In related news I heard the Chuckle Brothers are going to do a cover of the Genesis song:
"Follow You Follow Me"
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Wanna see one of the weirdest freaky films ever made starring Phil Collins and Hugo Weaving (V for Vendetta voice, Matrix' Agent Smith) from 1993?
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuMaaHzBVnU
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_StnoX1X58
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U4Hkal0Bcw
The icon is totally appropriate. You'll see.
Whenever friends ask me about Windows 10 I always do my best to gently steer them away from it, mainly because they treat me as free tech help and I just don't want to get involved with W10 until I'm practically forced to at gunpoint, to coin a phrase.
I did try installing it on one of my laptops (on a spare drive I wiped afterwards) and just found the whole thing rather creepy, it didn't feel like I owned the machine anymore. And then there's the whole 'apps' thing, like the word "program" or "software" has been banished in favour of what new generations of mobile phone / tablet users are using.
No. Just no.
Yes it was £1 a go, I remember because I once had a go on such a contraption in the basement of Hamleys back in the days when the basement was filled with arcade machines and computers you could have a go on.
I recall that it didn't actually work that well, it felt like the game was shoehorned into the 360 contraption. Sure it spun me round and flipped me upside down but my physical orientation had no real bearing on what was being displayed on screen.
They should've written a dogfighting jet game especially for it instead so you didn't feel like you'd totally wasted your precious £1 for a couple of minutes of disorientation, which back then was significantly more than the price of traditional standing arcade games.
Anyone stuck in an airport for an unintended extended period could always kill some time by watching a film.
From watching too much Mythbusters (read: every single show to date) I've seen them on many occasion use high speed footage to measure the speed of an object going past a stripey background with the stripes being a perfect measured width.
So doesn't it stand that even basic dashcam footage (one without GPS) can give you the speed of the vehicle if you measure how many frames it takes to get from one spot to another spot along a road if you know the exact distance between the two spots and the framerate?
Doubtful it would hold up in court as the prosecution would say the camera's framerate isn't calibrated, but it could tell you wether you were even close to doing 40 in a 30 zone.
This new Apple problem feels like some sort of sci-fi horror story where the upper echelon live in a heavily guarded 'bubble' where they can travel and do things completely free of any outside force doing bad things to them - until a monster breaks in and wreaks havoc because all the guards are on the outside.
My laptop just started whooping & hollering & clapping, wondering what the hell was going on I went through my browser windows & tabs to discover I'd left the apple-events tab open on Chrome - it appears they're accomodating the 'peasants' with the now recorded video of the event.
I'm so overwhelmed I think I might have to go and lie down in a dark room and listen to some Tangerine Dream.
On the subject of having to scroll all the way to the bottom, what happened to the comments section in relation to adding new comments and voting up/down comments?
When the page reloads it always stays at the top instead of automatically scrolling down to where the related comment is.
Looks like all the <a name=" tags have gone missing.
Ahh that'll be the Copyright Math™, explained in The $8 Billion iPod TED Talk
Looking at that article, 15 grams of thermite doesn't sound like enough to do much in the way of melting a HDD, also I think SSDs are more susceptible to the effects of thermite but not finding any videos of people who have tried it (there are plenty of videos of thermite on HDDs) it's still speculation.
However I did find this video of a Runcore SSD that had two self-destruct buttons, a green button which simply reset the data on the chips and red button that completely short circuted the chips, burning and cracking them. The woman actually got out of her chair to get a little distance away before pressing the red button! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLxaVFBXbCk
I also have a liking of Asus products, but I (and a lot of other people) have discovered a small flaw with the Asus MemoPad HD7 ME173X, whilst it's a good tablet with a great screen, accidentally dropping it can cause the touchscreen to stop working properly/altogether.
Why? Because they engineered it with tight tolerances, so any flexing of the unit can cause the touchscreen ribbon cable to be pulled out of its sockets.
It's easy to fix, simply pop the back off and re-insert the cable, but this leads into another potential problem, if you forget to remove the MicroSD card beforehand it can irrepairably damage the socket when prying the back off.
"The new norm should be SSD."
Agreed after seeing first hand how upgrading to a SSD in this core i5 laptop has really boosted the running of the operating system.
But I can't reccomend the WD Black2 Dual Drive which is the one I installed, 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD in one package sounds good in theory but how they got both to work simultaneously through a single SATA connection is nothing short of a kludge which requires special software to activate the 1TB HDD after you've installed the OS on the 128GB SSD. The system effectively sees a single drive split into two partitions, meaning things can get tricky if you have to reformat the drive to replace the OS.
Yet that's not the worst of it because at random intervals the drive light goes on for a full minute or two, completely locking up the laptop for that time, I've lost no data but it's an issue that has plagued users and WD know about it but they haven't made a firmware fix, it mostly happens if I'm transferring many gigabytes to/from it but can strike at any time.
It's called a Faraday Cage.
Or she could move to the United States National Radio Quiet Zone.