Re: El Reg and Sun, hmm...
Something a bit more British you say?
1902 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Apr 2007
Something a bit more British you say?
Don't ask me why, I've been up for 15 hours!
This one might have been fun to play with for a short while until the novelty wore off:
"I'm sorry, but we conservatives aren't able to contort our minds around the kind of comic book causes the left thinks are so incredibly urgent, like a belief in warming that just isn't happening."
I see your global warming card and raise you:
Forty foot high two thousand mile long wall.
"This is a common complaint for me about television in general, there's always a kid that comes across as being so much more worldly wise. so much more together than all the highly qualified/ experienced adults around them."
You must've hated Seaquest DSV then.
I once drove to a nearby city and when I got to the car park and pulled on the handbrake I heard this unnerving twang sound and felt the handle go completely loose... I was very careful on the 15 mile journey back after shopping, and thankfully I could park it on flat ground at home. Got it fixed the next day.
Apparently he got 12 stiches in his face.
A world without batteries? It would look something like this:
Gas powered daily life (YouTube)
We'd all die of carbon monoxide poisoning!
Twilight Zone Nightmare at 20,000 feet
Twilight Zone The Movie - A Face In The Window
Which leads to this great setup:
I for one do not want to be driven by a GTA programmed car in real life after having observed the competance of NPC drivers in GTA from taking taxi rides and standing on top of ambulances (one of the few vehicles you don't fall off of) whilst a swearing NPC takes you on an impromptu tour of Los Santos.
Stupid people should be made to wear a sign stating such.
The only thing I know at this point is the need for a triple facepalm.
Incedents like this is precicely why I've never bought green laser pointers for friends or friends of friends who have on more than one occasion now seen my one and asked me to get me them one the next time I'm shopping online for stuff.
If they're too stupid to use the internet to buy a simple laser pointer they're too stupid to be in posession of one - I won't be party to that level of idiocy.
I used to use a lot until their service became 'watered down' by allowing 3rd party sellers to operate on their site, it got to the point where I once tried to find a USB microSD card reader and discovered finding a non-generic one was futile - one seller had put over 8000 duplicate listings for the same card reader, totally ruining the site's search capability.
I completely gave up using that site after then - if they can't maintain their own site properly then I don't want to have to deal with them if say I had to return something.
That happened to me today :(
Caused by a faulty PosHold mode which after a while it would stop responding to the throttle and just go down.
I'd forgotten PosHold did this on this craft so it landed heavily on the side of a hill. Thankfully the only damage was a broken leg and I didn't have the spare ones with me so had to trundle back home with a bunch of batteries to discharge.
Ho hum, next time I'll remember to bring the spare landing legs :)
My GPS capable multirotors have a function called RTL (Return To Launch), triggered by loss of signal from the controller, or by manually selecting it on the controller.
If I don't sit and wait for the craft to lock on to enough satellites to properly triangulate its position before taking off then that RTL function is useless because it doesn't know where it launched from.
Triggering RTL without a good enough satellite lock can cause it to 'go back to China', which is only funny when it happens to someone else.
My 40" Blaupunkt I got in the black friday sales is dumb, and the piece of junk can't even display a 24hz hdmi signal properly, it's like looking at 24fps shown on a 60hz refresh. And that's not the worst of it, when it does go into 24hz the resolution is buggered too - the horizontal pixels get merged together so you're looking at a 960x1080 image...
This is over 20 years old so you'll have to substitute "usenet" for "facebook"/"bittorrent" and "VCR" for "DVR", but other than that the joke premise still holds water:
All too often friends/family have been having trouble with an electrical device (usually computer related) so when I visit they're really glad I'm there because I can fix the device, only for both of us to discover the device is now working perfectly fine without me doing anything other than switching it on.
So it appears merely the threat of me turning up and delving into its innards (software configuration or physically with a screwdriver) scares these technological devices into working properly again.
I must be a divine being or something, so icon :)
"star trek sleeping"
Rather neat, I hadn't thought of searching for a loop of the ships background noise, though just listening to a couple of minutes of it made me realise it would probably drive me nuts trying to sleep to it due to its unnatural monotony.
For many many years I used to listen to Tangerine Dream to help me get to sleep, auto-reverse walkmans were a godsend, but now we're in the age of video playlists on pcs so it's familiar films or tv shows I usually crash out to.
“One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win… is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws.”
Police already want to be able to remotely stop cars at will
This future world we're living is awesome and I can't possibly see a remote engine stop function ever being abused...
Hahahahaha! Brilliant.
Here's a clickable link of it so people don't have to copy/paste: