What do the rest pay ?
Yes what about Yahoo!, Bing and DuckDuckGo, Amazon.com, eBay and Twitter.
Surely some of them pay at least a brass farthing ?
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
that a car driver had, in a 20 minute journey had sent 3 text messages, received 4 and made one phone call.On a roundabout she did not see the motorcyclist everyone else saw, killed him yet the jury let the person off !
So it is jury drivers sticking together against other road users as the law of averages said the person was guilty as hell.
Apple will gave catalogued every piece of info they needed to future improve their business revenues.
Nice job Apple, I hope the genius who thought of that years ago got his bonus,. Obviously it has almost become standard policy to 'erroneously' collect useful data on each release.
I await a post seance statement that says Steve iss shocked by it all.
re "it would be allowed sell off the Mesa facility and return the money to Cupertino, without disclosing any further information about the companies' relationship."
So it goes like this? :-
GT did the donkey work but Apple had a better deal planned with a more skilled tenant once GT sapphire kit was in. And GT extracted something for themselves via semi-blackmail.
Apple still suckered them good and proper.
..the combined search thing.
It is not that we users want combined search, it is that Apple and Microsoft want your search business so getting us used to combined search is there way to kill Google.
Apple bluetooth is another data grabbing weapon, location again.
Regulators really need to look very carefully here.
Qualcomm patents has meant that those with superior big.little chipset have not been able to compete on price, those giving us lower tech on the CPU front.
This might cement the monopoly and thus be further bad news for competitors and even ARM
It is in the interest of music companies to have a fewer streaming sites.
So pushing Apple into success might shrink the playing field thus allowing higher prices in the long run.
We seldom seem to hear about Spotify, so they might have a massive publicity problem in not being US based.
It does sound more like a clever redundancy program.
Get someone to learn you job by pretending you are on training.
Long term it is obvious that so called in-house training hints of the old factory systems where they found ways to charge staff.
Maybe IBM could charge a mandatory seat fee for non home workers?