* Posts by Eponymous Howard

150 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Apr 2008


Under-fire Elon Musk urged to get a grip on X and reality – or resign

Eponymous Howard

Green flag of open racism too

I have reported blatant racism and been told it is fine, and am now seeing pretty regular reports for others.

You can take the lackbrain out of apartheid, but you can't take apartheid out of the pillock.

Epic move: Judge says Apple can't revoke Unreal Engine dev tools, asks 'Where does the 30% come from?'

Eponymous Howard

Re: A pox on both their houses etc

***Apple and Google are a duopoly in mobile phones.***

But not in gaming, not even close. And what do the other players in the gaming sector charge to get on this consoles..? Well, blow me down with a feather, it is exactly what Apple and Google charge.

IP freely? What a wind-up! If only Trevor Baylis had patent protections inventors enjoy today

Eponymous Howard

Re: Sorry, Trevor

>>>I would question whether the actual 'wind-up' design deserved a patent.

He didn't patent the idea of wind-up radio, he patented a method which he invested a lot of time and money perfecting it so that it gave enough power for (iirc) 45 mins or so.

Then, rather than spend money coming up with their own method, large companies copied his.

Eponymous Howard

Re: Analogous to nature, really ?

>>>I refuse to believe that prior to Mr. Bayliss *innovation* there wasn't someone somewhere who >>>played around with clockwork and tried the *idea* of a wind up radio ...

Not the point - patents are about methods, not ideas.

macOS High Sierra more like 'Cry Sierra' for Mac-wielding beta testers

Eponymous Howard

Beta software not fully functional, you say?

Blimey. Whatever next.

UK PC prices have risen 30% in a year since the EU referendum

Eponymous Howard

Well, yeah...

....that's what will happen when Sterling tanks and the vendors have to reprice the risk.

Breaking news: Man with Apple shares really wishes they were worth even more

Eponymous Howard

Re: Zune killer?

No, MS attempted to produce a product that was competitive with iPod.

And failed.

Eponymous Howard

Re: Screw Ichan

Stop confusing people with actual history.

Apple asks judge to axe ebook price-fixing watchdog

Eponymous Howard

Re: Dear Apple .......

I think the developers who have netted $7bn aren't too unhappy with the model.

Climate scientists link global warming to extreme weather

Eponymous Howard

Re: Dispassionate

***Eponymous Howard, I think even you know how stupid your remark was.

People - climatologists, are doing that. And coming to the opposite conclusion to the AGW crowd.****

Really? Then I am quite certain you can link to many pieces of research where the data is equally freely available, the method clearly stated (and freely available) and the result equally replicable. No? Didn't think so.

"I think even you know how stupid your remark was...."

Eponymous Howard

Re: Dispassionate

So download all the (freely available) data and apply the (freely available) models - some grasp of Fortran an advantage - and perform your own analysis. (or gather your own data and build your own models).

See how "dogmatic" it really is.

Eponymous Howard

Re: Say what?

The other way round, brainache.

Eponymous Howard

I would have thought....

....a far simpler experiment would be to apply heat to pretty well any liquid or gas. Then note how, even as the overall temperature rises, the temperature in any given spot because increasingly erratic and hard to predict.

Apple serves up 25 BEEELLIONTH iTunes download

Eponymous Howard

Re: Margins

Apple has never shown the remotest inclination to compete on price.

The iPHONE 5 UNDERMINES western DEMOCRACY: 5 reasons why

Eponymous Howard

Oh Lewis,

You really are a card.

UK ice boffin: 'Arctic melt equivalent to 20 years of CO2'

Eponymous Howard

Re: Climate-change sceptics

You mixed science and political choice in your list.

The evidence does not care about the politics.

Eponymous Howard

Re: Climate-change sceptics

True, but the evidence doesn't care who says what.

Don't grace deniers with the term sceptic. True sceptics look at *all* the evidence and draw conclusions that are always provisional, even when they are strengthened by each new data set.

Deniers ignore the vast bulk of evidence (like the plummeting sea ice, say) and focus on anomalies, claiming that the provide falsification, rather than merely showing the boundaries of knowledge.

In this respect their logic is identical to that of holocaust deniers and every bit as disreputable. So the little shits can whine all they like about the comparison; they chose this method.

Let's talk about the RBS IT cock-up

Eponymous Howard

From a very reliable source...

***The Reg uncovered that the person responsible worked offshore***


-The "subtle" error in updating batch scheduling software was made by an experienced, UK-based person.

-But with no-one in the UK left with a proper overview of the entire system, when the shit hit the fan India was instantly and completely overwhelmed, and had no idea where to start or who to contact.

-RBS Group pulled everyone in and stopped all other project work. People called out of retirement, past contractors etc were all contacted and many are still working 24 hour shifts. Triage was needed, with NatWest prioritised (most customers)

-But here is the scary bit.

Only three of the 4 main banks had had the update applied (NatWest, Ulster North and Ulster South). Had RBS itself also had the software, then the situation would in all likelihood have not been recoverable. Think about that.

This will. I am assured, rumble on for months and the opportunities for fraud are gigantic.

Fat margins squeeze Apple against Android

Eponymous Howard

Dear Matt,

Please go back to business school and this time try staying awake in class.

Security biz scoffs at Apple's anti-Trojan Gatekeeper

Eponymous Howard

People with a massive...

...interest in FUD spread FUD, you say?

New Mac OS X: Mountain Lion roars at unauthorised apps

Eponymous Howard
Black Helicopters


"a lot of concern"? Sophos has been saying it every quarter for about 8 years.

Still waiting.

What should a sci-fi spaceship REALLY look like?

Eponymous Howard

To long a thread to read all now...

....but it has been made clear that the coolest fuckin' alien ship ever, no exceptions, is the Shadow ship from Babylon 5, hasn't it?

Just checking.

Apple shares drop after Jobs resignation

Eponymous Howard

You don't think...

...Jobs was fully in the lop about the lawsuits then?

Bundled music newbie Boinc aims for year-end launch

Eponymous Howard


...won't these guys object to that name? http://boinc.berkeley.edu/

Sky wins TV riot battle

Eponymous Howard


...if you learned the difference between reporting and journalism that would be a start.

Eponymous Howard

What a thoroughly odious anti-BBC rant

Chasing the flames may make great drama, but it makes shit journalism.

Rupert Murdoch was never Keyser Soze

Eponymous Howard
Thumb Up

And of course..

***or is it a case of the farms only managing to survive because of that cheap labour being around?***

And, of course, EU subsidies, without which British agriculture would be bankrupt.

But Europe's evil innit?

Eponymous Howard

Which BBC do you listen to?

***The Beeb avoided immigration ****

Eh? Eh?

Not the BBC I listened to (nice quoting of a Tory muppet from yesterday's debate tho'). 5Live was an outlet for every wailing whiteboy with an axe to grind and, often, sickeningly indulgent of them (I say as the white son of a truck driver).

Ignored Europe? Again, which BBC were you watching? It was, and has been, a major topic throughout its current affairs output for years and gave massively undue air to the arguments of "eurosceptics", including some of the most boorish oafs ever to infect politics.

If you can't grasp how Murdoch's pernicious influence has corrupted our polity then you really are not paying attention. He wasn't the only one - but he was by a long way the worst.

'Lion' Apple Mac OS X 10.7: Sneak Preview

Eponymous Howard

Not new, hence no shock

Apple has had a pretty much "two generations and you're out of support" policy for ages (support for pre-OSX OS's was the only real exception - that went on until Leopard iirc). Mac users as a whole get this.

Their basic approach is (usually) to back those minded to make an orderly but timely transition - but if people don't choose to, they get dumped. The handful always whine, but Apple doesn't really care about the handful (See FCPX for this approach in extremis). "We're building new. Feel free to keep your old house, but don't call us if it falls down".

When Rosetta was available I took the deliberate decision NOT to use it - forced my self to decide what I needed to update and what was cruft.

Nokia and Apple bury patent beef

Eponymous Howard

Given we don't know the numbers...

...we don't know who "won".

As far as I could tell, Apple's primary beef was that Nokia was trying to charge them MORE than other handset makers, so refused to pay, provoking the spat and in turn counter-spat.

So it could equally be that MS told Nokia to get its eye back on the ball.

Daleks given a well-earned break

Eponymous Howard


...it is very specifically pitched as *family* television.

Eponymous Howard

It depends...

...on how many new ones can be invented.

Eponymous Howard

We want Zarbis!

There. I said it.

Apple breaks location-storing silence

Eponymous Howard
Black Helicopters


....you mean that, thanks to a bunch of panicky spacks, they are going to stop be being able to remind myself of where I've been and things that happened ages ago?

Thanks a fucking bunch paranoid freaks and scaremongers.

Behind Apple's record sales are signs of desperation

Eponymous Howard


...for putting the "Wireless Watch" tag on these. It's saved the trouble of reading past the headline.

Google location tracking can invade privacy, hackers say

Eponymous Howard

And then the governments...

...got thrown out.

Who's going to throw Google out?

No, iPhone location tracking isn't harmless and here's why

Eponymous Howard


"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, you can clearly see I was 1,000 miles away from Vegas, despite the police's attempts to stitch me up"

Eponymous Howard


...new around here, aren't you?

Tesla Motors sues BBC for defamation

Eponymous Howard


...aren't familiar with the UK's libel laws, are you?

Mac OS X daddy quits Apple

Eponymous Howard

"There was talk"

But no actual evidence...

Apple showers love on Mac malware protection

Eponymous Howard

That's not common logic...

...it is speculation. (In your example, we must first establish that Froobies are not native to Britain).

It does not even enter the realm of inference, but is pure implication. Or the "mud sticks" fallacy, if you prefer.

Eponymous Howard


So experts haven't been keeping track of them, but they are known to be there. Probably.


Eponymous Howard


"Mac security experts say the number of known malware applications that target OS X is probably in the hundreds."

Is there a school of discourse where this sentence even remotely makes sense?

Is it known? Or is it probable?

Fukushima one week on: Situation 'stable', says IAEA

Eponymous Howard


....you do realise there have been huge lawsuits related to that a- and that the cast of one movie, filing in Nevada as some tests went on, had a massively out-profile rate of cancer deaths in the following years?

Eponymous Howard

it was never officially 6...

...a French regulator gave the opinion that it was. Reuters reported that.

Lewis is still retarded though.

Apple handcuffs 'open' web apps on iPhone home screen

Eponymous Howard

It isn't illegal.

Apple has no monopoly - curiously on players it's not far off, but customers have multiple ways to secure music, and if they want subscription content the only stipulation is that it must be available to customers via the app store at the same price as elsewhere (not as 42% more as you have twice claimed up thread).

Making shit up is what makes it hate.

Eponymous Howard


Quality conspiracy theory!

Eponymous Howard
Gates Horns


What reality were you in?

Eponymous Howard


What dominant market position would that be? I've read it in the tech blogs - Android rules the roost!

Eponymous Howard

Oh look...

...another poster conveniently ignoring the fact that web apps were Apple's original preferred model until the dev community wailed as one and the SDK was released.
