* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Apple recalling iPhone 6 Pluses to correct their iSight

Alan Denman
IT Angle

But will the iBlind ever see this?

They bought duff equipment new but I have doubts they will notice now due to an exisiting iSight feature that puts a bunch of roses in places of negative text.

Nothing to see, move along type roses.

Botched Google Stagefright fix won't be resolved until September

Alan Denman

lying twa*?

Re - "If malicious actors choose to exploit this set of vulnerabilities in the meantime, there seems to be nothing everyday users can do to defend themselves," Beardsley warned.

I thought the simple mms setting of auto to off did the trick?

If so ........

Opera Software asks fat lady to stay schtum for a bit, but keep humming

Alan Denman

Might help if you put the featues back in your software.

Reasons to use Opera become less for ever more featureless minimal settings browsers.

That includes you Opera!

Firefox wins it for me now, even on mobile.

Apple, Google should give FBI every last drop of user information, says ex-HP CEO and wannabe US prez Carly Fiorina

Alan Denman

Only Apple and Google?

Does that mean she gives Microsoft 10?

Virtually no one is using Apple Music even though it is utterly free

Alan Denman

A decent start.

Those who have a paid service are maybe intansient, it happens.

11 million is a decent start from near zero but musicis a funny thing.

ITunes manages one music for the iPod, people are mainly using it for thie collection, not because they want to buy Apple music.

I mildly wonder if the majority do not trust Apple to have music consumers interests at heart, after all they are in the business of premium prices.

Too much vino? LG brings Wine Smart oldster-mobe to Europe

Alan Denman

A phone that protects itself screen wise.

Revolutionary, but we prefer our bendy smashy phablets as they are.

Apple goes to crapple in stock plunge kerfaffle: $113bn wiped off in days

Alan Denman

Everyone who wants one has the new fab phablet?

So is just a windfall before the big fall?

That is the worry, especially with the iWatch stagnating.

Windows 10 Start menu replacements shifting like hot cakes

Alan Denman

we have Hey Google send a text via Whatsapp etc and....

Hey Siri send a smiley you lazy bar steward.

So what is it for Cortana?

Sprint: Net neutrality means we can't stamp out download hogs

Alan Denman


Seems to me most their customers are on a overpriced tariff.

Everyone move!

OnePlus phone fanbois flock for a shiny phondle

Alan Denman

As fake as an Apple iWatch queue

.,nuff said.

Petrol cars are dead in the water, says Tesla CTO waving numbers on the back of an envelope

Alan Denman

Shite sells if you hide the stinky bits

I reckon tbe 5 times more home cells could be done for the Tesla low lifespan stuff.

But hey, buyers on the whole need to be led!

Its a winner..

Apple gobbles chunk of CNET, ZDNet – report

Alan Denman

Objectivity is seldom there anyway..

So not that much will have changed.

Micosoft 10 will still have its zero day hacks low on the radar whilst Android will get its scare stories without much objectivity.

I mean, how come there was mention of the new IE Edge having or not having the latest zero day, or the fact that its built in Flash and PDF readers add complexity and thus hack avenues?

At last we know for sure. Blighty's 'best mobile network' is ...

Alan Denman

EE paid their fee again?


For the last few years EE is the main sponsor. This likely started at the point that EE got 4G.

With half the population likely on 2G or 3G how important is this test?

Crazy Chrysler security hole: USB stick fix incoming for 1.4 million cars

Alan Denman

chrysler said..

Only hackers can do this.

Comforting to know

Now car hackers can bust in through your motor's DAB RADIO

Alan Denman

Just buy a OneBrake4All?

Good job few operate a TV in their car.

Contactless card fraud? Easy. All you need is an off-the-shelf scanner

Alan Denman

finger licking good?

Just maybe this means that for any upcoming iPhone thefts the thieves will let you keep your finger.

Rare cases of corruption strike Apple. Data corruption, that is

Alan Denman

so rare....

That it only happens when we get Friday being the 24th

Apple Watch sales in death dive after mega launch, claims study

Alan Denman

Have you ever played supermarket game 'LOOOOOK I got an iPhone' at the checkout ?

They always seem to get them out to need to shout 'Look, Look. I got an iPhone. Loook, LOOOOOOOOK'.

As yet this has not happened for the Watch. Causes too many guffaws ?

Google's Cardboard cutout VR headgear given away GRATIS by OnePlus ... SELLS OUT

Alan Denman

When you pop down to PoundShop to collect them...

Make the minimum wage worker happy by saying 'keep the £4 change'.

UK TV is getting worse as younglings shun the BBC et al, says Ofcom

Alan Denman

Drama Queens

Reading into it, the BBC is still better than most doing drama.

ITV has recently reduced drama production by 42% so if you want to kill off most UK drama production, simply get rid of the license fee making it a free for all 'nothing'.

Reddit meltdown: Top chat boards hidden as rebellion breaks out

Alan Denman

Volunteers often get suckered.

The problem being they have simple non monetary values whilst the business itself is a monetary thing.

I'd say all the CyagenMod dev volunteers mainly got suckered too so it is certainly not an uncommon thing.

Google harms consumers and strangles the open web, says study

Alan Denman

So those against the open web are really for the open web ?

And in the same context can we also pay someone to say that green technology companies are polluting the planet

Smart meters set to cost Blighty as much as replacing Trident

Alan Denman

Mad as a hatter, the lot of them !

It is not just security that is the problem but their near uselessness.

We are moving to a more off-grid style supply system where renewable etc will need a more sophisticated system that a very very expensive way of wasting money on reading that meter !

They will likely all have to come out again by 2025 at a cost of yet another 20 billion !

Wait till 2025 when other countries have expensively guinea pigged it successfully then make a move for sane mature technology.

LG's six-sided battery to take smart watches into new timezones

Alan Denman

What goes round !

A CR2032 watch battery is already round as is the tall round single 18650 laptop single cell.

Apple wants to patent iBeacon stalking

Alan Denman

iFriends only !

Another 'of limited use' wall garden offering that will thankfully pass me by .

No iBeacon Spam for me too.

Cupertino GIVES IN to Taylor Swift, will pay Apple Music royalties

Alan Denman

Artist or Artists ?

I only see the ambiguous use of the word 'Artist'.

So, there is likely a Swift bit of money for Taylor but what about everyone else ?

And how much ?

Alan Denman

re "completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company.”

Oh really ?

The warranty on all their stuff only meets the minimum legislative requirement.

British banks consider emoji as password replacement

Alan Denman

Utter rubbish

There are far less combinations than upper lower case + symbols and numbers.

And we know that people will likely gravitate to certain, even more limited emoji combinations.

Chrome on Mac sucks (electrons), says Google, so we'll fix it

Alan Denman

The answer

It sounds daft that the antique semi-EOL Safari can run better than Chrome so surely it has to be the ads.

Simple. Use Opera instead. It uses modern Blink but with less baggage.

Cheaper Apple iStuff? Foxconn eyes costs-busting Indian move

Alan Denman

re -" Any move to India.....to lower the price of its iconic mobile devices"

A bit ambiguous.

Apple have dramatically lowered prices already. They already buy mid range parts at ultra low cost. It is only a few bits they make themselves, such as the CPU that is considered high end.

The ambiguity there is in who benefits. It is certainly not the consumer. It is about sky high profit margins.

It's 2015 and Microsoft has figured out anything can break Windows

Alan Denman

You had Windows 8 with Bing and now...

.. we have Windows 10 with Gobbledygook.

If it all seems gobbledygook users will obviously feel much safer in not understanding anything.

One USB plug to rule them all? That's sensible, but no...

Alan Denman

How come they all failed to see the light ?

The current sockets and plugs simply needed to be dark at the top light at the bottom.

This can also apply to the wider backward compatible USB 3.0

For the consumer going into reverse and making current stuff obsolete is quite upside down senseless.

Smartwatch biz Pebble says smartwatch biz Apple won't approve its new app – surprise

Alan Denman

Functionality removal coming soon ?

Blow them a raspberry Apple. You know you want to.

Free Windows 10 upgrades from Microsoft will FLATTEN PC sales

Alan Denman

Correct for me.

But I'm not daft enough to let Microsoft kill off my current PC with any bloat creep dial that goes all the way up to 11.

.sucks-gate: How about listening to us the first two times, exasperated FTC tells ICANN

Alan Denman

Icann blackmail .

That is blackmail for you, loads of free money.

It is a love-in?

Put me down for .sucksthemost so I can retire .easymoney like.

Pakistan URINE STORM: Google Maps chokes off user editing

Alan Denman

Wikipedia has a major problem too ........

but there there is an over abundance of marketing and political marketing piss. There 10s of thousands of the likes of Grant Shapps doing editing.

The solution for Google would be to let people peer authorise their local area.

Two persons being asked to authorise every change would stop most havoc.

Chill, luvvies. The ‘unsustainable’ BBC Telly Tax stays – for now

Alan Denman

re - Much quoted now is Whittingdale’s view ...........

.........that the TV licence fee is “worse than the Poll Tax”. He argued in 2014 that the TV licence was more regressive (and therefore unfair) than the ill-fated, flat-rate local authority tax.


The biggest watchers may well be the poorest, though the poor often have a plague of satellite dishes stuck on long terrace walls.

Yet if prices ever reflect usage, the lower 'pooled value' simply turns the BBC into an expensive pale imitation of now.

So tablets, if you want to get anything done travelling get a ... yes, a laptop

Alan Denman

Re: Uploading 'everything' to iCloud?

...and this was whilst checking my iShares portfolio.

Ha Ha

Keurig to drop coffee DRM after boss admits 'we were wrong'

Alan Denman

Start as you mean to go on.

The suckers buying UK DRM coffee machines know no different and seldom do I hear them complain.

So their only mistake was being a bit open to start with.

Struggling Nvidia says it may pay up to $125m to shutter Icera modem biz

Alan Denman

Wot, No Linux ?

Its K1 chipsets tell us that Nvidia, with software prowess could be champion of exclusive Linux laptops, mini desktops and maybe smart devices.

Does it have the skills to compete, or by competing does it put its existing GPU market share at risk ?

Ericsson to Apple: Cough up for licences or stop selling iPhones, iPads and Watches

Alan Denman

It it to do with the selling price I bet

Apple argues that what Ericsson sees as a cheap and cheerful price, does not apply to premium prices.

As we know, licensing does not work that way. 'Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' pricing is as common as muck.

Tesla's battery put in the shade by current and cheaper kit

Alan Denman

Get a life times 4

Why buy this rubbish for home use when you can buy LifeP04 for close to the same price ?

Yes, it kickstarts the market but it is a pretty crap offering. Tesla lasts 10 years 'if you don't use it' whilst LifeP04 in the same rubbish scenario lasts 40 years !

The standard Lithium is built for lightness but until the hype was not really deemed sensible for home use.

Would you trust your DNA with APPLE? HealthKit lined up as genome data trafficker

Alan Denman

You are not ill

You are simply wearing it wrong.

Oh what hype we have.

Is Grant Shapps being naughty on Wikipedia – or did a Lib Dem stitch him up?

Alan Denman

Re: "It can't have been me, I was out of the country"

No, he said he was busy adhering to religious events.

Rather strageley, the small print in his religious policy let him carry on tweeting on those 'unavailable' days.

'Android on Windows': Microsoft tightens noose around neck, climbs on chair

Alan Denman

Sort of the seller of the OnePlus 10

Well, MS likely pulled the plug on the OnePlus Two with Cyagenmod

Money wins, who knows?

New antenna supports all three wireless charging standards

Alan Denman

Divide and conquer

Business is all about making things complicated.

I sort of hope wireless charging could not be f*cked up by vested interests.

Can they patent that receiving of waves then ? If we have patent free receiving then all is good.

REVEALED: The 19 firms whose complaints form EU's antitrust case against Google

Alan Denman

ICOMP history


"Grant did not explicitly say that iComp was formed to block the Google-DoubleClick merger. Microsoft and Burson-Marsteller are interested in fostering a discussion to ensure that the digital marketplace remains competitive, and they hope that other companies and consumer interest groups that have raised concerns about the merger will join them, he said."

Its not quite all about DuckDuckBing even if the money says so.

Alan Denman


Microsoft was said to have set up ICOMP. So a bird of the same feather.

And with Microsoft paying ICOMP fees, do they do much the same with all the others, or are they hoping to hit a high note with Bing ?

A complicated tangle, isn't it ?

Top Spanish minister shows citizens are thick as tortillas de ballenas

Alan Denman

This is the Bubonic Age

The quantum ecstacy theory says people will start injecting the bubonic plague if you give it an E.

Apple Watch shipments: Pick a number, double it. Hey, it worked for them

Alan Denman

700 teens ?

Self conscious teens get peer trained to want the priciest.

So how many people want to spend their own money on a £300 iWatch that comes with with a $1 silicon type strap ?