* Posts by Deano

1 publicly visible post • joined 24 Apr 2008

PETA offers $1m for test tube chicken


PETA are correct

Hmmm, I'm with PETA on this one. Of course, the meat eaters don't get it but then no one looks to the average meat eater for either wisdom or knowledge on food or farming.

I believe there was much uproar amongst some chicken eaters recently when a TV

series showed how cheap chickens are produced - hardly news for the average PETA member/vegan/vegetarian who would have known about this 20 years ago.

Just as there are valid raesons why the informed reject religion - while the masses really can't understand atheists - There are reasons why some choose to abandon the cultural norm of eating dead animals - while the masses can't understand how anyone can possibly survive without eating pigs, cows or


For decades, meat eaters have quite happily lived with and financially supported the ill treatment of animals on a strictly "Don't tell me, I like to be kept in the dark...hmmm, this kentucky fried chicken tastes wonderful...how do they manage to sell it so cheap?" basis so it's weird to see them suddenly become concerned with the ethics of mass producing meat which can be produced without the need for concious animals to suffer.


"The fact is that vegetarians are essentially disordered people (the human animal is an omnivorous one) with emotional problems, bizarre phobias and a consequent eating disorder."

Yes, of course that's a fact, dear.

As an atheist, I'm quite used to the internet God Squad telling me I'm mentally ill - indeed, a new idea has started to spread - that we are suffering from "Christophobia".

Isn't it funny how those who reject the cultural norms of society come in for so much stick?