* Posts by Tim99

2002 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2008

How a good business deal made us underestimate BASIC

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Basic will rise again!

Probably true. The user base was mostly science and engineering but many older staff had not used computers, or were used to PDPs etc. I, like some of my contemporaries, came from FORTRAN. Many of the instruments could use BASIC, so we had some background and had the resources to use/teach BASIC. We were standardizing on MS/PC DOS based networking to link everything together. For political, as well as operational reasons, Forth was never going to happen.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Basic will rise again!

I used QuickBASIC a lot in the mid-late 1980s to connect technical equipment to PC networks. It could easily open a serial port, get data from the equipment, manipulate the data, save it to file and then write back to clear the downloaded data. Similarly setting up an operational sequence from a database avoided a lot of typing on the equipment (often fitted with a rudimentary membrane keyboard/screen).

A lot of mission critical stuff for public utilities used it - Some of which was converted to QBasic to run on NT4 and Windows95/98/Me. After I had retired, a younger friend was asked to oversee the transition of older equipment to PCs for a water company - Everything had to run on Windows 7. Much of their kit was Vista, with some XP/2000. He mentioned to me that a lot of equipment was written with a "funny MS language" that his team of (.NET?) "children" had not seen before. I suggested that it was probably QuickBASIC, and pointed him towards relevant manuals and training literature. Apparently some very expensive equipment took months to transition...

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: A generation of gray-haired IT folks

and ears and eyebrows...

25 years on from Y2K, let's all be glad it happened way back then

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Y2K Today

I "may" be being uncharitable, but I believe that the (MS?) original software mindset that seemed to be "Just good enough is good enough" is now embedded in many things. If you write stuff too well, there is little reason for the punter to upgrade or buy support.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: an IT community that came together to solve a fundamental problem - LOL

On Y2K night Mrs Tim99 and I stayed in a very nice small hotel without cell phone coverage. We knew that our stuff was OK, and that any potential calls were "Somebody Else's Problem". We were told that a special dinner was offered at $250 a head. So, we went out and bought chips (crisps), biscuits, decent coffee and tea; and then ordered a nice burger and chips from room service (which finished at 6:00PM). We watched the NY as it rolled around the world on TV, just stepping outside to see the local fireworks. The next night a large amount of left-over food was on offer at $30 as many punters had done what we did.

The aftermath was that a lot of the new/smaller IT players left the market in 2001/2/3 because nobody bought any new kit until about 2004. We were fine as we wrote specialist software with little competition. We sometimes include hardware as a "package" if the punter wanted it, but these margins were not large. This might be one reason why a lot of smaller suppliers were selling multiple anti-virus/fixit/memory doubling scamwaresoftware that *did* have a high margin.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: And for other reasons

and for people born before 1949? OK, for staff with a negative/zero age or less than 16(?) a 19xx date; etc... We had a lot of MS based software which was often not Y2K compliant, and some historical stuff hit the MS "1900 is a leap year" problem.

Parker Solar Probe sends a "Still Alive" tone back to Earth

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Having seen Star Trek IV…

It was Christmas, "Here We Come A-wassailing"?

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Good job

Over 30 years ago, I emigrated from Blighty to a place that has 3,200 hours of sunshine a year. Frequent returns in the UK summer showed a related difference between the two places. When it got to 23C in the UK Midlands, blokes started taking off their shirts - Here on Christmas Day our maximum was 23C, we complained about how cold it felt (It should have been 28-30C).

We told Post Office about system problems at the highest level, Fujitsu tells Horizon Inquiry

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Time to produce the audit trail

A long time back I, too, was an expert witness. We were considered to be a "servant of the court" and, indeed, impartial - Giving our "Expert Opinion". As a result, we; along with the accused, prosecution, defence, judge, jury, and court officers; were allowed to remain in court throughout the trial. This was because we might hear evidence that could alter our opinion.

A normal witness was expected to give examined evidence, and not be present at any other time to avoid "contamination". Under English law members of the public are also normally allowed in the public gallery throughout a trial (For some it was a hobby).

Raspberry Pi 500 and monitor arrive in time for Christmas

Tim99 Silver badge

Pi 500 appropriate price/use case?

I'm retired and have been doing some pro bono work on setting up Pi 5s for use by retirees. Task analysis shows that they never need/use LibreOffice - All they want/use is "in the Cloud" - Google/Docs, MS/365, banking, medical appointments, etc., with a browser and printing. We set up various combinations of RAM, disk, and Pi 5 cases. There was little/no difference in our perceived performance between 4GB and 8GB of memory.

It's summer here, and we noticed that the RP fan was often on at logged-out base-load with the RP official case/heat-sink/fan. This did not improve with the Active Cooler. In the end we found the FLIRC passive case worked well, but could feel hot under heavy load (Chromium and Firefox both open, each with 10+ tabs open with a lot of forced updates, while watching/listening to a 2K YouTube video). As old people's skin can be easily damaged, I added "temp_limit=60" to the boot config file. There was little difference in performance under stress and the case felt cooler (the CPU dropped from 2.4 to 1.8GHz).

We standardised on Chromium and basics like Mousepad, calculator, the viewers, and File Manager for the "user" account; with management and checking software for the "admin" account. When the user logs out the system is reset. This causes about 200MB of disk writes, which initially concerned me - I considered using RAM storage to ameliorate this, but in the end went with a slightly more expensive but slower 64GB High Endurance MicroSD card (expected lifetime 5+ years?) without a measurable performance hit.

In summary: The performance difference was slight but measurable between the M2 SSD and MicroSD setups - opening Chromium took 4 seconds instead of 3, with a slight improvement in responsiveness with more than 10 "busy" tabs open. If this carries over to the 500, there is probably a cost saving as the keyboard is included - At the moment the Pi monitor looks a bit expensive as a local price for a normal 24" screen is ~AU$20 less

Both KDE and GNOME to offer official distros

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: El Reg existentialism

Example: I'm quite vocally anti the systemd-cancer. I have NEVER suggested they stop developing it ...

I would suggest that they go back to its original "stated" purpose as a reliable replacement for System V init, and expunge the rest of the stuff that has been shoved in :-)

Tech support chap showed boss how to use a browser for a year – he still didn't get it

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company"

I knew my (highly technical) trade. I ran a business using that trade for a banker. They do not think like us. I learnt a lot, and started a company that was a success - I'm not sure that it would have been, if not for what I had learnt from the banker.

China has utterly pwned 'thousands and thousands' of devices at US telcos

Tim99 Silver badge
Big Brother

At the time I wondered if someone had, or had not, a sense of humour, as simple optical beam splitters are made from prisms...

UK council still hadn't fully costed troubled Oracle project 2 years in

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Beware of hidden reefs when navigating waters prepared by yachtsman

You may have missed the word "fallacy"?

Why Google's Chrome monopoly won't crack anytime soon

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Maybe focus on the root cause ?

“You make that sound like a bad thing.” (Acknowledgement: Gene Hunt - Life on Mars).

Microsoft goes thin client with $349 Windows 365 Link mini PC

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Raspberry Pi5

Yes. One thing that MS seems to have forgotten is that they became important by looking after corporate IT staff. If we accept that one's importance in an organisation is proportional to budget and number of staff, MS Windows/Office tended to need a lot of staff and a big budget. Before I retired, I noticed that MS were effectively abandoning smaller companies. I wrote a SQL Server based shrink-wrap product that we sold to companies in the $2 - 20 million turnover range. The MS Small Business Server was an easy recommendation as we could offer the customer Exchange and File Server for 5-50 users for a small increase in cost compared to a SQL Server box and licences. MS crippled and killed SBS as they drove everything online. This has now spread to larger enterprises.

A very long time ago, I worked on the assumption of needing one support person for 2,000 mainframe users, one person for every 200 mini/unix users and one low level support person for every 10-30 MS-DOS/Windows users. A cynical person might very well think that many senior IT people would prefer a MS environment, but I couldn't possibly comment. I might observe that the typical corporate Windows SOE is so locked down that it resembles a prettier GUI version of the terminals/big box systems that I started with.

Tim99 Silver badge

Raspberry Pi5

Some background on a similar use case? I now live in a retirement village and play with Pis for fun, but not profit, and do a couple of pro bono projects. We connect to the internet using fibre with DSL to our homes. Since a recent equipment upgrade are consistently getting speeds of 90+Mbps for downloads and 50+Mbps up.

A while ago the 10 year old Windows 10 HP PCs in our library became very slow and unreliable. I replaced them with 4GB Pi 4Bs running Raspberry Pi OS, Libre Office, Chromium and a few utilities. I noted that the residents used the Pis for light work like general research, webmail, and printing files; but hardly ever used LIbre Office. The system is reset when the user logs out. When the Pi5 came out we thought that we would see about an upgrade.

Our findings, after a bit of research and use testing, were that a simple Pi5 based system worked well. I removed Libre Office and tried a number of systems using 4GB and 8GB Pi5s with different combinations of microSD and SSD cards with typical and heavy web based loads. For typical use 4GB of memory was adequate when running Chromium with 10 open tabs (usually with zero swap and ~1Gb free memory). For heavier use with Chromium and Firefox both running with 10 open tabs and each browser running a Youtube video 8GB performed better, as the extra memory avoided swapping. For this use we found that there was little point in using NVMe SSDs although they performed excellently (I had access to to several from 256GB to 2TB) - They all required fan cooling. The new Raspberry Pi 256 and 512GB cards worked well, but we found little reason to run them with the higher pciex1_gen=3 lane speed. Boot up times were only slightly faster for SSDs at ~13 vs 15 seconds. The time to open Chromium 3 vs 4 seconds. Cases we used were the standard (black) Pi plastic with standard fan or Active Cooler; Argon 40 with standard or NVMe plastic bases; and a couple of passive cooled cases.

I was surprised at how well the FLIRC passive case worked - Yesterday I ran Chromium with 15 open tabs including 2 large spreadsheets and 2 complex word processor documents with the web versions of MS Office, Google Documents, and Apple's iCloud. The temperature went from 43 to 56 C over 2 hours when I opened each document, made small changes and saved them locally or on the web, whilst also running a Youtube video album in the background. Clock speeds went from 1.5GHz (idle) to 2.4GHz flat out with no sign of throttling. In real terms, the performance was not that different from my iMac M3 for web tasks.

Costings: Pi5 4GB US$60; 8GB $80; Pi 256GB SSD $36.25; Raspberry Pi microSD 32/64GB $11/13 (excellent performance so far); Pi plastic case $10; Active cooler $6.45; Pine NVMe HAT $9 (it fits inside the standard case); 27W power supply $13.60; and FLIRC passive case $23.

My recommendations for similar use: Pi 5 4/8GB, 64GB microSD, 27W power supply, and FLIRC case = $110-$130 - Plus keyboard, mouse and screen (we already had those from HP PCs). If I was still in paid employment I would have costed in a few days for software customisation, corporatising/prettifying and testing, etc. So half the cost, lower power bills, and easy management?

Network engineer chose humiliation over a night on the datacenter floor

Tim99 Silver badge

As I get older, this sort of thing is happening more often. I have noticed that the "onosecond" : [wordsense] is now more like an onominute.

Whomp-whomp: AI PCs make users less productive

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: AI uses - writing emails, transcribing meetings, managing files... wtf?

Excel, Word, Sharepoint, and Outlook/Exchange?

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: AI uses - writing emails, transcribing meetings, managing files... wtf?

My late father was a senior local government officer. He maintained that the Secretary was the most powerful person at a meeting. I thought that its was the Chairman (This is a correct use - it just means the person who sits in the chair, and goes back to the days when a chair was expensive and reserved for important people, others sat on trestles or stools). My father explained that the secretary recorded the minutes, if it wasn't recorded it didn't happen; or the record could state something like "After extensive discussion it was agreed...". Similarly in a well ordered meeting if it isn't on the agenda, it doesn't get discussed - Who writes the agenda? It seems to be a skill, my father probably thought that Sir Humphry's skills were "adequate", "sound", but adequate.

Will passkeys ever replace passwords? Can they?

Tim99 Silver badge



Undergrad thought he had mastered Unix in weeks. Then he discovered rm -rf

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: We all learned the same way...: mv and move

I started with RDOS on a large scientific instrument that had a foreground/background Nova for data acquisition and processing. Initially it had a "loan" Phoenix fixed 5MB and a similar removable drive. I kept filling it. A few months later the "real system" was delivered, a huge (19" rack mounted) 25MB Winchester with an 8" 1.2MB floppy drive. A DG salesman came out to see why we had bought such a large system. As I recall, a low level format followed by a high level format and installing RDOS took most of the morning.

A few years later its Tektronix terminal was replaced by an IBM AT as a terminal emulator with its own 30MB HDD. I could copy the data over from the DG and only had to archive the important stuff from that onto cheaper 5.25" 1.2MB disks.

A later instrument used the desktop DG20, which had a tape drive. RDOS might have been "idiosyncratic", but it got the job done. Worryingly, I too can still remember many of its commands, but I'm not sure that I can remember what I cooked for dinner two nights ago.

That instrument was replaced with a competitor's which, of course, used an MS-DOS computer.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: We all learned the same way...

A really long time ago I did it as root console in usr...

These days it would be a little harder - ssh into an admin account then - cd /home; sudo rm -fr (?).

Google Gemini tells grad student to 'please die' while helping with his homework

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: What Kind of Illogical Idiot ...


Australia tells tots: No TikTok till you're 16... or X, Instagram and Facebook

Tim99 Silver badge

So the downvote is because you think that 10 year old children should serve adult prison terms?

Tim99 Silver badge

Assuming that the stated purpose of this (rather than the actual Federal electoral purpose of "appearing to do something") is that children under 16 aren't mature, I note that an Australian State Government wants to bring in imprisonment for those who commit "adult crimes" to "adult time" for 10 year olds.

The sad tale of the Alpha massacre

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: don't try this at home...

Always, always do a "ls -l" before "rm -r" whatever...

Intel: Our finances are in the toilet, we're laying off 15K, but the free coffee is back!

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Service enshittification

It was. I took it further and emigrated.

Tim99 Silver badge

Service enshittification

Way, way, back in the day we had "Tea Ladies". They were invariably pleasant middle-age women who knew who you were. At one public service place where I worked they would come around twice during the day; and whilst the tea or coffee was free, they would have a few sandwiches for sale. Regular punters could order their favourite snack, mine was a home made ham (off-the bone) roll/cob.

One of the ladies saved us a lot of money - She asked where our colleague was, as she had a cheese sandwich for him. We couldn't work out who she meant until she described him. He turned out to be an external service engineer for a "mission critical' piece of technical kit. The operator called him in regularly. As I recall (from the 1980s) he was charged out at £70 an hour to travel >100 miles in his Cortina, and then £120 an hour whilst on site. He was present so often the tea lady thought he worked there. We realized the kit was >8 years old and replaced it with a new model from a different supplier. Their engineer was only ever on site for one morning for the "annual check up".

The ladies were replaced by up-market "beverage machines". We sent a junior member of staff out to buy the sandwiches (What did that cost?). After a year the machines were deemed to complex and expensive by the bean counters (pun?), so they were replaced by the Klix type machines - Where the weak tea, chocolate, coffee, and chicken soup all tasted "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea". I noticed when I visited the bean counters that they had their own kettle and used it to make a decent cup with "up-market" loose leaf tea. For health and safety reason, we were not allowed a kettle.

Skyscraper-high sewage plume erupts in Moscow

Tim99 Silver badge

The open secret of open washing – why companies pretend to be open source

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Red Hat much?

I'm still not making it clear. My problem is not with the LPGL as such - It is that systemd uses it. The LPGL appears to allow derivative works to be licensed under any license, and dynamic and static linking with any proprietary code.

The systemd roadmap indicates that it will continue to expand within Linux. Its original aim was "apparently" to replace imperfect initialization programs like sysvinit (which BTW was licensed under GPL 2). I am probably only slightly paranoid, but think that systemd may have been (at least partially) intended as a Trojan Horse to expand the proprietization of Linux. I'm now retired but still do pro bono work - I hope that I have a basic understanding of software licencing, as my latest small project (that would have little commercial value) was released under the Boost 1.0 license.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Red Hat much?

If you got that impression, I wrote my submission badly. What I meant was that systemd was *designed* to spread, such that it controlled other parts of Linux - Hence my inclusion of the statement by gnu.org "The choice of license makes a big difference: using the Lesser GPL permits use of the library in proprietary programs; using the ordinary GPL for a library makes it available only for free programs".

As above, I suspect that this decision may not have been made in the best interests of users by the mythical "Really Enterprise Dependant Huge Applications Technology" organization. I believe that the LGPL can be, and is, used in open washing, as in the original article.

The Linux Kernel is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only - If you have the time, you may like to peruse the Linux Kernel COPYING file and its referred documents. I take them as indicating that the GPL is preferred. Linux is too important to be potentially damaged by incorporating systemd as a critical component when its licencing could potentially be abused.

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Red Hat much?

Like many complex systems systemd has been put together in a way that relies on many different components. The licencing page lists them here: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/tree/main/LICENSES. My main concerns are in the README.md file:-

"Unless otherwise noted, the systemd project sources are licensed under the terms and conditions of LGPL-2.1-or-later (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later)
If we look at "Why you shouldn't use the Lesser GPL for your next library" at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html we find:-
The choice of license makes a big difference: using the Lesser GPL permits use of the library in proprietary programs; using the ordinary GPL for a library makes it available only for free programs.
I believe that, whilst agreeing with a definition of Open Source, this may indicate a level of control that may not always be in the best interest of the commons for something that is designed to be ubiquitous. I have been around this stuff for a long time and have learned cynicism - Here is a "modest proposal" I posted about what I thought about systemd on El Reg over 6 years ago: How can we make money? I have seen nothing since then that has changed my mind.

Before that (about 15 years ago) I replied to a question by Pamela Jones on her Groklaw site, here are the relevent sections:-

... The LGPL generally deals with software library packages. The library is copyrighted and requires a distributer to give a user all of the normal GPL rights for that library. The normal GPL requires that any software that is distributed should follow the normal GPL freedoms. However the LGPL allows for proprietary code to be linked to the library. One of the justifications for this approach is that the widest possible use of a LGPL library could encourage a LGPL project to become a de-facto standard. Only changes made to the LGPL library must be made available to other users under the LGPL. If identifiable sections of the distributed work are not derived from the Library, and can reasonably considered independent separate works, then the licence does not apply to this sections - i.e. Changes made to proprietary code that uses the library do not have to be made available to end users. Aggregation of another work not based on the Library does not bring the other work under the scope of the LGPL. I can see scenarios where a commercial producer aggregates a number of different FOSS libraries with a reasonable amount of their proprietary code. This could give a terrific hand-up in being the first to market a new product - This product could then be extended until it has market dominance, during which time the FLOSS libraries are depreciated and replace with proprietary “work alike” modules (Remember that the GPL is a copyright licence and not a patent, so that the ideas and methods in it are not protected). The LGPL prohibits the distribution of software that incorporates patents, but it does not prohibit you from gaining a dominant market share. In any case if you do not distribute the work, you do not have to distribute changes. A few years down the track you could have a dominant work that may (in the US) be patentable...

... Before I can explain my attitude to "Lesser" FLOSS licences, you probably should know my background: I am not a lawyer, any opinion that I express should not be used as advice in any software project. I am a (retired) scientist and software developer. My company has produced commercial software and a couple of successful small products used mainly by the public and community sector...

...I have been a volunteer technical assessor to a national accreditation and standards body for 15 years. During this time I have come to believe that open data and document formats are essential to all public organizations. Infrared and mass-spectral data are generated in standard formats. Raw instrument and sample data is transferred as CSV files of known formats. Whilst it is important to use FLOSS wherever you can to avoid proprietary lock-in - It is more important to mandate that a copy of all important data is held in a standard format. All of this data should be accompanied by its relevant metadata. Metadata is “data about data” and describes how data is assembled. Examples include size, colour depth, resolution, creator and date of an image; “Markup and Content” for XML; raw data from databases and the relevant schema (ASCII delimited/CSV data and Data Definition Language statements for SQL?); HTML structured documents and OS PDF. Currently we keep most of our data in proprietary formats and structures.We could all use FLOSS solutions for this, but this does not address the problem of when we don’t have access to the original developer or when a programme goes out of fashion. Perhaps the data is contained within an application that uses Java, C/C++, PHP, CSS/HTML and SQL - They are all standards - Can we find someone who can duplicate this if we have to move platforms?

Linux is claimed by many (most?) to be a Unix - Systemd definitely does not conform to the Unix philosophy that emphasizes building simple, compact, clear, modular, and extensible code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators. The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design (Wikipedia).

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Red Hat much?

Systemd... >>========>

Tim99 Silver badge

Entitled CEOs,

and Sociopaths; but I repeat myself. (Apologies to Mark Twain)

AlmaLinux shows off its new Kitten

Tim99 Silver badge

I'm old, but before it all got too hard (I switched to an iMac and Raspberry Pi's/OS Lite) I found Devuan worked OK for me.

Boeing's new captain promises U-turn after Q3 nosedive

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Call me

Only if you want bits that shouldn't move to stay fixed. If they need to move, use WD40.

The horror that is VHS revived for horror movie release

Tim99 Silver badge

Intermediate technology

Mrs Tim99 had an extensive collection of VHS tapes. I borrowed a VHS/DVD recorder to transfer them to disk. Some time later I transcribed them with an iMac and Handbrake. She can now appreciate them on a 4K screen or an iPad. I like old movies from the 1930s many of which are available as digital files - The 50+ years older movies (often in B/W) are almost invariably better.

The billionaire behind Trump's 'unhackable' phone is on a mission to fight Tesla's FSD

Tim99 Silver badge

Both Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Want to feel old? Excel just entered its 40th year

Tim99 Silver badge

I *actually* am old

I've been retired from paid work for a long time, but create pro bono Excel statistical spreadsheets for a niche area within one of the hard sciences. Since these spreadsheets are downloadable from the internet, they can't include macros or VBA. Everything must be accomplished using cell formulae. As my faculties diminish, I've found that prototyping with Apple's Numbers is much more straightforward (and visually appealing).

There are a few challenges, such as not being able to lock individual cells in Numbers - I've found a workaround by overlaying a locked transparent text box. Additionally, multiple tables can be placed on the same sheet and individually locked. Another issue is that conditional formatting colours can vary, and sequences of rules don't have a "stop" feature. Despite these quirks, using Numbers as a development platform has proved much quicker. I can check the spreadsheets on an iPad or iPhone and then export them as xlsx files, followed by simple testing with Excel. Plus, I mostly avoid dealing with the ribbon interface, which I (still) dislike.

Yes, your network is down – you annoyed us so much we crashed it

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Had a cowboy project manager from an auto-manufacturer

Was his name "Boris", or maybe "Al" (to his friends) by any chance?

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Finance dept. are at the root of this issue

My puerile aide de memoir before we had computers auto "correcting" was: Yogi Bear's burden. Naked bare bits...

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Sometimes there's a hidden benefit with irritating clients

I had a job where I had a "feeling" about the customer's MD, so I negotiated staged progress payments. We had to chase all of them, and the final payment was not forthcoming. He tried to get additional work done that was way outside the original spec, before he would authorize payment. I sent him a final demand that was ignored. I ”Dun and Bradstreet"ed them, and was told that he had form for this; and that he would probably pay a portion "without prejudice" if threatened with a legal letter. I did, and he did. I cashed the cheque immediately, and sent an invoice for the missing monies. He then phoned me and said that he would pay that if I did the additional work. I said that I would, but would send a quote for it which needed payment up front. He refused. Some months later I got a request from him to expand the system. I told him that it required settlement of the balance, and payment up front for the new work. He wanted to pay half up front and seemed surprised when I refused. I heard later that he had employed a different company for a rewrite. He stiffed them too.

Sysadmins rage over Apple’s ‘nightmarish’ SSL/TLS cert lifespan cuts plot

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: The solution...

Have a cautious upvote. My static site also has no login, no cookies, and no tracking (Possibly because I'm old). It doesn't use JavaScript, python, etc., either. I did force myself to use one CSS style file. If a user does try to use an http URL, it is converted to https.

Smart TVs are spying on everyone

Tim99 Silver badge


I have two. The standard HDHomeRun software is adequate, but a bit basic and fiddly. You can set up VLC to use the hardware, but without a programming guide. I went against my cheapskate principles and downloaded the Channels DVR recorder software from getchannels.com - It costs US$80 a year and I find it well worth it because of their version of comskip. Most adverts are skipped. I usually run it on a Raspberry Pi, but occasionally on an Apple iMac. The main TV has an AppleTV as the Channels client, but another (or even the same) Raspberry Pi can be connected to the TV's HDMI. If I could be bothered, it looks feasible to pay SiliconDust US$35/year for their recorder software, set up HDHomerun with ffmpeg and comskip - Probably easy if you use a Windows PC as the recorder (I'm retired and don't use Windows anymore), it looks as though comskip probably has to be downloaded and compiled from source for Linux.

Ubuntu turns 20: 'Oracular Oriole' shows this old bird's still got plenty of flight

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: "the formidably hard-to-install Debian"

"Ubuntu: Swahili for "I failed to install Debian Devuan" - FTFY (I'm old, but I hope that I might still be helpful).

Mine's the one with K&R in the pocket >>============>

BBC weather glitch shows 13k mph winds in London, 404℃ in Nottingham

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: Neptune is jealous

But hours are in a Standard (ISO 8601), and can be useful as UTC with a local offset... >>===>

Switching customers from Linux to BSD because boring is good

Tim99 Silver badge

Re: No security updates

You certainly is possible, just don't connect it to anything else...

After we fix that, how about we also accidentally break something important?

Tim99 Silver badge

In our small business, it happened so frequently that we called it an ”OBTW" happening.

Tim99 Silver badge

Back in the day, 1st line support was the person who answered the help-line phone and read through choices on a menu. If they got to the end of the choices without resolving the problem they transferred you to a 2nd line support person - They had some knowledge of the system, and usually had access to the manuals and the "known problems" database. If they couldn't fix it, you were told that they were escalating your problem, and that somebody would phone you back. The "somebody" was the 3rd line support person - This could well be one of the people who had actually designed or written the system... In our small business I was often all of them. My calls ranged from "My computer thingy's disappeared" to obscure interaction problems (usually caused by Microsoft).