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Hello. How may I help you?
AC: hiya, I've read your KB article (http://seagate.custkb.com/seagate/crm/selfservice/search.jsp?DocId=207931) about your drives having dodgy firmware, I'm wondering what I need to do to update the firmware now to fix the problem
Matt C.: We won't have a firmware update for those drives until Tuesday of next week
AC: ok no problem, will you update that KB article with a link to the update or will I have to contact you guys again?
Matt C.: depending on the capacity of the drive, you may have to call in for a firmware update
Matt C.: chat can only update firmware on the 1.5TB drives
AC: hmm, ok mine are the 1.0TB drives
AC: what do you recommend I do?
Matt C.: I would wait until next tuesday, and call 1 800 SEAGATE
Matt C.: they should be able to help you with firmware
AC: I'm in the UK so that contact number's no good for me :/
Matt C.: I can get you the uk number
AC: if you wouldn't mind that'd be great
Matt C.: not a problem
AC: How will the update need to be applied. Will it be done when booting with a floppy or can it be done when in Windows?
Matt C.: 00.800.4732.4283
Matt C.: you will download the firmware, and there will be a text file that explains everything.
AC: cool, sounds simple enough, thanks a lot Matt
Matt C.: no problem, a firmwae update is pretty easy to do. You should be fine
AC: out of interest, what happens if the update fails and the drive is bricked? Can we return it to you for a new one free of charge?
Matt C.: it's fairly straightforward, the text document you get with the firmware download is pretty good.
Matt C.: if the drive is in warranty, you can return the drive at:
Matt C.: https://store.seagate.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SgCheckWarrantyView?langId=-1&krypto=lZV0ifY90uy6PUbeNYxmlJ%2FeOamQTU8vX%2FyVcskL7Ra8YMmV34QjfaXbpO6NlvwR%2BTEC3tVdnhJ0%0AtmaQWKyGUNscSUkjrgNNSrX6sZWZFxPTN7qiNOvGlw%3D%3D&ddkey=SgSSORedirect
Matt C.: Our drives come with a 5 year warranty
AC: sounds good, so are you sure of your timings on the update or is there a potential for it drag out until later on in the week do you think?
Matt C.: I was told that they will have it available in Tuesday
Matt C.: on Tuesday
Matt C.: they're testing it now, so it should be out then.
AC: ok Matt, thanks a lot you've been most helpful
Matt C.: glad I could help. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
AC: not unless you can give me some winning lottery numbers (;
Matt C.: I wish I could
AC: I guess I shall leave you to it, you've answered all I can think of asking you now so thanks
Matt C.: you're welcome