* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

Renault readies sub-£7000 e-car for Blighty

Alan Denman

The Sinclair X1 is better looking

So if I bought the X1 for £600 can I get that £5000 grant too?

Neither seem to be cars as such yet its only Renault that is taking our government for a ride.

MobileMe drove Steve Jobs to foul-mouthed fury

Alan Denman


Suckered you all I bet he did.

Slag it off just before its gets abandoned for the Cloudy thingy app.

Apple reportedly plans ARM shift for laptops

Alan Denman

Financial sense for Apple

It's win win for Apple.

First off, the SOC will cost $10 instead of $200.

Secondly it certainly becomes a games type machine where the user has to buy everything from the APP store.

That 30% is worth billions and your average user is not bothered that they are barred from writing or even choosing where to buy software

Alan Denman

30% TRUE.

Obviously they want 30% of everything that ever goes on it.

Users get the GPS and battery life and Apple get 30% of your Apple lifetime.

Samsung threatens Apple in response to patent lawsuit

Alan Denman

A clever tactic with an inevitable switch to a cheaper supplier,

There is a mass of manufacturers with fabs to make ARM chips with Samsung being the most prestigious.

Choice means low prices both for the consumer and Apple so maybe moving away from 'copycat Samsung' now becomes a point of principle rather than just to a 'cheap as chips' new supplier.

Seagate to buy Samsung's disk drive biz?

Alan Denman

A shame it is not Toshiba.

Come on guys, tablets and small laptops need someone to release the 1.8" Hybrid drive.

Its the way to go. Toshiba, are you listening?

Microsoft breaks own world record for IE nonsense

Alan Denman

Nonsense Mantra

Its Apple teaching bad habits.

As we well know the Pink Floyd song goes 'we don't need no education we don't need no Adobe Flash control, all in all it's just another prick in the HTML hall..

LG Optimus 2X dual core Android smartphone

Alan Denman

no short change there

Methinks we must remove the standard HDMI port, the USB port and and put a bar to memory upgrades by removing the SDHC card slot.

Now that would be a game changer!

Opera embraces Google's open source JPEG killer

Alan Denman

Speed dial has contracted for some

Reading the official it appears that dedicated users have lost out big time in that the new Speed Dial is crippled in comparison.

Before you simply choose x columns by by rows but for some reason you had to alter the speeddial.ini to do so.

Its seems that it is now very much luck of the draw whether the new easy access but different speed dial works for you.

Android, Steve Jobs, and Apple's '90%' tablet share

Alan Denman

Dumb enough to own a tablet?

Android is going to need to be innovative here because no one knows if the market exists..

Apple can sell a lump of dog turd with their its all sweet chocolate' marketing skills.

The BBC struggles with concept of 'tech bubble'

Alan Denman

It's a childs world!

Very true that there is no TV left for grown-ups.

It is easy to see why when those attempting intelligent conversation keep getting derided by their thickie accomplices

Early retirement beckons so that the thickies can get 100% control.

Stop sexing up IT and give Civil Servants Macs, says gov tech boss

Alan Denman

Hitting the nail on the head.

It really just shows where the problem lies.

What hope does government IT have with dickheads like this in charge?

Windows Phone 7 gets cut'n'paste, other tweaks in update

Alan Denman

No cut and paste - FAIL

You really have to admire the intellectual capacity of the neer sayers.

There must be something satisfyingly safe about being in a herd of brainless sheep.

Group-buying deal for £99 iPhone 4 may have breached consumer laws

Alan Denman

Not all their fault.

Seems to me that the media kept in the intoxicated spirit of magical marketing by reporting it in the first place.

Is Apple planning incompatible payments?

Alan Denman

For agreed standards read.......

Apple greed standards always prevail..

Apple bans iPhone 3G patch omission talk from forum

Alan Denman

could be wrong - but nice try!

Obviously the more important updates that enabled iAds got high priority on the iPhone 3G.

Smell the fudge,

Alan Denman


Be good chaps and buy yourself a new phone ,you cheapskates!

Steve Jobs unveils 30% subs model for ... everything

Alan Denman

Alan Denman

I'm left wondering what will happen to all of those convenient shopping apps.

With 30% Apple tax and then adding on another 20% VAT will mean 50% + in tax!

Shopping hell?

Adobe Flash: 20m phones flip Steve Jobs the bird

Alan Denman

Remember the 30% stupid

We all k now that much of the 30% Apple tax would be gone in a Flash if it was there.

Apple's app store policies: What will they provoke?

Alan Denman

30% Flash

This is 99% of the reason why Flash is not on otherwise that 30% could be gone in a Flash.

Lucky who?

Alan Denman

Might not happen from one of the worlds biggest bullies.

A bully will always pick on the weak. And Sony being new in this area is weaker than Amazon.

For this reason it is possible they will leave Amazon alone.

They might be the greedy but this bully is clever enough to only do 'their evil' where it is safe.

BBC apologises for Top Gear outrage

Alan Denman

A positive stereotype

Jokes have now evolved into non negative stereotyping.

However prehistoric Top Gear tried to move from the negative 'thick Irishman' to a safer distance of the 'lazy Mexico'.

To get a balance does the 'thick Irishman' stuff now return?

Microsoft disputes Apple's 'App Store' trademark

Alan Denman

I imagine 'Steve says' is trademarked too.

I imagine 'Steve says no' is well worthy of a trademark by Apple.

Apple patent endangers unbiased product reviews

Alan Denman

They already have the 'review something else patent'.

Seems to me that any non Apple product always gets reviewed to death by the Apple core.

All we ever get told is what it lacks compared to Apple.

In fact most of the time the reviewers do not seem know what the product does or where it excels.

Intel claims 35 Atom tablets about to hit the market

Alan Denman

Tablets don't do anything.

The problem for Intel is that tablet users hardly do anything with them.

So it matters little if all printers are supported, or Flash works in its entirety.

Prettiness is now the number one wow factor.

iOS upgrade cocks up iPad USB connections

Alan Denman

Approved hardware only?

Maybe it was too useful with Apple not getting a cut of the action?

Will Apple approved stuff bypass the restriction?

Incendiary MacBook blamed in house conflag inferno suit

Alan Denman

not good enoigh to have a recall though.

Walk into a store and you get a free replacement if you are well informed.

Apple know these things are fire risks in that the first design was without extra sleeving at the connecting joint.

Yet still they did not issue a safety recall.

Alan Denman

An unplacement program of course.

On the basis that no publicity is good publicity it seems more than a fair few do not know about the replacement program.

Recalls are just 'not Apple'.

Multi-colour e-ink to splash down in six months?

Alan Denman

Betting on it being the iPad 2

This revolutionary and magical screen may well be the base for iPad 2.

It is reasonably likely in that it is only Apple who could sell this at £400+

Apple scraps 'never-formed plans' for iPhone SIM in 2011

Alan Denman

cancel that last comment please

oops wrong thread.

Alan Denman

Starts in seconds arrives in months

Its quite a cloudy start to this one.

Cloud OS netbook turns up in Blighty

Alan Denman

Starts in seconds arrives in months

Its quite a cloudy start to this one.

Viewsonic ViewPad 7 Android tablet

Alan Denman

Get a magnifying glass

Tech wise its the San Francisco with a bigger screen and maybe decent camera.

Magnifying glass anyone?

Clive Sinclair unveils 'X-1' battery pedalo bubble-bike

Alan Denman

Plenty of resistance I see

Seems more attitude than fact here.

It looks a bit like those streamlined mpg competition vehicles that get 500+ mpg.

Who knows but it could really improve the battery.

The opening offer of £600 is the cheapest recumbent bike by far.

A removable shell option would be useful for those a bit wet behind the ears.

The terabyte iPad is coming

Alan Denman

Good lifespan unless chokker?

If the small capacity is near full then unless there is continuous shuffling of existing data the lifespan of the SSD could be down to as little as a few weeks.

Online badness: The kids are not alright

Alan Denman

Only 1 in 8?

Thankfully it is only that.

There is enough here to sicken 100% of adults.

Gosling blows lid off Jobs Java nonsense

Alan Denman

The funny funnel.

Removing all functionality directs everything to the Apple funnel which is to be the APP store.

You have to salute mein herr for his skill.

Blogger stokes iPhone 4 shatter fears

Alan Denman

I thought these surveys always showed Apple in very good light.

Well it still shows 26% of owners responding have broken their's.

I'm certain plenty of happy land owners will respond too.

Alan Denman

26% of iphones have already broken?

Over at engadget a reader survey seems to be showing that 26% iPhones now have/had broken glass.

LG Optimus GT540 Android smartphone

Alan Denman

Not diamond plated but

Well I looked at a diamond plated iPhone at £9,999 but decided to wait for the mk2.

This £99 unlocked 3GS type wifi GPS phone has me more than tethered.

Archos announces five Android tablets

Alan Denman

Archos 70 has a capacative touchscreen

Not mentioned on the 101 so at 300 grams the 7o is the one that more than blows the iPad away.

Jobs offers relief for iOS 4-running iPhone 3Gs

Alan Denman

Twice as fast.

Although it will certainly be visually slower than OS 3 mass hypnosis affect will perceive it as faster.

Hail the king of perception.

People have no bloody idea about saving energy

Alan Denman

Did I miss the humour?

I can;t quite work it out.

Ignorance or humour?

I've no bloody idea stupid!

Apple kills browse-and-get-hacked bugs in iOS

Alan Denman

A cabbage?

They are making a bit of a cabbage out of the patch indeed.

Kidding of course but it certainly looks like all new iPhones are now orphans.

Microsoft digs Macs in back-to-school ads

Alan Denman

How about 'software performance sucks on a Mac'?

Oops that certainly included Microsoft Office for Mac.

Back to the drawing board..

Apple iPhone exec falls on sword

Alan Denman

non disclosure for 30 years?

Roll on 2040 not.

O2 blamed for iPhone's data sucking

Alan Denman

Going abroad ?


Placing phone on ground and do a Basil Fawlty impersonation.

Data free every time.

iPhone 4 satisfaction high, but lower than iPhone 3GS

Alan Denman

Apple issued an update to fix this!

Considering Apple are deleting forum messages on the massive Iphone 3G and 3GS IOS 4 update disaster it is quite safe to assume users are happier with the iPhone 4.

Alan Denman

Apple issued an update to fix this!

Considering Apple are locking forum messages on the massive Iphone 3G and 3GS IOS 4 update disaster it is quite safe to assume users are happier with the iPhone 4.

Leicester City councillors eye up iPad to save £90k a year

Alan Denman

Techie career prospects improve

Helps the CV but ridicules the organisation.

Only a small disaster this time though.