* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Searching to destroy ... Bing? Facebook JILTS Microsoft

Alan Denman

Two incompatibles really

Microsoft are still an OS company and part of that strategy means walled garden.

Open internet competition is a heck of a problem for them as it undermines dependence.

Those real internet,real cross platform, based companies, Twitter, Spotify, Facebook, Google youtube etc are certainly classed the enemy.

Microsoft 'showers gold' on anti-Google Cyanogen and its Android alternative

Alan Denman

"is maintained by some 9,000 volunteer developers."

Give them £10,000 each to stay quiet and you then have about 8,500 or so left willing.

That is a very cheap £90 million cost saving on the understandable outrage from 8,999 of them

Alan Denman

That is capitalism for you

A sure fire 'buy it to stop it' move if I ever saw one.

" F**k you consumers, just count to '10' and we will make Android a disappearing act"

Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 CPU dumped from flagship smartphone

Alan Denman

Catch 22

Qualcomm though its patents has developed a near monopoly on sales of chipsets harming sales and development of better stuff elsewhere.

This (frand?) licensing scheme needs to be investigated as it intentionally or unintentionally really harmed the ARMs race.

YouTube flushes Flash for future flicks

Alan Denman

Flash = DRM

Proprietary limitation is part of the experience.

How else can they team up to control what you do and what you buy into?

HTML - it is for wishy washy open internet dreamers.

Nexus 6 would have had a fingerprint reader, but Apple RUINED IT ALL

Alan Denman

Well that is how life works so get used to it

Remove competition and you get to name your price. It is exactly what Microsoft, Apple and Intel have done for years.

Google hate has billions and billions of reasons. They simply do not want that dollar ARMs race.

'Linus Torvalds is UNFIT for the WORKPLACE!' And you've given the world what, exactly?

Alan Denman

Green for O'Reilly

Way back, I quickly learnt to avoid buying O'Reilly.

I found that, too often, their books were full of irrelevant padding.

Alan Denman

He is right though, too many cooks does make for shite

If only he could have say to some of the zillions of messy contributors 'you are fired'.

Many an open source project does somewhat get out of hand. His Linux kernel is one of the few exceptions hanging in there quite well.

Planning to upgrade your Lumia to Windows 10? NOT SO FAST

Alan Denman

If most sales are low end..

then that would mean the vast majority will not be upgraded.

They need to clarify, otherwise it currently sounds a con. Saying that, simply by tarting up a GUI, they can call it 10.

They can even omit all new features out and call it 10 if they want.

Lies, damn lies and Wikipedia: Murder suspect NOT a Plaxo founder – ex-staffer

Alan Denman

Wikipedia is just another war zone...

It is full of conmen and fanboys disgracing the truth.

Post there at you peril, it may end up being a war !

Ailing AMD battered by goodwill, inventory charges

Alan Denman

They missed a trick

By not combining ARM and x86 they are now the 'forgotten' chip company.

Being part of that happy US duopoly was the killer, they needed to move with the times.

It is now Intel versus the world.

Acer Chromebook 13: The best Googletop on the market?

Alan Denman

Get the 1080p one

There is no need to 'cheap out' at £270 is there?

Run Linux on it in tandem when you need local real computing.

Amazon's tax deal in Luxembourg BROKE the LAW, says EU

Alan Denman

UK politicians seem to work for non tax paying businesses like Apple

David Cameron has regularly been seen courting Amazon.

The same can be said for Boris Johnson so, at least to me, it very much appears tax evasion is encouraged over here in Blighty.

How about working for us, the public who have to make up this shortfall now increasing national debt so dramatically?

Kiss your Glass goodbye: Google mothballs techno-specs (for now)

Alan Denman

Hit by that orchestrated negative campaign

In a chicken and egg scenario, the media were certainly to blame for this one.

If it was anyone but Google, all the negative aspects would have been ignored 'at any price'.

I don't think you're ready for this Jelly: Google pulls support for Android WebView

Alan Denman

Webview ?

Come on, it was so useless that no one uses it anyway !

Google crashes supposedly secure Aviator browser

Alan Denman

All are a 'real estate grab' minefield

Just look at DuckDuckGo on Apple devices,

Your queries also head over to Apple. It uses Bing so that makes for a triple whammy iDuckBing.

I don't know much of Aviator but I really see DuckDuckGo as Bings 'stealth' browser.


Alan Denman

And maybe Nicads too ?

"The company also showed off a 2,000mAh battery, which took three minutes to recharge, but the phone that housed it had been made 5mm (0.2in) thicker than normal to accommodate its girth."

Well it is sounding much like much of that old tech revamped.

I bet another 5mm would get you a 7500mah Zerolemon anyway.

Alan Denman

Just use Sanyo Nicads !

Yep, very old tech that take a fast charge hit too.

BTW Portable chargers in your pants are a real fire and health hazard. It is a dangerous solution to irresponsible non removable battery technology.

OS X search tool Spotlight runs roughshod over Mail privacy settings

Alan Denman

Busted ?

Spotlight is mainly their to control your search habits and aid iAds.

Your cash matters, pure and simple, unwanted user functions are a consequential part of that fallout.

Think positive though, that Apple device will eventually sell as cheap as the chips in them, just like Android.

Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook

Alan Denman

Just another non democracy

Minimal to do with religion when just another inventive way of protecting regimes ?

Samsung’s SUPER-speedy SSD is a real power-sipper

Alan Denman

I don't get it.

Surely standby an SSD is on or off.

The data is not on or off lossy like with RAM

Euro iTunes customers get 14 DAY refund option

Alan Denman

Silent recalls, silent upgrades

Figures in the wacky begrudging way of doing that 14 day cancellation.

German minister photo fingerprint 'theft' seemed far too EASY, wail securobods

Alan Denman

A seanced messages says

Your holding it wrong, wear gloves.

Norks' internet goes TITSUP in possible DDoS attack

Alan Denman


As true as that dead girlfriend story ?

Any old crap becomes news for NK so the truth does get somewhat blurred.

Hackers use DRAFT emails as dead-drops for running malware

Alan Denman

devices ?

and what will we see today through those obtuse Windows children ?

Apple's DIRTY SECRET isn't that secret, or that dirty

Alan Denman

will a tin hat save the BBC ?

Bend or drop your iPhone and you get hoards of wrath so god help the BBC on this one.

UK air traffic bods deny they 'skimped' on IT investment after server mega-fail

Alan Denman

a sea of sharks

Going internet based soon (WHT!), when the clouds down you will be in that sea of sharks with the hackers IM message on your smartphone as you fall, 'Fly me I'm Josephine'.

CoolReaper pre-installed malware creates backdoor on Chinese Androids

Alan Denman

marketing ?

So are you going to market the 'Apple backdoor' too ?

Google's ANDROID CRUSHING smartphone rivals underfoot

Alan Denman

Re: Shipment v Market share?

well Apple only report sales in the 'channel'.

Some windows in the channel tunnel would let us watch out for any skuttled cargo.

'Turn to nuclear power to save planetary ecology from renewable BLIGHT'

Alan Denman

Re: not built properly

there is a new bonus scheme for chaps running the build of our new one.

It goes right off the Richter scale so obviously we can all 'bank on' something being done good and proper.

Any bets on it being us getting 'done' ?

Security holes in iOS? We've heard of them, says Apple (as it fixes vanishing ringtones)

Alan Denman

Well Dead Pig is an Apple trademark.

Make sure you see the dead pig icon when you do the next IOS update.

Wireless Power standards are like Highlanders: There can be only ONE

Alan Denman

the heat is on

well, a side product of these is extra heat generation and thus low battery lifespan.

Maybe that Qi cuts off at somewhere above 60% to counteract some of this big negatives ?

Sony cuff-puter to do one thing smartwatches can't: Give you DAYS of hot wrist action

Alan Denman

Battery income

Obviously, repairing the battery every 2 years generates massive industry income.

The dumb ass popular non replaceable battery has never been for consumer benefit.

Apple seeks patent for user-configurable progress bar

Alan Denman

Traffic lights.

well, what will they think of next/

No more lies, T-Mobile US: Download speed caps magically vanished on speed test websites

Alan Denman

These will be the same NET neutrality liars

2+ 2 = consumer sting

iPhone sales set to PLUMMET: Bleak times ahead for Apple

Alan Denman

£45 Moto E or iPhone 6.

I'll have a dozen of them.

You never know, one might bend.

Ofcom snatches 700MHz off digital telly, hands it to mobile data providers

Alan Denman

and 99.9% of Sky channels could be done away with.1

The good part(for shareholders) is that by getting rid of Freeview means Sky can more safely increase prices.

Hackers seize Detroit's database, demand $800k. Motor City shrugs: OK, take it

Alan Denman

re disturbing

“It was pretty disturbing what I found”

As disturbing as the semi IT literates now in charge?

As ever, out of the frying pan into the fire.

Heyyy! NICE e-bracelet you've got there ... SHAME if someone were to SUBPOENA it

Alan Denman

A niche niche product

People really want GPS too, so what is the point of this being for double niche sporty type.

BTW, the lynch mob press OTT castigated(white lies) the Moto 360 etc for battery life so much Tim had to show everyone the recipe he had Cooked for his iWatch,

'Awful battery life'

PHONDLESLAB-ULOUS: Motorola Moto X Android phablet

Alan Denman

Re: Fixed battery!

1 - Bendy fail

2 - Wet fail

3 - An 'RSI from being able to use them longer' fail

4 - a last clingy straw

They simply want your replacement money.

Free antivirus software, expires, stops updating and p0wns the world

Alan Denman


So what are Microsoft telling vendors ?

And you have to ask why MS has not made running of AV a bit more mandatory.

You get a browser selection process so why not a 'free AV' one? They could include MSE in the list.

Alan Denman

yet MSE =

Mass Suicide Entity.

GT sapphire glaziers: You signed WHAT deal with Apple?

Alan Denman

Beggars cannot be choosers.

That is how it works and and this is exactly the same as that Apple Sharp deal.

Apple logic is that you get the company to take all the risk and when they fail you make sure you inherit the wealth.

Remember, Apple would have used Sharp amongst others to persuade GT how Apple works.

UK Imagination likely has similar a deal, locking them out of lots of selling to big players elsewhere.

So damned if you do, damned if you don't ?

Walmart's $99 crap-let will make people hate Windows 8.1 even more

Alan Denman

Re: Apple Sense

You mean money sense.

It is 1GB of Ram for £619 that bendy sub 6" thingy with Apple. And Safari runs like a like a one winged duck out of water.

Different tactics, a similar financial result.

Alan Denman

It is the Intel/Microsoft netbook 'give then crap' scam all over again

Yes, crap enough to appeal but without no future whatsoever.

1GB became obsolete on Windows mid 2000s but thinking positive, at least they are not charging £619 for a 5.5" quick to obsolescence version.

Jony Ive: Apple isn't here to make money. And students shouldn't use computers so much

Alan Denman

it is still an mp3 player

You all forget that it is just a blown up iPod.

It was cool to have an mp3 player that could make phone calls. (obviously, only for those close enough to the transmitter)

If there was no iPod there would not be an iPhone.

Apple: Want a PATCH for iOS Masque attack? TOUGH LUCK, FANBOI

Alan Denman

Apple say 'it is cosy and warm in here'...

Keeping the door closed they see no evil and speak no evil.

The cold winter fall is only outside.

Google will have to WAIT and SEE if I fine them - EU antitrust chief

Alan Denman


The establishment idiots fail to realise that the Net creates a oneness where One winner will near always dominate.

Realise how it is and tax them so we can all benefit rather than suffer imposed crapness.

Microsoft: It's TIME at LAST. Yes - .NET is going OPEN and X-PLATFORM

Alan Denman

So it works as well as Flash on OS/X ?

Not forgetting that it will likely also be a Wintel alliance thing too.

Tell me I'm wrong.