La La La - we can't hear you isn't the point of these laws.
It's more on the lines of
a) nobody is allowed to derive any kind of enjoyment from anything related to Nazism, not even shooting at it
b) You are too stupid to inform yourself from historic sources and will instantly turn into a Nazi if you read anything not vetted by a state-approved authority.
There was a hell of a stink when some publishing company wanted to reprint 1930s newsletters as their copyright ran out. and don't get me started on the platitudes coming from our government/media in 2006 when everybody suddenly started flying the German flag everywhere for the world championship: Omg - it's 1934 all over again...can we make a law against it...they'll be burning synagogues before half-time.
I wish I was joking but there actually was an initiative to make a law against private citizens flying the national flag. And to make it worse what stopped it was probably not he fact that such a law is unconstitutional but more likely the insight that it is political suicide to come between a German and his football game. Never mind that the championship was used as a distraction to pass some very ugly laws very quietly.
Believe me - Nazism is about half of the whole history curriculum in school here. Hell, our national holiday is a day of showing Nazi documentaries on TV and depressive speeches about our heavy historical burden.