* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Mozilla re-negotiates Google multi-million dollar sugar-daddy deal

Alan Denman

What do the rest pay ?

Yes what about Yahoo!, Bing and DuckDuckGo, Amazon.com, eBay and Twitter.

Surely some of them pay at least a brass farthing ?

SO LONELY: Woman DARED to get rid of her iPHONE - Apple DUMPED all her TXTS

Alan Denman

Lock In

Well maybe now you have Message you know it has lock in, locking the other 90% of non Apple users into a non standard deviation.

There is a solution, use a cross platform app, do not accept 2nd best.

Samsung slams door on OLED TVs, makes QUANTUM dot LEAP

Alan Denman

Horses to water but cannot make them drink

They are far too expensive really but with Apple getting a bulk cheap batch for next year, 2015 is the year of OLED.

Things will not so 'grey' then?

Apple on the art of the deal: 'Put on your big boy pants and accept the agreement'

Alan Denman

Re: And they signed the agreement why?

small share sales.

Tim Cook and mates sold $143 million at peak.

Its all automated years in advance. Stock options are like deferred wages to be cashed in slowly and automatically.

That is what they all do

Mystery Google barges TORPEDOED by US govt: Showrooms declared death traps

Alan Denman

17 toones of bluff

The QE2 has 300 times that.

If only they were close to water.

So how did bars on ships ever get a license ?

Apple blats WireLurker OS X, iOS malware – but fanbois aren't safe yet

Alan Denman

Now the Cupertino giant has marked that certificate as untrustworthy

Lets hope they releases an alternative for the security agencies.

Just like we have master locksmiths, we certainly do need cyber police.

REVEALED: Apple fanbois are 'MENTALLY UNSTABLE' - iShop staff

Alan Denman

How to deal with customers with perception problems...

'that is no a bend, it becoming the new style.

think positive customer, you are one of those 9.'

(don't tell him you meant 9th today)

Lenovo still ‘not satisfied’ despite MEGA PROFIT rise

Alan Denman

jobs jobs jobs

So nearly all the money gets spent on them 35,000 employees rather than shareholder oligarchs ?

How is should be.

I am Police Sergeant L. Torvalds! Stop or I'll shoot

Alan Denman

Keeping Linux down

And what do we see through the 8 round Windows children ?

Poll: Yes, yes, texting while driving is bad but *ping* OH! Hey, GRAB THE WHEEL, will ya?

Alan Denman

I recall

that a car driver had, in a 20 minute journey had sent 3 text messages, received 4 and made one phone call.On a roundabout she did not see the motorcyclist everyone else saw, killed him yet the jury let the person off !

So it is jury drivers sticking together against other road users as the law of averages said the person was guilty as hell.

Apple patents autographs. Checkmate, eBay

Alan Denman

if it moves...

patent it.

And if it does not move patent it.

Microsoft tells resellers to use Office 365 as loss leader

Alan Denman

loss leader ?

Sounds more like MS simply want sellers to work for nothing.

Russia to ban iCloud.. to protect iPhone fiddlers' pics 'n' sh*t

Alan Denman

Twinned with..

North Korea.

Likely the whole of Russia is heading to Siberian COventry. Tis more and more a heads down for everyone over there.

Microsoft, Dropbox execs go public with their Office hookup

Alan Denman

The expansion of the good old US monoply cartels


You get anything you want, as long as there is a big US company selling it.

Apple's OS X Yosemite slurps UNSAVED docs into iCloud

Alan Denman

by the time it is removed...

Apple will gave catalogued every piece of info they needed to future improve their business revenues.

Nice job Apple, I hope the genius who thought of that years ago got his bonus,. Obviously it has almost become standard policy to 'erroneously' collect useful data on each release.

I await a post seance statement that says Steve iss shocked by it all.

Revealed: The amazing magical innovation in the iPad Mini 3 – a lick of paint

Alan Denman

Surely it MEANS it's hard to repair, rather than making it hard to repair (that was done by apple)

Yes, 1/10 is the one next to 0/10.

So it is next but one to impossible to fix.

Chinese hackers slurp iCloud passwords, Apple's CEO jumps into his jet for China

Alan Denman

So how do you get out of that one Tim ?

There's was always holes in them holes Tim.

Now what is Plan C?

Facebook pays INFINITELY MORE UK corp tax than in 2012

Alan Denman

The thing about paying no tax..

Is that by paying employees as little as possible net profit rockets even more.

Corporation tax actually encourages them to pay proper wages !


Alan Denman

re - Consumers in China should use strong security – such as 2-factor authentication

So why did Apple leave it out of the iCloud?

It is hard to keep aBreast of the real news on this.

Really... an iKeyfob? Apple continues war on fanbois' pockets

Alan Denman

Fobbed off ?

and what about my current fob ?

Apple, GT in SECRET SAPPHIRE peaceable parting PACT

Alan Denman

Sucker got unsuckered ?

re "it would be allowed sell off the Mesa facility and return the money to Cupertino, without disclosing any further information about the companies' relationship."

So it goes like this? :-

GT did the donkey work but Apple had a better deal planned with a more skilled tenant once GT sapphire kit was in. And GT extracted something for themselves via semi-blackmail.

Apple still suckered them good and proper.

Routine WHAT NOW? Bank of England’s CHAPS payment system goes TITSUP

Alan Denman

Legacy system ?

It almost sounds like the IT bod Chap who actually knew what he was doing left years ago.

I hazard a guess it should have been a 2 minute job.

China gets free pass from EU commish as telco probe dropped

Alan Denman

Will it cut down on data costs ?

What with all your data going to the NSA from US built network kit.


FYI: OS X Yosemite's Spotlight tells Apple EVERYTHING you're looking for

Alan Denman

They are competing with Google via..

..the combined search thing.

It is not that we users want combined search, it is that Apple and Microsoft want your search business so getting us used to combined search is there way to kill Google.

Apple bluetooth is another data grabbing weapon, location again.

Yahoo! finally! releases! Flickr! app! for! iPad! BUT! shuns! Windows! fans!

Alan Denman

re - "can show high resolution images"


is low resolution yet another fail feature of 'Apple is not interested in the Web' or do we all get it ?

Apple SILENCES Bose, YANKS headphones from stores

Alan Denman

re - 'They've toned down the bass'

So that they are now only a bit less crap than true sounding cheap decent headphones.

They suit a few more music categories but you are far better off with music sounding as the artist intended.

EU Competition chief: So what if I didn't tame Google? You're all 'irrational' anyway

Alan Denman

ALl about Microsoft and Apple

who want to take Google down a peg or two.

Google trespassed on their Duopoly so this is yet another revenge attempt

Don't shoot – I'm un-ARM-ed! Samsung whips out Intel Chromebook 2

Alan Denman

Is it the screen ?

Seems to have a cheap TN panel.

That and the 22 nanometer low-power process would account for the battery.

ARM at 20nm would beat it and keep that taxing Intel wolf from the door

Chipzilla of the mobile world Qualcomm wants to slurp Brit vendor CSR... for £1.6bn

Alan Denman

re "subject to regulatory and shareholder approval "

Regulators really need to look very carefully here.

Qualcomm patents has meant that those with superior big.little chipset have not been able to compete on price, those giving us lower tech on the CPU front.

This might cement the monopoly and thus be further bad news for competitors and even ARM

Radiohead(ache): BBC wants dead duck tech in sexy new mobes

Alan Denman

Cortext M7 co-processor

No doubt the DSP in this will do the job,


No one wants iOS 8 because it's for NERDS - dev

Alan Denman

"only super-fanbois would bother to use iOS 8 at this stage in the game."

err but what about them suckers who still believe Apple hype.

There is no going back so at very worst they now own a paperweight.

Foxconn exec on iPhone 6: You're BENDING it WRONG

Alan Denman

there is a catch all phrase for all of them pips.

You are OWNING it wrong.

New Scottish Apple Store appears, then VANISHES off map app

Alan Denman


...nuff said

Is Apple incubating a Macbook, iPad bastard child?

Alan Denman

Its gonna happen..

...so why else were they crippling much of their OS/X software ?

Euro probe headed for Amazon's tax back door

Alan Denman

Big company are now the worlds biggest shitters on us all

Corps have become a recession creating machine sucking the lifeblood out of nearly everywhere they sell.

The sooner they act the better.

Something will happen in Google 'dominance' probe. Just don't ask me what - EU antitrust chief

Alan Denman

Stop being idiots, just tax them

Complete fools have the wrong end of the stick.

It is US corporate tx avoidance that is the main threat to the EU.

If they do not get told to pay up then we are alldoomed to poverty.

Idiots !

Apple pitches record labels on cheaper music service

Alan Denman

Music cartels are go

It is in the interest of music companies to have a fewer streaming sites.

So pushing Apple into success might shrink the playing field thus allowing higher prices in the long run.

We seldom seem to hear about Spotify, so they might have a massive publicity problem in not being US based.

You dirty RAT! Hong Kong protesters infected by iOS, Android spyware

Alan Denman

Apple is Alcohol free

yes, there are some advantages in permanently wearing diapers.

While you queued for an iPhone 6, Apple's Cook sold shares worth $35m

Alan Denman

New story for old shite

The media missed out several generations of Bendgates, but the 'biggy' phone gave the cowards a get out clause to report it without repercussions.

One wonders if they have to act en-mass so as not to suffer the wrath of Apple withdrawing advertising.

They are Fishy Sheep

Bendgate backlash: Apple claims warped iPhone 6 Plus damage is 'extremely rare'

Alan Denman

Apple announcement Fun

Yes, they are a source of entertainment.

We should have Chubby singing the Apple announcement theme tune "Come on, let's twist again like we did last summer"

EU dangles $6bn threat over Google in endless search abuse probe

Alan Denman


they are being asked to promote low ranking crap from many of their complainants.

The idea being to make Google crap like the rest to ensure 'fair competition'.

Oh, and DuckDuckGo is just a Bing powered 'shoot the Google duck' engine.

Alan Denman

But he dismissed such dissenting voices today.

""..there are more problems with Google than there were with Microsoft," Almunia was quoted as saying."

Yet Microsoft were still allowed a 99% monopoly through so called 'competition'.

Apple iPhone 6: Looking good, slim. AW... your battery died

Alan Denman

" Incredible web browsing battery life" .....

...........in that it is just below/matches the humble sub £100 Moto G .

By association the Moto G obviously becomes "super incredible" in that carry 5, keep the change and you have Monday to Friday sorted.

Apple's iPhone 6 first-day sales are MEANINGLESS, mutters analyst

Alan Denman

A load of bo**ocks !

Weekend sales include 3rd party shop stock !

Apart from 'direct from Apple'', Apple sales are not to the public so best ignored.

Almunia faces GRILLING from MEPs over FAILED Google settlement deal

Alan Denman

accusations and accusers

The main problem here is that the accusers are the competition.

And with the original monopolist Microsoft being well in the mix, everyone looks super corrupt.

Buying memory in an iPhone 6: Like wiping your bottom with dollar bills

Alan Denman

"A little eBay shopping and you can find 128GB Micro SD cards for under a tenner"

Come on Simon, at least learn to rock man.

Those cards are all fakes.

Apple's Cook: We have never allowed g-men access to Apple servers

Alan Denman

All their own work

"“we have never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services."

Indeed, Apple do it all themselves.

Read IBM's note to staff announcing mandatory training and 10% pay cut

Alan Denman

Learn their jobs !

It does sound more like a clever redundancy program.

Get someone to learn you job by pretending you are on training.

Long term it is obvious that so called in-house training hints of the old factory systems where they found ways to charge staff.

Maybe IBM could charge a mandatory seat fee for non home workers?

iOS 8 Healthkit gets a bug SO Apple KILLS it. That's real healthcare!

Alan Denman

So which IOS gadget got to have a cardiac arrest OS ?

Legend has it that one device becomes only semi-fir for purpose after Apple's infamous 'no goimg back upgrade ?

So has he legendary cull continued ?

iOS 8 release: WebGL now runs everywhere. Hurrah for 3D graphics!

Alan Denman

A sabotaged WebGL !

Whilst the Rip Van Winkle OS has finally made WebGL work, it is artificially limited to be near useless for many.

Maybe it is that old chestnut, IOS memory problems that limit any sensible multi tasking. They also parameter constrain WebGL like it is a iPod touch 5th gen.