* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008


Apple ditches video evidence

Alan Denman

Hit and run

Something quick to appease their perceptive fanbase.

And yes saying the iPhone is as 'crap as the others' is now best forgotten.

Now we can safely get back to the positive mantra marketing of very dubious features like the Retina display.

Boffins authenticate Apple 'Antennagate'

Alan Denman

More sub plot.

Very very strange that the iPhone 3 was not listed

It seems to be that the iPhone 3 was in fact low ainquality yet misaligned A T & T took all the blame?

BBC news apps squeeze onto iPhone, iPad

Alan Denman

A bunch of donkies!

A useful app.

But wasting taxpayers money just because Apple banned Flash is banned is a tad worrying to say the least.

O2 dithers over Apple iPhone 4 refund pledge

Alan Denman

Gotcha Suckers!

Got to admit Steve did a great Job on this one.

Looks like he caught a lot of suckers yet again

iPhone customers lay into Apple after iOS 4.0.1 update fails to install

Alan Denman

A bad placebo?

And we all knew that the update was only a placebo anyway.

iPhone 4 developers get software update, but will it fix death grip?

Alan Denman

How long is Steve Jobs nose?

We can always count on Apple for tall stories.

Apple MacBook mid-2010

Alan Denman

Cut but coy is codeword for ugly?

Well having seen this in the flesh I was quite surprised how ugly the polycarbonate (the non buzzword is plastic) Macbook.

So cure but coy is a damage limitation way of saying 'its looks are not up to Apples usual standards'?

Russian spy ring bust uncovers tech toolkit

Alan Denman

OMG thery are coming for me!

ad hoc Wi-Fi networks - I do that at times!

bespoke software - Windows XP and Ubuntu

encryption - HTTPS ! Thats me

and the web - Opera or Firefox.

I had best write my farewells to the wife.

Inevitable Mac OS X 10.6.4 update problems surface

Alan Denman


No doubt if you all aid Apple the 30% the world would be a happier place,

I'm being quite contradictory in that half these apps would be banned anyway.

New wave of superphones poised to challenge iPhone 4

Alan Denman

Back to front

It is the other way round

The iPhone was getting decrepit yet now the iPhone HD can now challenge the already dominant HD Android phones.

Apple TV said to enter the heavens at $99

Alan Denman

$50 profit

There is still room for $50 profit in this item yet it makes me wonder if the A4 SOC has a HD chip in it too considering standard desings are cheaper and the HD chip addition is about 99c worth these days.

I guess 16GB is the minimum to cope with HD.

Handicapping the microprocessor race

Alan Denman

Can never be bothered.

Sad to say but I gave up even bothering to listen to webcasts years ago,

How about a transcript?

Reading feels like 'taking part' and I just don't know why but listening seems like indoctrination by diatribe.

But always so darn boring!

Jobs: One million iPads sold

Alan Denman

Also great for Hemorrhoids.

The small size must certainly help when the verbals start to come fast from the rear.

One would expect a decent size screen would be far better for those with vision problems.

I'll eat tripe if this is not yet another case of it.

Last time I looked most of those million were on ebay.

US citizens are currently lucky. In that if they find they bought into tripe, flogging it to mugs overseas gets a full refund.

Student found guilty of obstruction in Sarah Palin email trial

Alan Denman

A service to America

In this case he probably needs to be applauded in the very small part he played in helping save America.

Jobsian Vendetta - Flash stabbed by Mac the Knife

Alan Denman

Forget the bullshit please.

It would be fairly boring if the media just published the plain fact that it is simply about ownership of the platform, games and adverts.

'Its mine, all mine' is the cry.

Or maybe as LOTR style 'It's my precious'.

Microsoft's Linux patent bingo hits Google's Android

Alan Denman

Protection money

You make it sounds very much like the mafia where no one dares speak.

Protection money anyone?

Best stay quiet of you do get a visit!

'Gossips' say Apple will acquire ARM

Alan Denman

Easy to believe.

I can believe it.

Sadly Britain has a long history of being thick to an insane level in not protecting any industry.

The ARM design and licensing model leads the world with its leading low power product..

Our politicians no doubt have IQ's lower than a wood pigeon.

Opera Mini tops the iTunes chart, but can it make any money?

Alan Denman

It is Opera Mini, designed for crappy phones.

This is Opera mini, designed as j2me for uncapable phones.

The advantage for the iphone is reduced data costs.

At a price.

Be thankful as proper browsers are banned on Apple-jacket devices.

iPads sold out

Alan Denman


Like many releases we can take things with a pinch of salt.

A drip feed will no doubt ensure it is sold out for the next 12 months.

Intel Labs unveils PC power plans

Alan Denman

ARM and a leg stuff

Mass panic in the camp I see.

Intel is cursing ARM and Android which will very soon overtake Microsoft as the most used computer platform. Most of us just do not need a 6 Core i7 so but lets hope Intel survive with 6 core sub 2 watt Atoms.

More doubt tossed onto iPad numbers

Alan Denman


It has already been judged as the gadget few want.

So maybe Jobs was is cancelling some production to create an artificial delay and let the hype take hold.

Newspapers slam BBC iPhone app plans

Alan Denman

hy th slavery

one has to ask why on earth does the BBC cow tow to a proprietary gadget that is actually capable of Flash bu for its commercial driven ban.

As awful as Flash is, at least it is more universal so why 'take the mountain to Mohammad'?

Premium line complaints drop by more than half

Alan Denman

Mobile phone Regulation conspiracy

It is an establishment con

If you have no landline you might be paying 35p per minute for things like NHS direct (0845).

A money making racket putting valuable services out of reach of those who most need it!

Apple cops to defective MacBook drives

Alan Denman

The Apple drops?

Seems they are such a god that they are allowed to ignore documented irrefutable evidence for years.

Everyone knew about this but of course in religion you are only meant to kneel in appreciation to god.

The fact that Apple do not make business machines has helped with all of their cover ups.

Save DAB! Send FM radios to Africa

Alan Denman

Power usage will soar!

Guarantees a bit more global warming.

Small FM radios use about 100mw whilst your average DAB set uses 8000mw (8 watts)

So do we now get a maximum 8000% increase in our energy requirements?

Alan Denman

means global warming

a small FM set uses 100mw whilst your DAB set seems to use 8 watts.

This would then means up to 8000% increase in power usage for this change.

Elgato DTT Deluxe

Alan Denman

dangle dangle

Is it going to look so superior with an extra long co-ax cable attached or even with just a decent indoor aerial.


Were the snatched Brit sailors in 'disputed waters'?

Alan Denman

Badly researched

Cant help feel that too much 'opinion' as usual gets in the way of a register story.

If you bothered to research you will have noticed that it was either Newnight or Channel 4 news that ran a story.

It stated that whist US/UK/Iraq had drawn a territorial line in the disputed waters it seems noone had bothered tell Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So both sides were right but US/UKIraq were certainly incompetant.
