple times a day) for almost a decade, I registered on these forums over 7.5 years ago, look at my user number, it's only 2016 and now there are over 73 thousand registered forum users.

IMHO this is a smack in the face to the regular, devoted visitors who never requested these sort of changes to the layout, the previous one worked fine.

Almost everyone was comfortable with how things were, but now almost everyone is spitting blood at the monumentally absurd redesign of the layout.

Can we please have the previous design layout back.



How's this for irony:

- El Reg change their layout.

- Nobody likes it.

- They have an article on their front page titled "Do you even know who your customers ARE?"


Re: Yuk.

It seems the forums are taking a beating too, post edits don't show up immediately like they used to.

I bloody hate it when companies pull this web upgrade shit on its users on a Friday because by the time most people have started using the new interface, the people behind the upgrade have pissed off home for the weekend :(



I don't hate it - I don't like it. But I suppose I'll have to live with it.

Can I just ask, why is the prominant news article link taking up so much fucking space on the front page and in the article itself?!


I don't come here for pictures, I come here for NEWS!!

HORRIFIED Amazon retailers fear GOING BUST after 1p pricing cockup


Re: Hang on

I once crashed the automated checkout at a Tesco trying to buy some reduced items that were on a BOGOF offer.

The till deducted the original price of the free item not the heavily reduced price, so the final balance I owed was a negative number and the software had a mental breakdown, indicated by the touchscreen not responding anymore... :D

Hipsters snap up iPod Classics for $$$s after Apple kills rusty gadget


Re: hard drive players... ...any other candidates spring to mind?


I'm still regularly using my 10 year old iRiver iHP-140 (which they had to re-brand as the H140 apparently due to HP complaining or something), replaced the battery once and earlier this year I swapped out the (heavily used and nearing the end of it's useful life) 40gb HD for an 80GB one.

Sure my Android phone has the ability to play mp3s and is significantly smaller, but the iRiver player's main function is playing/recording audio and it has physical buttons for control of the device, including a full-function wired remote control with screen, which rules superior when you want to control it without having to look at a screen.

Mom and daughter SUE Comcast for 'smuggling' public Wi-Fi hotspot into their home


Re: completely nuts!

"Then I guess you have no problem with Comcast charging you $8.00 a month rental for the privilege of hosting the hotspot."


The hotspot can be turned off, users of it can't get access to your own LAN, and as an Xfinity user you have the ability to use other people's Xfinity hotspots, just like BTWIFI.


Re: completely nuts!

"If it's anything like the BTWifi-with-Fon hot spots on BT customer routers in the uk then the "public" side of it will have a very restricted bandwidth (1mbps here IIRC) which depending on your package and line sync speed will have no effect on your own connection speed regardless of how well used it is."

I actually did some tests on this with my own BT Infinity 2 connection regarding bandwidth available to BTWIFI hotspot users, see this previous El Reg post of mine for the results:




Put me through to Buffy's room, please. Sony hackers leak stars' numbers, travel aliases


Not sure how to feel about this new attack.

On the one hand it's funny Sony got another taste of their own medicine (see Sony CD rootkit scandal)

But on the other hand the attackers shouldn't have leaked personal information of employees etc.

Home Wi-Fi security's just as good as '90s PC security! Wait, what?


Furious GTA V gamers seek similar ban on violent, misogynistic title: the Holy Bible


Somewhere in a parallel world

You can go into a hotel, look in the bedside cabinet and see the Good Book of GTA with a little note saying "This bible was placed here by an Epsilon"

P.S. Kifflom! Brother brother.

Man asks internet for $1k for pebbles. INTERNET SAYS YES


A quick search revealed the availability of stainless steel ice cubes, which some people say are better than soapstone due to a higher thermal conductivity,

Personally I have no idea which is better, so this might have to be investigated first hand, with many 'experiments' :D

Sick of the 'criminal' lies about pie? Lobby the government HERE


Re: What about the debt

Hang on a mo, if they're selling pot pies without putting "pot" in the name, that's false advertising not consumer stupidity.



Talking about pi(e) on a tech oriented site and no mention of raspberry even in jest?