Been there, seen that.
58 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2008
Even here in Snuggly-soft Portland, Oregon, the few bad cops don't understand their jobs. They endanger the majority good cops because trogs can't tell the diff. (And it's not too safe if you have a big mouth, either.)
Well, the problem of the aircraft filling with some sort of aerosol from a malfunctioning battery.
What about the root cause of the electro-chemical anomaly? Feh -- if you want to play with roots go hire a gardener. I wonder if I will live long enough to see engineers rise up and smite their stupid overlords? Naaaah.
And all the color printer manufacturers just decided one day to print identifying information on every single print issuing from their machines. Coincidence? Would have to be otherwise it would be a violation of some anti-trust law. (The yellow ink cartel?)
Remember, when folks accuse you of being a conspiracy buff, politely answer in the affirmative and ask them, "Are you a coincidence buff?" (HT to Daniel Sheehan)
When prompted to leave a long line, where a fleshie will eventually cash me out, to go to the underused "self-serve" zone I usually loudly ask, " How much of a discount will I get for taking away the jobs of these [theatrical sweeping of arm] cashiers?"
If I'm feeling extra cranky, I'll add in my stage whisper to the other patrons, "Are any of you coming to my place of employment to take my job?"
"... what does IBM do? I've forgotten...." They are merely a croupier at the great casino of Wall Street. Their job is to take the EPS number pulled from the mind of a Bolivian marching powder besotted weasel and contort the operation of what is left of the corporation to meet that figure. Customers? Employees? Naaah, it is a game of financial Twister for the entertainment of the uber-rich who no longer need the money but use their "wealth" as a way of keeping score. After all, how many Lambo's and MIGs can a guy own? FEH!
Mr. Quinn has been brainwashed -- he needed to be "re-tasked" to perform his chores skillfully and unquestioningly by his former employer. Cisco was kind enough to higher a disabled veteran. I have no qualms with Mr. Quinn or his distorted version of the PTSD that hobbles so many soldiers who served their nation. I have a big problem with the senior leadership at Cisco who know not how to support nor to control their managers.
And Cisco does not "put food" on anyone's tables -- the employees earn every penny they get.
... that is what I was trying to envisage. To bracket the device it is somewhere between a Turing machine and Russian "Memory Water." As Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
(Let the peer-reviewed journals decide -- we're here for the tussle.)
...apply old snake oil!
With due deference to Stan Ovshinsky, who has been tilling this field before these young pups were born, can someone reveal the mechanical analogue of the memristor? Resistor, inductor, capacitor can be simulated with drag, mass, spring and the memristor is...what? This puffery reminds me of the ancient claims of a new mechanism: the Rolamite!
If anyone deserves credit in this field it would be Stan and Iris.
(BTW, I am a cranky old coot, and have always been one. When one accepts Thévenin's theorem one must wonder who this Norton guy was, and why he gained any street cred for stating the clearly obvious under the concept of duality. )
People don't vacation by going to a museum where they have to use their brain. They go to Disneyworld where stuff is poured into the skull by smiling workers. Fox News predigests all you need to know. Faith is so much easier than logic.
The slippery slope was traversed long ago: The Advertorial blurred the ethical lines and Infotainment erased it.
The Dark Ages have returned and it is blindingly bright.
"on another note, the greentards throw all the guilt on nuclear power, while they actually should on their own governments for not promoting more safety and better waste management *almost all the radioactive waste could be rendered non-radioactive with a bit of research."
No wonder the USA abandoned the Yucca Mountain waste repository! All we need it just a bit more research....
What, Neutron Jack, Jr. can't depress salaries quickly enough?
And when we Yanks say "education" we mean "training." Not well-rounded, well-read with in-depth knowledge, but well trained in using the latest tools. Classical language, literature -- you know, the stuff you folks on the other side of the pond think (thought?) important -- not so important here.
Sorry, but the education system over here is rotting because teachers can't live on the salaries. Industry is collapsing because the most-recent-quarterly-profit hucksters have gutted the production infrastructure. And young people see how the industry values its workers.
Are these generalizations? Yes. Not every business whores itself to Wall Street, but the lion's share is going to the pigs. And these leaders are correct: it is not sustainable. They should know as they are the ones pushing it into the sea.
...who had a mild case -- but just the facial tics and the occasional upper body twitch. The only profanity he uttered was the day he was reading a newspaper, tic'd and tore it in half, clean down the middle. And who amongst us wouldn't have! It's a tough condition to have even with a great sense of self...and humor.
"...6,335,730's essentially identical description of less-important objects being shrunken and more-important objects being emphasized ...."
Mr. Bear and his "contributions" have been emphasized far more than his allotted 15-minutes of fame as a non-contributer to advancing the state-of-the-art. His patents teach nothing unique nor reveal any bleedin' non-obvious ideas... and should tossed. Mr. Bear himself may follow.
(the bullhorn for the flea/drawbridge joke allusion)
If it can "use solar energy" must have windows where mirrors can direct sunlight into it. Unless they are thinking that a solar plant can use electricity to break down water into hydrogen and then....
Don't you Brits have as saying about hauling coal to Newcastle? Feh! Not many squeaky snakes around here.