But will the iBlind ever see this?
They bought duff equipment new but I have doubts they will notice now due to an exisiting iSight feature that puts a bunch of roses in places of negative text.
Nothing to see, move along type roses.
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
Those who have a paid service are maybe intansient, it happens.
11 million is a decent start from near zero but musicis a funny thing.
ITunes manages one music for the iPod, people are mainly using it for thie collection, not because they want to buy Apple music.
I mildly wonder if the majority do not trust Apple to have music consumers interests at heart, after all they are in the business of premium prices.
So not that much will have changed.
Micosoft 10 will still have its zero day hacks low on the radar whilst Android will get its scare stories without much objectivity.
I mean, how come there was mention of the new IE Edge having or not having the latest zero day, or the fact that its built in Flash and PDF readers add complexity and thus hack avenues?
It is not just security that is the problem but their near uselessness.
We are moving to a more off-grid style supply system where renewable etc will need a more sophisticated system that a very very expensive way of wasting money on reading that meter !
They will likely all have to come out again by 2025 at a cost of yet another 20 billion !
Wait till 2025 when other countries have expensively guinea pigged it successfully then make a move for sane mature technology.
A bit ambiguous.
Apple have dramatically lowered prices already. They already buy mid range parts at ultra low cost. It is only a few bits they make themselves, such as the CPU that is considered high end.
The ambiguity there is in who benefits. It is certainly not the consumer. It is about sky high profit margins.
but there there is an over abundance of marketing and political marketing piss. There 10s of thousands of the likes of Grant Shapps doing editing.
The solution for Google would be to let people peer authorise their local area.
Two persons being asked to authorise every change would stop most havoc.
.........that the TV licence fee is “worse than the Poll Tax”. He argued in 2014 that the TV licence was more regressive (and therefore unfair) than the ill-fated, flat-rate local authority tax.
The biggest watchers may well be the poorest, though the poor often have a plague of satellite dishes stuck on long terrace walls.
Yet if prices ever reflect usage, the lower 'pooled value' simply turns the BBC into an expensive pale imitation of now.
Why buy this rubbish for home use when you can buy LifeP04 for close to the same price ?
Yes, it kickstarts the market but it is a pretty crap offering. Tesla lasts 10 years 'if you don't use it' whilst LifeP04 in the same rubbish scenario lasts 40 years !
The standard Lithium is built for lightness but until the hype was not really deemed sensible for home use.
"Grant did not explicitly say that iComp was formed to block the Google-DoubleClick merger. Microsoft and Burson-Marsteller are interested in fostering a discussion to ensure that the digital marketplace remains competitive, and they hope that other companies and consumer interest groups that have raised concerns about the merger will join them, he said."
Its not quite all about DuckDuckBing even if the money says so.