"Hello, I am calling from Microsoft..."
The fuck you are!
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
To put the distance restriction proposal into more tangeable numbers:
500 meters distance, 121.92 meters high = 95,794,285 cubic meters
100 meters distance, 50 meters high = 1,571,428 cubic meters
So you'll only be allowed to fly in 1.64% of the cubic area you used to be able to.
The new proposals by the EASA should be looked at by everyone who flies multirotors and model aircraft, both hobbyist and commercial sector, because it appears they're trying to screw over everyone:
Homebuilt drones only allowed to be up to 250g in weight?! And the height restricted to 50m (down from 121m) along with distance to 100m (down from 500m) here in the uk? Utter madness.
It appears they're set to kill the hobby and commercial side of drone usage by introducing new regulations that are absolutely absurd:
Homebuilt drones only allowed to be up to 250g in weight?! And the height restricted to 50m (down from 121m) along with distance to 100m (down from 500m) here in the uk? Utter madness.
This doesn't just affect multirotors but the model aircraft flyers who have been happily flying for decades without attracting the sort of scaremongering the introduction of affordable multirotors to the world has caused.
Take for example http://www.speedtest.net/ for testing your internet speed. If I don't use an ad blocker then my speed test results cannot be trusted because of the bandwidth & cpu the adverts take up when loading the page & doing the test.
*runs away quickly*
Subject: "EXS" WARNING!!! Attack!!! "EXS".
We are a HACKER TEAM - Armada Collective
1 - We have checked your information security systems, setup is poor; the systems are very vulnerable and obsolete.
2 - We'll begin attack on Tuesday 06-09-2016 8:00 p.m.!!!!!
3 - We'll execute some targeted attacks and check your DDoS servers by the 10-300 Gbps attack power
4 - We'll run a security breach test of your servers through the determined vulnerability, and we'll gain the access to your databases.
5 - All the computers on your network will be attacked for Cerber - Crypto-Ransomware
6 - You can stop the attack beginning, if payment 1 bitcoin to bitcoin ADDRESS: [snip]
7 - If you do not pay before the attack 1 bitcoin, the price will increase to 20 bitcoins
8 - You have time to decide! Transfer 1 bitcoin to ADDRESS: [snip]
The rest of it was telling me how to use bitcoin to send them money.
I don't know whose servers they hit last Tuesday because I don't own any :)
thepihut.com has a £50 Pi bundle 8 or 16gb card with a preinstalled OS, PSU, case, HDMI cable, ethernet cable.
For £99 the official starter kit has an 8gb card with preinstalled OS, PSU, case, HDMI cable, mouse, keyboard, Adventures in Pi book.
So how does a £6 keyboard + generic USB scroll mouse + £15 book add up to £50?
Make drone manufacturers & sales agents responsible for end users mishaps?
Even if such an astoundingly absurd law were to be put into place, it would be absolutely and totally uninforceable due to the fact that you can (and many many people do) build a drone (fixed wing & multirotor) from individually bought parts, often driven by an open source flight controller, the likes of which has no sort of manufacturer enforced geofencing like DJI products to try and stop people flying near airports, or even limit the height to 400ft.
Some out-of-the-box commercially bought quadcopters can reach a mile high, people have posted such videos on YouTube.
With the right parts you can build a ~5kg 680 sized hexcopter with 45 minuttes flight time, easily enough to get to 7000 feet & return without crashing.
Duck season
Wabbit season
Duck season
Wabbit season
Duck season
Wabbit season
Duck season
The missile comment made me immediately think of this; This Is Not Happening - Jim Breuer - Bombing in Sears - Uncensored (YouTube)
Background: There's a tv show in America called "This is not Happening" where comedians tell true stories of things that happened to them in their lives, often nearly unbelievable, almost always hilarious. The tv show trims the stories short to fit in the timeslot, the YouTube uploads are full-length.
P.S. Long live PAINT!
"When will people learn."
In a lot of cases, never.
But then there are instances that even take the most cautious by surprise, like you'd never expect a commercially pressed audio CD to root your computer.
how about an upgrade, available in 5 colours, including blue!
"....or the way almost any database search displays all the data they're not interested in before finally leaving just the data they want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
But when you're searching for something, it's always in the last place you look.
Think about it. Logic is wonderful.
I do wonder how much damage the image of the tech help guy has had through films & tv shows, because all too often some 'super hacker' is shown to be doing stuff with a keyboard (why do they never ever use the mouse/trackpad?) that gets impossible things done in super quick time.
Also, those little file transfer bars zip by so quickly when the USB stick gets plugged into the computer, yet in the real world even USB 3.0 sticks can't transfer tens of gigabytes of data in a few seconds, and the film would be over long before they tried to transfer terrabytes.
Most search engines crawl the web, this one crawls for open ports:
Some background reading: https://www.mikecarthy.com/offensive-security/shodan-worlds-dangerous-search-engine & http://www.zdnet.com/article/shodan-the-iot-search-engine-which-shows-us-sleeping-kids-and-how-we-throw-away-our-privacy/
Reminds me of some tv programme about James Bond where someone in the props department got a call from the 'lets kill the bad guys' department of the government, very interested in the underwater breathing apparatus shown in Thunderball, wanting to know how long it would enable someone to breathe underwater for - the answer they received was 'for as long as the person can hold their breath...'
Half makes you wonder if someone in the government thinks that a flesh covered metal man could come back in time to prevent a future global war from being stopped.
Well I suppose it is possible, I mean there are already reports of security robots attacking people.
Have you seen the film Secondhand Lions? Definitely worth a watch.
There are some great scenes in it where the two old rich guys (Michael Caine & Robert Duvall) are sitting out on their porch enjoying the day while they get frequent visits from salesmen trying to get them to part with their money.
Shotguns are involved.
Companies regularly advertise their newest game by using cinema quality CGI 'game footage' but at least they put these words at the bottom:
Not actual gameplay
The food industry too, bright colourful pictures of perfectly presented food on the box but when you actually open up the box... IMHO the person who takes the photograph of the food should be forced to eat it afterwards, that way they won't use all sort of tricks like hairspray to make the food look good.