Warehouse apps please.
Its all a bit bawk bawk bawk innit?.
1078 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2008
Apple certainly seem to hate to do standard business with anyone.
Their vulture fund means whoever they take over will cease to exist in the normal sense.
These will no doubt turn into another good buy considering the Apple consumers are quite famous for their giving. Those, retired from laptop orders, finger print scanners are next for those lucky lucky premium Apple users.
They own you and you can be adored by those fellow users if you buy Apple.
The Microsoft and Apple plan is no doubt to keep breaking HTML like they always have done.
So simply have one authority that advises people which browser to sue that works with real HTML !
Microsoft have proven untrustworthy here and Apple look headed the same way.
Where is the taming authority?
I'm sure Koh started the ball rolling by siding with Apple at the start.
The wise cracks were very much out of balance to a serious situation.
The whole thing is an only in America farce.
Apple have also swiped NFC with their new patent for an old new way to empty your wallet.
My opinion is that Oracle is betrothed to Microsoft and Apple and as such is also another enemy of technology innovation. Open source makes fine and dandy good press, but god help those who make a financial success of it.
Google's big big mistake was not 'being thankful' and just plodding on serving the two incumbents.
History dictates that ICT outsourcing is so catastrophic that disaster after disaster will occur with costing the council millions.
Putting ICT in the same sphere as 'emptying the bins' hardly ever works. So those making the decisions are likely to be fat cat bonus chasing tech dunces.
This is an extremely high risk manoeuvre that is likely to cost the people of Newcastle very dear..