* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

In a spin: Samsung accuses LG exec of washing machine SABOTAGE

Alan Denman

Obviously holding the door wrong

But they were a bit unhinged.

Oh noes, fanbois! iPhone 6 Plus shipments 'DELAYED' in the UK

Alan Denman

In sympathy to the other posts...

Yes, look at all the money we are making.

Buy one suckers.

Hell buy two !

Apple iPhone 6: Missing sapphire glass screen FAIL explained

Alan Denman

you just canna make it up

Likely the press just made it up, they near enough invent every myth about the iPhone.

Apple iCloud storage prices now ONLY double Dropbox, Google et al

Alan Denman

And I thought it was Freemium...

....in that they could have made a mint charging third party snoopers who want to see your illegal big assets.

Did they boob?

Microsoft bins Bing image widget after Getty sueball

Alan Denman

Microsoft, 'we care about privacy'...

.........only when we see others taking the market share.

A bit of a contrast to the Google chief, in defence saying "our search engine was 'built for users, not websites'", not?

Amazon axes hated Fire Phone price: 99 pennies but a niche? Ain't none

Alan Denman

'Sucker marketing' the norm ?

Seems to me that this servile attitude to US prices 'laughs at the people'.

It is not 99 cents, so why does everyone in the media turn a marketing headline into a full out and out lie.

iPHONEY: Fake iPhone 6 images splattered over Chinese internet

Alan Denman

Good shit

Fans are already confessing their love for the ugly shit.

So when the real shit arrives the love volume dial will go all the way to 11.

Nvidia blasts sueballs at Qualcomm, Samsung – wants Galaxy kit banned

Alan Denman


the USPTO will have sanctioned an AMD/Nvidia GPU Duopoly.

That is how the bullshit USPTO patent system works.

Heads up, Chromebook: Here come the sub-$200 Windows 8.1 portables

Alan Denman

So ...

Well, it ain't as it was but the demands are much about US control, 'all in the name of competition' will be the blurb from the most protectionist nation on earth.

So will normal service resume from the wIntel cartel?

Lenovorola TRIPLE-ola: New Moto G, Moto X and 360 wristputer UNZIPPED

Alan Denman

Who is going to mark their X, designer style ?

So you get to design your own smartphone.

Well as we know, the Le Crunch fact is that thinking makes life go tits up if you do and tits up if you don't.

No thinking buyers then.

'Stop dissing Google or quit': OK, I quit, says Code Club co-founder

Alan Denman

A load of kidding around anyway ?

I read somewhere that gender bias means few women study computing.

What is worse is that the whole school system is Neanderthal biased.

If parents and teachers can't code so what hope is there for the kids if we rely on clubs for the bare essentials?

PhabletPhace: All the cool kids are doing it in Asia

Alan Denman

Re: Phones with a 7"+ screen???

"I can see a larger screen being more useful"

People are too afraid of being called a black sheep. When the white phablet arrives sheepies will rejoice.

Alan Denman

re - willingness to use a whopping big phone is an Asian thing not seen elsewhere.

There are exceptions to the self conscious sheepish westerners who are slaves to emotional marketing.

We seem far too used to being told what to do.

Apple promises to lift Curse of the Drained iPhone 5 Battery

Alan Denman

Re: An accountancy error?

Quality test?

Well, you can easily test a battery for quality. Degradation in any batch will be fairly linear.

Alan Denman

An accountancy error?

At £60+ a pop maybe there was an accountants reliability calculation error?

Apples rather over-captive clientel certainly did not get a proper enough go before the lucrative noose is tightened.

So, Apple won't sell cheap kit? Prepare the iOS garden wall WRECKING BALL

Alan Denman

Holding it wrong

If you don't let everyone see the logo when making a phone call you really don't deserve to own an iPhone.

Follow them rules, not the dropped calls Troopers.

Barnes & Noble: Swallow a Samsung Nook tablet, please ... pretty please

Alan Denman

An untaxing offering

Obviously B & N needed to offer something to the public that does not tax away all its profits.

This does the trick for those who read, blog and Facebook gossip. People want an open marketplace, one that B & N failed at owning. There is now really only one 'owning everything' sole trader left stuck in that dark closet.

Munich considers dumping Linux for ... GULP ... Windows!

Alan Denman

1800 jobs

Microsoft is moving their HQ and 1800 jobs to Munich.

Work it out folks.

Brits' borked Samsung kit held up after repair centre slips into administration

Alan Denman

"Haters can hate on Apple all they want"

So why do fanboys insist on being a remote Island unto itself.

Is George Bush now president ?

Giving your old Tesco Hudl to Auntie June? READ THIS FIRST

Alan Denman

Same as a PC

Because it is a PC !

So use simple wipe software, like a PC.

This is very old PC news dressed up as if it is something new.

Chinese regulator fires antitrust advisor over alleged kickbacks from Qualcomm

Alan Denman

China is searching every corner

And quite obviously, no round corner will be left unturned.

Secretive Apple's super-secret university is full of BULL chic – leakers

Alan Denman

Full of bull bloat then?

IOS was OK when it simply had to play music in the iPod but now it seems just a big fat Willie Wurst.

The higher crash rate certainly seems to show it is more bloated than the rest.

NVIDIA claims first 64-bit ARMv8 SoC for Androids

Alan Denman

Crash bang Oops !

Don't be a stupid early adopter, this means that the resulting mix of 32 bit and 64 bit apps will both bloat memory and crash more too !

Sp, little to no gain and lots of pain

Chromebooks to break out of US schools: Netbook 2.0 comeback not just for children

Alan Denman

Dell + Microsoft = cozy cartel

So, what on earth was the point of the " A quick look at the Dell UK and US websites "?

We know Dells dally with Linux was a charade where even finding the Linux devices on the web site was a battle and a half.

Waving their flag, Dell serves Microsoft and Microsoft serves Dell.

AMD's first 64-bit ARM cores star in ... Heatless in Seattle*

Alan Denman

Atom did great back in the Netbook Boom days.

But obviously Boom and Bust was actually part of that 'cripple them' plan.

Why sell low cost when people can pay really good money and also get to say 'Core' ?

Can't touch this! Microsoft joins OpenGL 3D graphics group

Alan Denman

WebGL is coming to Safari in IOS 8

... well sort of.

It is restricted so in theory only a subset of Open GL web sites will work.

I'm assuming that covers Nokia Here whi might just reinstate their web app ?

'Up to two BEEELLION' mobes easily hacked by evil base stations

Alan Denman

confused = FUD.

Its getting that way, more and more FUD stuff as opposed to clear info with clear fixes.

That is if there was any real problem in the first place !

Alan Denman

and if you think that means people like AVG , Avira etc etc you are well mistaken.

I imagine it makes for lucrative consulting though Accuvant did tend tend to work for the high bidder before joining .

Alan Denman

re WIndows Phone

er Accuvant have their Microsoft SDL Pro Network membership to think of !

Russia, China could ban western tech if they want to live in the PAST

Alan Denman

But who got there first, China or the US ?

The US bans a massive range of Chinese made goods.

That Symantec security hole was interesting as they were seemingly already banned in China.

So who is iving in the past, the US banning Chinese tech for made up security concerns, or China banning US NSA ware ?

As to Russia, well Putin pulled the walls right back up, he is just Nixon except for being here to stay.

China rips Apple out of govt IT mail-order catalogue – report

Alan Denman

Who jumped first ?

The US is happy buying cheap and selling expensive to the world, they draw the line at others using China to sell cheap to US consumers/businesses.

Retaliation then?

Surfing the web from Android? We KNEW it – sorry, iOS fanbois

Alan Denman

Mobile not Desktop - I dont use mobile !

Using desktop mode because my screen is not a low res device and because Desktop Mode is not banned like Safari I doubt my browsing counts.

Likely Safari iPad counts as mobile too cos on that users have to be thankful for what they get.

Operators get the FEAR as Ofcom proposes 275% hike in mobile spectrum fees

Alan Denman

Tax cuts next election then?

A 600% hike in mobile spectrum fees will help Cameron there.

Taxing the masses indirectly is a very good way to reduce the top rate of tax.

Apple's iWatch may be DELAYED over sapphire glass supply problems

Alan Denman

Over supply ?

By all accounts sapphire prices have dropped of recent.

Obviously the sapphire ones will be marked up another $100 ++++

Any shortage, however contrived comes in very very hand

YES, iPhones ARE getting slower with each new release of iOS

Alan Denman

err it does the crashing on ypour behalf.

Try using multi tabs with the darn things reloading on you !

This makes the iPad useless much of the time.

We know full well IOS 7 needed 2GB to do any semblence of multi-tasking without KILL.

Russia to SAP, Apple: Hand over source code to prove you're not spies

Alan Denman

Russian Fools

Nothing to see.

Apple stuff is all about the US corporation monopoly.

They want you roubles, not your country.

Apple and Samsung UNDER THREAT from local brands – study

Alan Denman


Yes, that Y300 is essentially close to the iPhone 5/5s/5c/ or Galaxy Ace.

Apple realise people can make do with low resolution small phones so that is what they give.

Not everyone wants or even needs those high end high resolution Note type phablets.

Adam Afriyie MP: Smart meters are NOT so smart

Alan Denman

Security risk will create need for removal.

Burglars will love these, using them to find when you are not at home.

Obviously when the security risk becomes too large its another £10 billion we have to pay to reverse the catastrophe.

Also, we are likely need another new power station just to run the damn things !

Another day, another Firefox: Version 31 is upon us ALREADY

Alan Denman

Completely pointless !

A couple of MB of fixes for versions X is fine every now and again.

But I just refuse to start again, and again, and again, and again........................

The idiots really don't want you to have it!

Google's Canadian 'memory hole' to continue

Alan Denman

Security services at work here...

Because of it the web is as good as dead guys.

Any half wit could get round the blockade so they should be getting the ISP to block said web sites, not Google !

Microsoft: We're making ONE TRUE WINDOWS to rule us all

Alan Denman

And in consulation with Apple

Obviously so are Apple. Apple is embedding Bing even further into OS/X and IOS so if the old cartel can get away with it, expect iMessage to reciprocate on Windows.

iPad? More like iFAD: We reveal why Apple fell into IBM's arms

Alan Denman

The Fad Pad

It got that name at birth.

As long as people like me shout its name people will keep buying it.

Filofax filofax filofax.

Alan Denman

Percentages percentages

SO what percentage are books, what are music downloads and most important of all, what is the in-app purchase percentage of actual app buys?

Lack of info suggests in-app buys earn Loadsa Dosh from a few suckers.

ARM: We've signed 41 new deals and we are IN to the Internet Of Stuff

Alan Denman

Sad old ARM ticked the 'No Publicity Box'

...yes, you become a forgotten minion when you sign on the dotted line with US corporates.

Saying that, they would get attacked some other way, maybe with anti-dumping legislation if they competed head one.

HIDDEN packet sniffer spy tech in MILLIONS of iPhones, iPads – expert

Alan Denman

And Apple get the green light whereever sold

Obviously, regimes, inlcuding the one that protects the US need to have some control over their population.

Secret societies do not exist for our benefit, so at times it can be said to be for our benefit too.

Meet the 'smallest GPU' for wearable gizmos ... wait, where did it go?

Alan Denman

Must be in the iWatch.

I imagine so but importantly for Imagination, they need to sell elsewhere as Apple now seem to be their life support machine.

Working for Apple is sometimes like ticking a No Publicity Box.

EU dons gloves, pokes Google's deals with Android mobe makers

Alan Denman

Me too.

As I said lobbyists are somehow sweetening the deal NetWorkAdmin.

The rotten fruit want us all as prunes.

Alan Denman

Lobbyists, lobbyists,

Lobbyists, lobbyists lobbbbb eeeeeee iiiiiists!


Well who else is playing games?

Apple rats on Google to FTC: You thought WE were in-app-ropriate?

Alan Denman

Amazon is a bit of a jungle

the danger with Amazon app store is even worse than the Apple one.

Whilst Apple tricks you into getting your credit card details Amazon already has them !

Walmart in iPhone 5s, 5c price slash – gotta make room for that 'iPhone 6', right?

Alan Denman

Are buyers as thick as pigshit?

Well, they must be stupid enough to think that is the total price. Otherwise, why would we keep getting this 'for dummies only' headline every July?