iPhones left at home?
Well we are indeed left to wonder about that low 'occupancy' rate of 1.
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
extends to keeping out Linux and x86 alternatives.
Remember, Microsoft once supported Mips in Windows NT.
Obviously that was protectionism too. I bet x86 manufacturers Intel mainly had a big stick out on that one.
And even now ARM, the mips like chip designer is getting protectionist strategies shoved down their throats. The smaller partners are certainly being encouraged to move to Intel.
Reading it I can really see why.
Rather than a random number, these numbers pre-determine iDevices.
Of course a pre-determinied number in future wll be for that increasing iAd iSpam.
I'd suggest you turn off bluetooth and Wifi while you can.
Likely any on/off user control you currently have is just short term. Greed matters with Apple.
I heard that the big labels rip off their artists and if the artists don't go with the big labels, Apple the chooses to rip them off even more !
So with a catch 22, is someone going to publish what these cartel giants pay?
I can see it now. 7.30am your car arrives from its pod, picks you up and drives you to work collecting maybe one other person doing that same exact route.
At 9.30 the cars forms a centipede like train of to head off to central points, ready for mass action.
A car at your hose/work place within 2 minutes of a whistle? The blocker in all of this is, even now, is the switch from oil to electricity. The grid system is simply not ready.
The bigger companies are simply patenting everything that moves, and everything they is not intended to move!
With Corporate evil/greed, do you really expect them to co-operate?
When all is said and done, they are mainly doing a land grab, they ain't inventions as we once knew them.
So, beyond that truce this is the new angle in their all controlling money making scheme.
Cartels r US, says Apple. Likely they were heavily involved in that net neutrality breakup discussion.
With billions available, slowing poorer opposition down could well be lucrative
Just think
that 2GB contract you pay for will impact so much on their ability to stream the $20 a month TV stream they supply you will be down to dial up speeds once again.
Result, A T & T double the cost of the 2GB to reduce congestion.
A win win for both A T & T and their streaming partner.
whilst in big IT contracts Siemens and everyone else hoodwinks you into thinking they actually understand the project.
Government quangos get mugged for billions time and time again so £125m million is chicken feed.
The license payer maybe even got off light!
Heck Tim, I just woke up this morning and you are closer than you have ever been yet again!
And tomorrow is even closer.
I guess he is saying 'Please please wait until September otherwise we will never get you will be lost forever in the Android gobbling machine.'
That is exactly how all those 'imminent iThingy' rumours work every easter.
So all those current interactive 3D games belong to Apple as soon as they move to more fuller 3D.
DO you really think this is an invention when it simply bans progress.
I can see what they are getting at, they will expensively rent out the right to write software on their platform.
Elsewhere game development has to stop !
until, no doubt, EPEAT worked out the loss of income and capitalised.
I don't find all that glue they use to keep users and 3rd party repair companies out, making laptops and tablets very disposable green at all.
Greed is all I see, I ain't green. And we know full well solar power provides income.
It is financial sense driving them as is this dodgy publicity drive.