Yorkshire police also doing this
Police in Yorkshire are also doing this with a campeign called DES which is short for DESignated driver
2 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Apr 2008
If been using a service called MO-Call for months now that has been does exactly what Skype is trying to do- GSM origination and termination with VoIP connection inbetween.
It's sold as a low cost international calling solution and supposedly works everywhere in the world- i love it as i travel and call abroad a lot and it's saved me a fortune and has worked every where i have been.
I use it on my S60 phones and it just runs in the back ground of my phone and i just call my international calls like normal.
They also support like 800 phones or something- So they are light years ahead.
Skype have dropped the ball and are doing too little too late!! RIP