* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Don't worry, Apple hypegasms haven't gone in the WRISTJOB ERA

Alan Denman

The point of no Return

I can't help think they were a bit concerned about massive return queues a few days later

Some are getting theirs 6 weeks ahead of schedule. I really do wonder if htey vetted initial buyers to ensure only the keenest fanboys get theirs.

They will more likely just be happy to just pop it in a drawer after that exciting first few days.

Windows 10 Device Guard: Microsoft's effort to keep malware off PCs

Alan Denman

Sounds like RT to me........

Tarted up marketing for a 'walled garden' paywall.

Dead Steve Jobs' wage-fixing pact in Silicon Valley was news to us, claim Apple directors

Alan Denman

He's not the Messiah

Come on execs, don't put the coffin on it.

Google pulls plug on YouTube for older iPads, iPhones, smart TVs

Alan Denman

HTML 5 is the future, and good riddance


Seagate's third quarter results looking lacklustre as profits tumble

Alan Denman

Moos Law..........

Would say prices halve every year or two.

Its hard milking that cow when all your customers can threaten to halve costs for same if they go elsewhere.

What's 'appening with WhatsApp? '800 MEEELLION LOSERS* actively use us', says boss

Alan Denman

Re: meh

Well Whatsapp works OK too.

Likewise it has no idiotic walled garden to navigate.

It should be made 100% free too though. Ads are where they will win big $

Apple will cut down 36,000 acres of forest in 'conservation scheme'

Alan Denman

For people who cannot they see the wood for the trees

Cut trees, plant trees. Its a working forest.

I say TIMBER to that stupid argument. That is how most forests work.

Microsoft and HTC are M8s again: New One mobe sports WinPhone

Alan Denman

US - the land of most patently obvious patents.

HTC probably make a big loss paying MS for Android in the US.

Windows r US.

Your city's not smart if it's vulnerable, says hacker

Alan Denman

Info = fewer suckers

Hard sell to the suckers is the par for the course.

Remember, even in the PFI scandal, all the top brass kept their millions.

No one went to jail ! Shareholders got the bill (the pension funds for the likes of you and me)

Want to go green like Apple, but don't have billions in the bank?

Alan Denman

Want to go green like Apple ?

You need a weird sense of logic to declare glue cement lover Apple, green.

That same algebraic logic tells us that Algae is also green.

Author, how about throwing it all away and starting again ?

Ebook price-fix saga: Official Apple peeler says probe is fruitless

Alan Denman

Meanwhile ...

.........mass murderer Joe the Screwdriver refuses to leave Waikiki Beach, saying it is his last wish, he promises to go for lethal injection in 2099.

Revealed: The AMAZING technology behind Apple's $1299 Retina MacBooks – a lot of glue

Alan Denman

Yet it won't stop the mantra


Love your garbage.

Pre-order consumergasm will leave Apple Watches out of stock for months

Alan Denman

If only they had sold it at $799

then they might have got 2 million US buyers.

Theres nothing like quite like a more expensive glitter to attract them little fishies

Chrome version 42 will pour your Java coffee down the drain: Plugin blocked by default

Alan Denman

Lock in

We have ways of making you use our platform.

Commercial interests win out again.

SMACK! EU set to hit Google with 'abuse of dominance' rap

Alan Denman

what is the charge ?

Oh, yes, it is the fact that their links are useful thus blocking the more useless links.

Just make them pay their taxes !

IDC downgrades sales outlook for PCs AND tablets

Alan Denman

Theres the dilemma in PC buying

Those 9 year old old C2D are as good as new Bay Trail Celerons and Atoms.

When new is not necessarily better then something has to give.

The future is the PC on the stick, but lots of kicking and screaming will go on first.

Who is the fastest-selling phone maker of ALL TIME? Samsung? Apple? No, it's Xiaomi

Alan Denman

But are they real sales ?

As we know,Apple manufacture a yearly record by counting orders from the likes of EE as sales.

This looks manufactured too, even if they happened to get into end customers hands this time.

Marketing makes for confusion.

Steely wonder? It's blind to 4G and needs armour: Samsung Galaxy S6

Alan Denman

Wot, no bigger bars ?

Surely they could have done a sop to buyers and given you bigger bars ?

In the past, form over function phones gave bigger bars to keep the punters happy.

Tests show HTC, Sammy phablets BEND just like iPhone 6 Plus

Alan Denman

Yours is as shite as mine = it is all downhill now !

So Apple, now caught using near enough the cheapest grade of aluminium allow known to man will obviously now not use the same cheap aluminium come September.

Great marketing really does mean that Apple turns lead into gold. It is good while it lasts and boy, they had one hell of a run with this one.

Next !

Alan Denman

re 'realised it was all a bit pointless and the thin calculators were not as good to use..'

'....might be something Mr Ive and other mobile phone designs might want to think about."

Tim Cook says 'don't tell them Pike';

Alan Denman

a case of the bends

" HTC One M9 has a higher bending point than the iPhone, "

""Instead of a bent phone," say researchers from SquareTrade, "they may have a pocket full of glass.""

Stating the bleeding obvious, or do I just need to come up for more hot air ?

Microsoft drops Do Not Track default from Internet Explorer

Alan Denman

Sounds about right.

Those that set it get their rights whilst those who have IE default get ignored because no one knows if they know their rights.

The user solution was to use a different browser and set your DNT right.

If the internet world had started in a DNT world then OK but Microsoft were really turning back the clock for their own personal gain via a web livelihood peril.

EU Commission looking for ways to DECLARE WAR on Google

Alan Denman

But can they untangle tha big plate of spaghetti.........

from the Apple and Cortana sauce ?

Google takes ARC Welder to Android, grafts on Windows, OS X

Alan Denman

Yet another framework to install !

Yet sound very useful.

Agnostic in a way, I can't quite see Apple or Microsoft approving

Judge greenlights class-action suit accusing AMD of securities fraud

Alan Denman

Did it really matter ?

I think Intel simply tracked them, having a couple of releases held back in the ready if AMD market share ever showed signs of increasing.

What near fully killed AMD was in fact ARM, Intel being forced to track change track to mirror + ARM in the mobile market.

Intel really needed that minor competition from an 'AMD only' to continue.

It's the FALKLANDS SYNDROME! Fukushima MELTDOWN to cause '10,000 Chernobyls' in South Atlantic

Alan Denman

Now we know the truth as to why...

we need Smartmeters.

They ain't smartmeters after all, they are fusion collectors scoop up the debris floating around Britain.

I mean, they wouldn't waste billions on only a fictional saving would they?

Motorola Mobility loses another patent suit to über-troll Intellectual Ventures

Alan Denman

Intellectual Ventures, which was formed in 2000 by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold....

..', is among the top five patent-holding entities in the US, yet it makes nothing and markets no products'

A case of 'You scratch my back, and I'll stab theirs' ?

Apple is like HITLER says Chinese billionaire

Alan Denman

But people loved Hitler

... cause mainly fools dared speak out.

Smart meters are a ‘costly mistake’ that'll add BILLIONS to bills

Alan Denman

How many times have independent scientists ...........

.......................shown the government true stats only to have them brushed aside or removed from office.

No idea, but we know they cherry pick and ignore reality, that is if they actually know what reality is.

It is quite hard to tell.

Alan Denman

Re: Thanks Britian!

Nothing to do with 'left thinking'.

It is bandwagon lobbyists who have something to gain by fibbing!

Right wing if anything.

Alan Denman

Totally agree

We need to make sure the UK is last to use these, and even then they might not be secure.

Roll them out as current meters reach 'end of life specification'.

Zero waste there

I would also like to say that I monitor my own usage and think those savings are a whopping lie.

There would be zero saving here with a so called smart meter, and zero savings for everyone else if they don't get educated !

All the flash world needs is more TLC, suggests report

Alan Denman

There's nought as cheap as chips.

So Trim all the Fat, boys

Chip rumor-gasm: Intel to buy Altera! Samsung to buy AMD! ... or not

Alan Denman

Samsung AMD one sounds a bit rubbish

AMD has the xbox/playstion business but that is about it.

They would likely need to buy at a heavy discount, the only way looks down for AMD.

HTC One M9 Android smartphone: Like a M8 with a squinty eye

Alan Denman

Don't buy it for GPS

All that metal makes for blotchy non 360 degrees satellite reception.

In an ideal world you don't even want silicon blocking it, never mind that pretty metal shield.

Could be worse, it could be a quite screwed up Asus Transformer.

700,000 beautiful women do the bidding of one Twitter-scamming man

Alan Denman

My first ever post...

and I thoroughly recommended bythisshite dot com.

Cures piles and even gets you a husband,

The guarantee is that is it fails you can then buy a crystal rock for only 50 bucks.

Becoming Steve Jobs biography: ‘Much of it was chutzpah and self delusion’

Alan Denman

The Corp image

Whilst the family just get on with their own lives ignoring the often inaccurate hysterical media, Apple Corp have all their dollars to think of.

Dollars matter far more than any truths. That is the truth.

Cyanogen finds $80m in collecting tin after busking session

Alan Denman

And them who darest not be named ?

" and several yet-to-be-announced partners."

Would that mainly be Microsoft then as rumour already had it ?

Apple boots Windows 7 out of Boot Camp

Alan Denman

Horse and Cart stuff reigns supreme

Here the cart came before the horse.

You help my bottom line Apple and I'll help your bottom line Microsoft.

US threatened Berlin with intel blackout over Snowden asylum: report

Alan Denman

Not another backdoor...

or so I thought.

Where is that Intel CPU off switch.

Intel's cheap and Android's free: Not any more, says TAG Heuer

Alan Denman

Gear S should be called the Gear Night Out.

It being 3G I can't see much other appeal apart from it being the watch for 'down the boozer'.

All those mega expensive watches have one thing in common though, that being exactly the same as what Apple has, 99% all marketing and perception.

Maybe they will turn 'plain ugly' into everyone's wish list.

My self-driving cars may lead to human driver ban, says Tesla's Musk

Alan Denman

The Patent problem

Surely, if we expand the patent validity to self driving cars it will be mandated that every car that is not Google driven will be barred from going round curved corners.

Watch this, Apple. Fruity firm gets down and dirty with Facebook’s OCP

Alan Denman

Open Compute Project

= No malleable consumers in sight

If BT gets EE, it will trigger EU treasure hunt for fixed lines

Alan Denman

BT ExpensiveReach doing well ?

You can bet your telly on that.

Cyber-whizs partake in mass eye-roll event over latest leaks: CIA spies 'spying on iPhones'

Alan Denman

Sim holes, FreakAttack .............

It is all built in.

And often to order, as we have come to know.

All the CIA are doing is attempting to future proof it by being the only ones in the know.

A gold MacBook with just ONE USB port? Apple, you're DRUNK

Alan Denman

I read the FT one so you all don't have to bother

As stated above, it really had absolutely nothing to offer so as to make one feel robbed of previous time.

It was so absolutely sanitised it might even have simply been pre-written, no attendance needed.

Wikipedia won't stop BEGGING for cash - despite sitting on $60m

Alan Denman

Corporate hi-jack?

Well I hop not but it is happening everywhere to consumer detriment.

Spend some of that money on tackling Wiki Wars, some article are an advertorial embarrassment.

Oi. APPLE fanboi! You with the $10k and pocket on fire! Fancy a WATCH?

Alan Denman

Re: Really?

Do you sell timeshare by any chance?

Hated smart meters likely to be 'a costly failure' – MPs

Alan Denman

Greed of paid lobbyists ?

the sums will never add up,

... already onwing a cheap Lidl wattt meter and knowing 1 click of the dial is 10 to 15p cost, the gain is exactly zero for me.

FREAKing hell: ALL Windows versions vulnerable to SSL snoop

Alan Denman

I can't help but think that these flaws got leaked since the US ...

...accused China of what US does standard clandestine like.