* Posts by Edwin

554 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Apr 2007


Early mornings, late evenings, weekends. Useless users always demand support



C'mon El Reg - reading your linked story, that "apparently homeless" family was homeless in only the most technical way - they couldn't move into their new house because of the Barclays glitch, for which the bank should perhaps be made to pay but the family is hardly destitute and sleeping rough...

Want to feel old? Excel just entered its 40th year


Also does anyone remember

The 'boss key' on early text games like Rogue that would take you to a mockup of the 1-2-3 screen?

Disney kicks Slack to the curb, looks to Microsoft Teams for a happily ever after


Element isn't going to attract many customers

if their CEO insists on branding potential customers as idiots....

I work in Slack but my customers tend to use Teams so I have that too. Both platforms have their pros and cons for Joe User - not sure either is particularly 'better'

Kia Niro electric vehicle defies physics with record-breaking 114 million miles on the clock


VW is a bit better.

Have a '21 Skoda Superb PHEV - lanekeeping is surprisingly good, even in poor visibility but it does get itchy around complex lane merges. Can't read speed limit signs worth a damn but I've switched off the warnings for that anyway.

Overall, the software got a bit better once VW finally rolled out some updates - if only their hardware would match it...


Drove one of these

As a rental for a few weeks while the PHEV was in for repairs this winter.

Nice enough, the bongs & whistles are indeed annoying but the deal-killer is the Swedish winter highway range and slow recharge rate - having to take a 30+ minute break after 200 to 250km of driving is not acceptable.

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


I was going to comment

and then I realised that there would be an ALMIGHTY flamewar going on in the comments section so thought better of it :D

Infosec biz boss accused of BS'ing the world about his career, anti-crime product, customers


Lies in infosec?

Hardly new, and sometimes significantly more damaging. For the soap opera version, look up Rian van Rijbroek...

China to launch sample return mission to the far side of the Moon – maybe next week


Re: Hail Floyd!

Twas exactly for this reference that I came here :)

Ten nations tell social media, banks, and telcos to get better at stopping scams


Of course they do

Any time you report a clearly fake user profile on Facebook they'll refuse to act because more impressions is more money.

And if you spot a scam ad on Youtube, there isn't even a mechanism to flag it because Google is getting cash direct from the scammers.

A small Alaska town wants a big bronze Riker


Re: Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

nownow, not everything is about politics ;)



"in homage to the infamous way Riker actor Jonathan Frakes would raise his leg over chairs to sit on the set "

IIRC this is because Frakes had severe back problems and couldn't sit down in a more traditional way.

Apple and Samsung tussle over whose gizmos are hardest to fix


Whither Fairphone?

I would have thought that Fairphones would score highest on repairability. I appreciate they're not a huge brand but PIRG seems to be doing themselves a disservice by only talking about the big brands and not companies that seem to do this rather well...

SAP hits brakes on Tesla company car deal


Re: Image

Agreed - I suspect his Muskiness' dim view of organised labour contributes as well - German unions have been fairly vocal in their support of the Swedish strike.

Alaska Airlines' door-dropping flight was missing bolts


"the plane performed as intended"

At least they're honest then...

'I’m sorry for everything...' Facebook's Zuck apologizes to families at Senate hearing


Re: The social media industry needs better representation

My attention was drawn more to the hypocrisy of Lindsey accusing anyone else of being a threat to democracy...

Fujitsu gets $1B market cap haircut after TV disaster drama airs


Re: 4% down ?

My thought was actually that if airing the programme on telly resulted in a 4% drop in market cap, then the institutional investors have been asleep at the wheel - this story is hardly new...

Retired Akamai CEO sues daughter's ex-husband over unpaid millions


George's LinkedIn profile suggests

he became CEO in 1999, leaving the post in 2005. He was chairman until 2018.

Boeing gives busy billionaires unbothered about bespoke beds a cheaper BizJet


Left wondering indeed

Who's the target market here?

Those that earned it themselves didn't earn it by not paying attention to detail

Those that didn't presumably have either staff or free time to make the interior turquoise velvet.

I just don't see the point of a $100M off-the-rack plane...

Bombshell biography: Fearing nuclear war, Musk blocked Starlink to stymie Ukraine attack on Russia


Re: Pick your poison

If that question is being asked in earnest, we're all doomed.

The price of freedom turned out to be an afternoon of tech panic


I'll assume this was America

Because only there would an employee even consider calling an employer "very forgiving" when they've just docked your pay for an innocent mistake (especially if you're fresh out of school and thus presumably cheap)

(I suspect btw it's pretty easy to dock the pay - especially for an hourly wage employee - just tell them not to book the hours or they're fired.)

Fujitsu admits it fluffed the fix for Japan’s flaky ID card scheme


Not gomen'nasai

I believe sumimasen would be more appropriate in this case...

Airline puts international passengers on the scales pre-flight


Finnair did this

5 or so years ago - seems very sensible.

Let white-hat hackers stick a probe in those voting machines, say senators


Re: If you want secure elections

Agreed - I take issue with the "it was all much more secure before computers" because that's not the same as "election outcomes were more accurate before computers"

Automated vote tallying of paper ballots is indeed the way to go if you want absolutely demonstrable results.

With regard to voter registration - I've never understood the slightly weird US system. Most of the countries I've lived in are infinitely more democratic: you get a document by mail allowing you to vote, and you get it by mail by definition, not depending on whether you've followed some arcane process.

Ex-OpenSea exec convicted in first-of-its-kind case of insider trading of NFTs


A lament

For the state of education in the US, when even those who write for a living (press releases) are unable to put together four lines correctly (advanced -> advance). And fie on El Reg for not making light of it!

ServiceNow CEO says mergers and acquisitions are off the table – too messy


It seems he's learned something then ;)

Electron-to-joule conversion formulae? Cute. Welcome to the school of hard knocks


Re: Nortel clearly learnt from this...

Indeed, I managed a 51C that seemed indestructible.

I'm guessing the SDX was a predecessor of the 11C?

When ERP migrations go bad: Games Workshop says project issues are delaying refresh of 'dated' online store


Has anyone ever heard of an ERP migration...

...that finished on time, on budget and on scope?

AI caramba, those neural networks are power-hungry: Counting the environmental cost of artificial intelligence


The bigger processing power waste

is in cryptocurrency, where the processing load for mining is pure waste.

Wouldn't mind seeing that addressed, but I suspect most crypto miners don't care and it would presumably be impossible to regulate.

So the data centre's 'getting a little hot' – at 57°C, that's quite the understatement


Re: I once had to do something similar in a Skoda...

I once had a similar experience in sunny New Mexico in the late 80s or early 90s - a somewhat older vehicle was standing by the side of the highway showing clear signs of overheating. We stopped and offered assistance and showed them the trick of running the heater to help cool the engine.

They drove off happily, and we followed for a bit to make sure all was well. Sure enough, after a little while, they pulled over again. Turned out it was too hot in the car with the heater running (it was nearly 40 degrees outside), so they'd switched on the A/C, and a late 70s/early 80s A/C compressor represents a significant engine load...

Advised them to roll down the windows instead, which got them to the next exit.

Boston Dynamics spends months training its Atlas robots to perform one minute of parkour almost perfectly


Re: I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords..

Agreed. Boston Dynamics is quite possibly the coolest company on the planet.

Magna Carta mayhem: Protesters lay siege to Edinburgh Castle, citing obscure Latin text that has never applied in Scotland


Another comedy of errors taken down...

't seems Janie's gone and removed the video. So much for my lunchtime entertainment...

Chocolate beer barred from sale after child mistakes it for chocolate milk


Re: Misreporting for clicks

Yeah, I'm hoping this doesn't represent a new trend in clickbaity headlines for El Reg. That would be a drop in standards.

A hotline to His Billness? Or a guard having a bit of a giggle?


Re: Hunt Groups

Indeed, and hunt groups don't all ring at once, but they 'hunt' from extension to extension if I remember my Nortel days correctly. It seems unlikely you'd set up your PBX hunt groups to hunt to extensions all over campus, if for no other reason than that the accounts department can't help you with a bug report and his billness can't help with a billing inquiry.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems unlikely the PBX would be set up this way.

NTT slashes top execs’ pay as punishment for paying more than their share of $500-a-head meals with government officials


Japanese curry

I found Japanese curry to be one of the most interesting imports and exceptionally good value - to the point of finding out where to by the spice mixes after returning home :)

Can't beat okonomiyaki though :)

Linus Torvalds tells kernel list poster to 'SHUT THE HELL UP' for saying COVID-19 vaccines create 'new humanoid race'



...and the reason I think El Reg should purge itself from Facebook is the (only) three comments below this story on that platform. Sadly they originate from a countryman of mine.

For those who don't know: Lange Frans is a washed-up has-been from the dutch rap scene. He's trying to make a name from himself (or return to the spotlight) as an 'influencer' by peddling consipiracy theories and other social mechanisms that seem to exist only to prove Darwin right.

Traffic lights, who needs 'em? Lucky Kentucky residents up in arms over first roundabout


Check out Freakonomics episode 454

There's one town in the US doing really well with roundabouts, and there's a fair bit of science supporting them as a good traffic management measure.

Salesman who helped land Veritas UK's 'largest ever' deal was lawfully docked £275k in commission, says judge



I believe it was a renewal, in which case the really tough sell (assuming your delivery is good) has already been done...

How not to apply for a new job: Apply for it on a job site


Re: LinkedOut.

I'll be the dissenting voice then :)

I quite like LinkedIn, but must confess that I'm more of a Dabbsian generalist than a hardcore specialist.

The term 'Facebook for suits' is perhaps pretty apt, but I wouldn't go so far as the OP who is - presumably - engaging in a bit of commentardism on the boss' dime as well.

Docking £500k commission from top SAS salesman was perfectly legal, rules judge


Typo aside

Assuming the bonus depends on both revenue and margin, customers will be able to get quite nice pricing in future as sales no longer cares about high margin beyond a certain contract size :)

So if you're a bigger customer for SAS, now is the time to renew :D

PSA: If you're still giving users admin rights, maybe try not doing that. Would've helped dampen 100+ Microsoft vulns last year – report


Re: Why do I need admin rights? Well, because of IT

Would you believe a large IT service company? The shoemaker's children and all that...


Re: Why do I need admin rights? Well, because of IT

In every company I've ever worked for, IT has wanted to position itself as a trusted partner for the business, rather than a service provider. And that's as it should be - otherwise (as a company) you're wasting the tremendous competence that exists in the IT unit. The ownership for the IT processes goes hand in hand with that, so IMNSVHO, my pain is very much IT's accountability.


Why do I need admin rights? Well, because of IT

The title says it all. I work in a company where admin rights were (recently-ish) withdrawn, but there's no software request or release process. So when I urgently needed a piece of software for a customer presentation, I wasted two days trying to work out how to get it installed on my workstation because - while every other process known to man was designed (badly) and published (better), the 'non-previously-approved software' process seems to not have been a prerequisite to withdrawing admin rights. And of course IT support is designed so that the poor sods on the helldesk are your only point of contact. Everyone with the ability to *do* something is heavily shielded from the coalface.

Two clichés, one headline: 'No good deed goes unpunished' and 'It's always DNS'


Can we please have a survey?

1) Nobody at my company would ever behave that way

2) Been on the receiving end of such bureacratically-inspired nonsense

3) Been on the receiving end of such bureacratically-inspired nonsensemore than once

4) I don't see the issue - change management is a sacred process and Sam should have been sacked

(anyone answering 1 and working at a company over 5000 people is a liar, and anyone answering 4 should be sacked but will probably hang on to their job long after the Sams of the world are sent packing)

Inflated figures and customers who were never there. Just another data migration then


which converts to

1000 new members per second, or 32 billion new members per year.

Further marketing wizardry will convert that to "we expect to have the entire global population signed up by the end of next quarter".

IBM repays millions to staff after messing up its own payroll


Re: Odd indeed

I've run into similar rules on company cars in Europe. Only one previous employer gave the option of taking a car or taking cash instead. All others were variations on the theme of 'take it or leave it' - in some cases not even offering public transport compensation (let alone a bicycle) as an alternative.

The holiday pay thing is also reasonably common in Europe - many countries will pay out an extra couple of weeks in summer and/or winter.

Funny, that: Handy script for wiping directories is capable of wreaking havoc beyond a miscreant's wildest dreams


There, but for the grace of God,

go I...

I got 99 problems, and all of them are your fault


Re: Rudest, Dumbest - same thing no?

That puts of in mind of the company I ran local support for in the late 90s... We had a number of cases where users called up after a tech support visit to complain that their files were gone or their email didn't work. A reboot usually fixed the problem, but it wasn't until someone complained that their password didn't work that the penny finally dropped.

As users didn't have admin rights, anything more complicated than a printer install required the support team to log into the machine using their own credentials. Best practice was to reboot the machine after the work was done and remove your own username from the login prompt before handing over to the user, but it turned out one of my team regularly skipped that last bit and left the machine logged in with his own credentials. We had more than one savvy user obtain admin rights that way, too...

Ever wonder how a pentest turns into felony charges? Coalfire duo explain Iowa courthouse arrest debacle



Sounds like the contract was not very good and the testers blindly accepted a scope change without confirmation in writing.

Not to say the various officials weren't being deliberately disagreeable, but I think this is a case of less commercial naiveté and not more legislation...

IBM job ad calls for 12 years’ experience with Kubernetes – which is six years old


Re: Why wouldn't Tim Berners-Lee have 17 years experience designing websites?

I think I did my first commercial website around 1995 or 1996. If you do the math, the candidate was pretty young when they claimed to start building websites, they probably used notepad or hotdog to code the HTML and upload it to the ISP or perhaps used something like Geocities (founded 1994).

As to ignorance of Tim's existence - I'm not surprised, really. The early days of the web were pretty fragmented, so as long as you could find your way to the TUCOWS website, you could do a *lot* on the web without knowing anything about it.

It looks like you want a storage appliance for your data centre. Maybe you'd prefer a smart card reader?


Re: Tiger Direct?

Indeed. Once and never, ever again.
