* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Apple Pay a haven for 'rampant' credit card fraud, say experts

Alan Denman

Bare naked...

...and now skint

Samsung forks 4K with Tizen tellies

Alan Denman

Same old S

Well, its shove an S on it and see if the suckers bite again.

'Fry-OS 8' iPhone BLEW UP MY PANTS wails roasted Johnson

Alan Denman

re It is frankly idiotic carrying a mobile in a trouser pocket

'You're carrying it wrong'

SanDisk flash array launch signals imminent AFA battle

Alan Denman


Terminally Limited and Cheap

FREAK show: Apple and Android SSL WIDE OPEN to snoopers

Alan Denman

Uncle Sam at it again

...and even before China was selling IT.

So how to blame this one on China ?

Microsoft cuts Facebook Messenger, Google Talk from Outlook.com

Alan Denman

re - we hope that you’ll try Skype for Outlook.

MS just obscuring their motives then!

Ignore my last point.

Alan Denman

who was doing the spying then?

Well I am trying to see a reason why Microsoft wants Google to comply with a protocol type for a Google message.

Android Patent Dispute: Microsoft, Samsung hug it out

Alan Denman

a lose lose scenario no doubt....

for consumers that is.

Google dips toe into U.S. mobile market with 'small scale' offering

Alan Denman

Any spectrum auction approaching there ?

If big brother Google got involved the bidding would likely go totally mental.

The networks have those crazy 'only in the USA' $150 mobile plans to protect !

Trolls prevail because good men do nothing: boffins

Alan Denman

Twats do not realise that are twats and twatted do not think to call them twats.


I do realise some do know what they are but that is often how it is.

Microsoft man: Internet Explorer had to go because it's garbage

Alan Denman

So what are they really up to?

It might be just Trident with the old layers removed but can't help think it is some embedded app movement.

It is all quite interesting as we have already Webkit on go slow due to a lacklustre 'no profit in it for us' ownership and Presto now gone.

Don't pay for the BBC? Then no Doctor Who for you, I'm afraid

Alan Denman

BBC earnings give extra value

It might be best to switch to a '100% of households' tax at say £110 per year.

The total cost ain't even a single pint of beer per week highlighting the value of the collective.

It is also worth mentioning that the upcoming removal of BBC 3 is looking extremely suspicious.

Get the wrong directors/trust workers and we suddenly find people plotting for privatisation cash bonuses earned from corrupt thinking by those 'who would be king'.

And the buggiest OS provider award goes to ... APPLE?

Alan Denman

Obscurity versus no obscurity

Seems strange that proprietary Apple relies on obscurity so they should really have less 'visible' holes.

Quite worrying, far more so than the continued non reporting of their often flaky OS systems.

Mozilla: Spidermonkey ATE Apple's JavaScriptCore, THRASHED Google V8

Alan Denman

Well, Firefox is cross platform and thus competes by giving users what they want.

But does the consumer ever know what they want ?

$533 MEEELLION – the cost of Apple’s iTunes patent infringement

Alan Denman

If it moves patent it, if it don't move patent it.

I'm now half expecting the worlds cloud and music services not to become the slave minions of the US of arsy patents.

Software engineering is becoming more and more problemtaic in the US

For pity's sake, you fool! DON'T UPGRADE it will make it worse

Alan Denman

Now you have 2015 tech to be made obsolete in 2017

'Cloud based'.

Are you having a laugh. It is proprietary garbage to be paid for time and time again.

If it was Cloud and HTML based you could have planned for the next 10+ years of Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc.

AMD's new Carrizo: The x86 notebook processor that thinks it's a GPU

Alan Denman

Another day, another theme?

Personally, I thought AMD was winding down its PC businesses, sticking to both serving Xbox and Sony.

Looking inside shops I gather they are 99% there, so is this all a pretence that Intel does not now have an absolute x86 monopoly.

(I'm ignoring the PC business where they still have a presence, mainly via home builds.)

'Utterly unusable' MS Word dumped by SciFi author Charles Stross

Alan Denman

Microsoft reach parts of authors no typewriter could ever reach

Yes, your software soon gets declared last century.

They owned the original SNAREtm

Apple design don Jony Ive: Build-your-own phone is BOLLOCKS

Alan Denman

Extolling the virtues of...

Cheap mass production...

Yes Ives, we know exactly what you mean. Wink, Wink.

Google Talk is dead, long live, er, Google Talk: Chat will survive app zap, flaps G+ chap

Alan Denman

Name changes are a load of B*llocks.

Yes, it really waters down the product.

However, in defence, it is quite telling that I cannot ask Siri what she thinks.

Samsung pulls ahead of Qualcomm in mobe chip race with 14nm Exynos

Alan Denman

14nm = 20nm = one up two down.

All marketing I am afraid.

Seems it has gone 3D so that you have one transistor on top for every two below.

So 14nm is simply 20nm in 3D.

Could they also call it 13.66 nm ?

Qualcomm, ARM: We thought we had such HOT MODELS...

Alan Denman

Qualcomms main problem was its patents.

China really fined them for conflict of interest to prevent that a monopoly that we can all see happening.

Competition ensures development and that is what helps ARM.

Just maybe the rest of the world will see that the mobile patents reducing choice down to one in many a country, though that might get corrected to two.

The second being Intel who have enough patents so as not to be blocked out.

So 'then there was two' ?

Free Windows 10 could mean the END for Microsoft and the PC biz

Alan Denman

Re:'Reputabe' =


As in 'trade journalists'. We mainly have myths.

Apple drives itself round bend: Pities the fool who inks deal with carmakers – source

Alan Denman

Brilliant if driven by Siri

Just think,

we go to work on a 'cloudy' day and get all the non cloudy days off work.


UK chip champ ARM flexes muscle: Shows strong profit and sales

Alan Denman

Re: Good or Bad?

So therefore the only thing Apple makes is a fingerprint reader.

Yet they simply a company to do even that !

BBC bins pricey Windows Media, Audio Factory goes live

Alan Denman

from the blog ....

"We have been communicating our plans to manufacturers and aggregators for the last 12 months "

It is a very funny old world when you can get away with culling newer tech but keep old FM and MW going for near forever

Alan Denman

And Radio 3 needs to be kicked off FM

Radio 6 gets the listeners so why the complete lack of democracy here ?

Radio 3 can move to DAB, Cloud etc etc so that the main public can rightly get Radio 6 in the car

Alan Denman

BBC to kill my Boom type box internet radio?

Seems Radio 1 works, 48 WMA.

I do not think it does aac so what soon ?

Alan Denman

So what was the exact cost, I cannot see any but for ..

File conversion being automated I can't quite see any cost at all there.

So are Microsoft fees causing self death ?

Come on MS make it open source.

Russian revolution: YotaPhone 2 double-screen JANUS MOBE

Alan Denman

You get what you pay for.........

shame about it buying two lots of ARMs.

Food for thought.

Samsung: Our TVs? Spying on you? Ha Ha! Just a joke of course

Alan Denman

Yes, Samsung TVs are spying on you

Siri knows.

Microsoft explains Windows as a SERVICE – but one version remains a distant dream

Alan Denman

Service to become a subscription eventually

you are the Service, regularly getting 'Serviced'.

Downgrades, upgrades, blacklisted accessories etc etc may well be part of that 'service'.

And obviously, if not moving to Windows 11 this 'service' will likely turn into a monthly/yearly subscription.

Smartphones don’t dumb you down, they DUMB you UP

Alan Denman

in true marketing style.

is that map comfortable in one hand ?

Basic minimum income is a BRILLIANT idea. Small problem: it doesn't work as planned

Alan Denman

We have something similar here ... Insurance relief

It works like this, everyone pays more for home insurance so that insurance companies can sell home insurance to those in low lying flood areas.

Who's the auto tycoon that makes Apple employees swoon? It's ... MUSK!

Alan Denman

Tesla's new car is to be called.

The High Five ?

Helium HDD prices rise way above air-filled spinning rust

Alan Denman

$550 HD price is no laughing matter

Headline writer needed?

You gotta keep a smart watch on the Swiss, Apple: Enter SWATCH

Alan Denman

Square or round ?

"Here's a house, here's a door.Turn the lock.

Which windows will it be today children

Of course, the square window.

Sonos revamps Wi-Fi speaker app, admits: 'We made things worse'

Alan Denman

What, so bad they fixed it twice ?

I thought the firmware that made people go out and buy new kit was updated mid last year .

First look: Ordnance Survey lifts kimono on next-gen map app

Alan Denman

3D World ?

Well I'm more than happy with a flat earth.

Never once have I taken a wrong turn left at the moon.

Google gets my data, I get search and email and that. Help help, I'm being REPRESSED!

Alan Denman

re - "the basic mistake that Lanier is making and that Naughton is endorsing "

It is no mistake,

They are bigging up high cost services. The main difference being that with these high cost services there more incentive to be gospel sheep like above.

Indian phone buyers decide home is where the heart is

Alan Denman

they also aspire to get mugged for more money

$100 in India must feel like $500 to $1000 over here.

Luckily there have been few cases of people selling their kidneys for an iPhone.

Samsung snub sends Qualcomm into a spin over Snapdragon 810

Alan Denman

Intel World LTE is the reason.

Seems using Exynos they might now have one build for the whole world market.

And remember, it was those Qualcomm patent charges that made it cheaper for Samsung to adopt Qualcomm rather than to use their own kit.

It is much the same the world over, all being to do with having the lowest cost base.

Why Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2? Upton: 'I drank the Kool-Aid'

Alan Denman

Remember Asus and Linux ?

Yes, Embrace , Extend, Distinguish.

The bottom line is that this is good for Pi sales. And if it it encourages actual open systems to expand then the means justifies the end.

I'd suggest cheering on Cyagenmod but the the money grabbers in charge seem to be heading to grab some swag out of the "Embrace , Extend, Distinguish" cash pile.

Turbocharged quad-core Raspberry Pi 2 unleashed, global geekgasm likely

Alan Denman

An obvious mini PC

Shame about the Sata interface but the increased speed does at least mean we can finally throw the small thought of that 10 out of the Window.

Google Now now SLURPS data from third party apps so YOU don't have to

Alan Denman
Big Brother

No one at all is here..

except us dodgy politicians.

You must have at least 8 inches for Windows 10 to go all the way

Alan Denman

re -" It is a dilemma. "

Funny that, I once ran a desktop on a manky 800X600 screen.

Somehow I think I could manage a 720p

Apple CEO: Fandroids are BINNING Android in favour of IPHONES

Alan Denman

Spin doctor at it again

Notice how the guy has given zero details apart from a catch all 15%.

Golden rule, only tell the customer what you want them to know.

Privacy alert: Outlook for iOS does security STUPIDLY, says dev

Alan Denman

The Dash for cash

They want to compete with Google mail don't forget and nicking all mails sounds far better.