* Posts by Alan Denman

1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008

We're not killing Chrome OS ... not until 2020, anyway – says Google

Alan Denman

Anti Google marketing

Seems to me the news was mainly created to stifle the rise of Chrome OS. There is no mention of Jim Hood and the MPAA but the WSJ was the first in with it, them for some reason being an intended conduit in the Hood/MPAA New Corp thing. (sad that it makes us even more cynical about so called news)

And in a way users are happy without updates, especially as they invariably introduce new exploits.

Stodgy and relatively safe is Chrome OS.

Web giants, Sir Tim slam Europe's net neutrality rules on eve of vote

Alan Denman

Simple capitalism at work

Obviously here, by creating partnerships the networks get control of the likes of Netflix etc.

You could even see deals between the likes of Microsoft and networks.

Google swallows your Docs bill from Microsoft, pitches for user familiarity

Alan Denman

are you real?

Public/consumers dictating how businesss should operate is laughable.

Who will have the last Word?

Bosch, you suck! Dyson says VW pal cheated in vacuum cleaner tests

Alan Denman

gaming the system

standard capitalim really.

Everything has pitfalls, especially when regulators have to stay business friendly.

Microsoft & Paypal link hands, turn round and slap Apple Pay

Alan Denman

More like PayPalTax ?

The ebay scenarios says all is not good for the seller/consumer here.

Ebay/Paypal are rolling in sellers money throughtyhat sem monopoly so is this good news?

As to EMV, why not just say it, CONTACTLESS

Amazon Fire HD 8: Mid-spec Nokia Lumi... er, MediaTek slab

Alan Denman

re -Siri, Cortana or Google Now

Less unwanted bloat then, though I really cant see this competing with that more versatile fuller featured full HD Huld 2.

Android users left at risk... and it's not even THEIR FAULT this time!

Alan Denman

Dog slow apps are safer

Native code being far more dangerous, we need those fart apps limited to safer Java only!

'We jokingly call Apple the Tesla graveyard. Cook gets our sloppy rejects. LOL'

Alan Denman

Not a graveyard....

It is the 'next big thing'.

It is just another past =present sort of thing so do the work Tesla until someone bigger drives by.

Surface Book: Microsoft to turn unsuccessful tab into unsuccessful laptop

Alan Denman

re - proper designers.

the chorus line is 'oh I do love the sound of breaking glass'

Google Chromecast 2015: Puck-on-a-string fun ... why not, for £30?

Alan Denman

re Prime Minister Corbyn sorting em out

You have to be kidding, right?

He promised to sort out Google, Amazon ...and 'others'.

The only real sign of that fruity one is Corbyn himself.

Experian-T-Mobile US hack: 'We trusted them, now that trust is broken'

Alan Denman


Only morons trusted 100%.

It just happens that in the cloud, the stakes are far higher.

Bezos' BAN-HAMMER batters Chromecast, Apple TV

Alan Denman

Walled garden.

But Amazon is a jungle!

WATERPROOF iPhone 6Ss? Old news. Check out the OTHER 7 SECRET FEATURES

Alan Denman

sales booster

Yes, I read that someone tested theirs in water heirs with success.

Someone else tried and the phone is a complete write off.

So you're deep in the soup there, but whatever, it might just supe up sales.

Overheating iPhone 6S+ BLINDED my cam, cries flashgate fanboy

Alan Denman

Not a problem and I bet a real none one too.

Whilst the bendy phone was never a problem because users are hard as nails, this one could justr eally be no problem.

Glasgow fanbois keep the faith at iPhone 6S benefaction

Alan Denman

Good old Reg

'Biting the hand that feeds' as usual.

iOS's infected app-list continues to grow, says Lookout

Alan Denman

Re: How is this possible with a modern OS?

Turn the volume up?

When it all goes tits up, claiming its the same elsewhere is the usual bent.

Would you trust Intel, Vodafone, Siemens et al with Internet of Things security? You'll have to

Alan Denman

It will be The Idiot of Things..

once they gain 100% control.

They will scoop up all your readies through your back door.

XCodeGhost iOS infection toll rises from 39 to a WHOPPING 4,000 apps

Alan Denman

The more rigorous testing regime =

faboys say so.

Anyway, nothing whatsover is a problem, the worst that can be said is that it is a feature.

iOS 9 update set to bork 'hundreds of thousands of EU businesses'

Alan Denman

Fee time !

Yes, this usually means Apple whitelists those who pay up.

So, pay your fees in advance next time iZettle.

Apple rains refunds on Peace'd off axed ad-blocker netizens

Alan Denman

Take that you bar steward.

Exacting revenge by Apple.

If they could they would also sue him for bringing morality to the fore.

More small print in the next developer agreement, Im sure.

Amazon reveals $50 Android-ish Fire tablet it will axe in two years

Alan Denman

Buy 5 for £250...

pin the together and you have + sign 5 way tasking.

Real apps too, not service apps!

Patent is as the +Pro Amazon

Android 5 lock-screens can be bypassed by typing in a reeeeally long password. In 2015

Alan Denman

Left my phone alone only for one hour and...

there was 989 chacters typed in it.

Ill think twice about my tech free holiday now!

Alan Denman

3 charactets work too!


Burn all the coal, oil – No danger of sea level rise this century from Antarctic ice melt

Alan Denman

17cm 20th century 8 cm this century!

The last refencene to the BBC weather was fake so 2+2 =

This new new chip will self-destruct in less than 10 seconds

Alan Denman


for when the post 2 year warranty runs out and you dont upgrade.

PSST! You wanna iPhone 6S Plus? YOINK! You can't have one - Apple

Alan Denman

Labour shortage I bet

A health and safety issue has made a pallet of these hefty things a 2 man job.

Apple fanbois cry (bless) as site motionless during iPhone 6S pre-order wrest

Alan Denman

Waiting time is predictable

It matters not that Apple have sold x million to resellers etc, the actual percentage going out from these sales is by design. If no one is buying fewer will get theirs on release day, simple as that?

Zimperium unleashes Android Stagefright exploit code on world

Alan Denman

Sponsored by whom?

They sell leaks to the highest bidder, if selling this, now even thicko crims can patch it in to stuff they have already bought!

Increases demand. Other espionage software is out there so is this legit too?

Witness Apple's iPhone-iPad extravapalooza here in our no-hate zone

Alan Denman

Re: I take it El Reg isn't there in person then?

well the ass kissing everywhere reached new hights.

We even learnt that a red silicon strap was leaked for the iWatch, maybe the most piss poor leak I ever heard.

Alan Denman

Surrealism and satire, not hate.

Come on guys, join the Apple universe.

All you need for complete happiness is that 100 buck stylus. You get 4 for the price of a Watch so grab 4 today.

Well, what d'you know: Raising e-book prices doesn't raise sales

Alan Denman

Re: It's really simple

Is it?

App,e could write their own biography, printit on tissue paper and whipe everyones arse with it in another glorious sales record.

Grinning BBC boss blows raspberry at UK.gov, eyes up buffet

Alan Denman

re - "parts of the world where there is a democratic deficit in impartial news.”

Sounds like the UK to me.

Advertisers are now king, free news seeking highest bidders to persuade/con the consumer.

Google bows to inevitable, stops forcing Google+ logins on YouTubers

Alan Denman

A fair argument is that FB keeps the plebs away....

a bit like iMessage keeping the plebby Android users away. Not a lot, a bit.

China's TCL strokes Android with its 17.3" fondleslab WHOPPER

Alan Denman

Depends on the quality of the split screen.

If hardly any third party apps split, it is kind of pointlesss.

Dual boot would be a good interim solution.

Fruity Firefox: Mozilla caves to Apple, unveils iOS-friendly browser

Alan Denman

Feature copies. Great !

"a problem occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded"

I can't wait to see a repeat of this great IOS 8.02+ feature.

Huge, absorbent iPad rumours recycled – and this time it's REAL. True

Alan Denman

Multi tasking W10 tablet for £100 to £200 or a walled in IOS

Enterprise is no go for IOS Im afraid, though it does have some Chromebook like advantages.

Yet there is stll a few sales to glitzy public facing enterprises, ridicule being not about to set in there for a long while

Sacré bleu! Apple, Nokia, Samsung et al end their three-year sulk over 'home taping' tax

Alan Denman

Ink tax?

Manufacturers already have their own 10,000% levy there!

Thing have moved on guys.

Wikipedia’s biggest scandal: Industrial-scale blackmail

Alan Denman

Are most Wiki editors employed to spin a vision?

Having had a run in with one prolific editor, I garnered that I had to stay open minded about Wiki truths.

The trick seems to be to get dodgy info published elsewhere thus ensuring half truths become become Wiki facts!

Saying that, Wikis are still better sources of fact than most but I do confirm what others say.

Sony's 4King with us now: Xperia Z5 mobe has UltraHD screen, cam

Alan Denman

re - all the customers you simply do not want.

Are all the 'I bought you and I hate you' ccomments ever real?

Unlikely, and it is hard say what reality distortion equipment they do use.

EU graciously lets Dutch splurge €33m on 'leccy car charger network

Alan Denman

10 times faster to be written off too?

Tesla will love it, fast charging the ideal way to sell new packs due to premature failure

Back to school: Six of the smartest cheap 'n' cheerful laptops

Alan Denman

2nd hand is now faster than new!

Most of these new breed are Bay Trail, this being the new Atom. (fast Atoms are called Pentium, though far faster Core Pentium also exist!)


Boffins laugh at Play Store bonehead security with instant app checker

Alan Denman

Apple bans similar analysis?

No flies on them!

Google tells iOS 9 app devs: Switch off HTTPS if you want that sweet sweet ad money from us

Alan Denman

Third party involvement

That is the problem , 'its my party' we shout, but developersrely on 3rd party ads to get a sometimes meagre income.

Solution, buy their paid version.

Take two mobes into the shower? I didn't before, but I do now

Alan Denman

For dopes addicted

Get a 2 Sim Moto G !

Wasted words.

Windows 10 blamed (partly) for stalled PC sales recovery

Alan Denman

Is that right?

The question now is, will 10 PCs and their abandonment of consumer OS rights appeal to the average punter?

I'm guessing so, there being so little inthe way of main media outcry to school us.

Glaring flaw in Apple car hype-gasm: The iGiant likes to make money

Alan Denman

Think Unicycle ....

Being tight wads. giving it only wheels makes for that 40% profit.

Its git to be an Apple unIcar.

Wileyfox smartphones: SD card, no bloatware, Cyanogen, big battery – yes to all!

Alan Denman

Swift comparison to Samsung

Seems closer to the iPhone 6 to me, screen being the front face of spec.

I dontget the Samsung comparison, what with absured Samsung screen resolutions and OLED

Visitors no longer welcomed to Scotland's 'Penis Island'

Alan Denman

Quite obviously..

A spelling mistake is a hard on to spot.

Směrť Špionam! BAN Windows 10, it SPIES too much, exclaim Russians

Alan Denman

The spying is by governments' requests.

Having ones cake and eating it comes to mind